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Sydney Colts - 2017

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Allen Oxlade (6)
Thinking that the definition of success is winning a 3rd grade Premiership when the 1sts and 2nds bombed out is accepting mediocrity. It was only success for the 3rds, no one else.

For starters I am the 3rd grade colts coach, After sinking 10 months of my time into this 2017 premiership. Travelling 90 minutes some days to get to training, time away from my job and my family like probably most volunteers in this game we love. I have a hard time from negative nancies like you 'enforcing' their opinion on the masses when more often than not it stands corrected. You seem to miss all the points I have made but manage to regurgitate your own. By the way who is your club team out of interest?


Negative nancies? Thats a good one lol. And the masses?
If ive got something positive to say Ill say it. I dont focus on negatives but my opinion is the Randwick Colts came up short overall given the talent on the books. Sorry if you dont like my opinion.
Congratulations on your victory for the 3rds. Good luck to you and all the players. No wonder you were taking it personally.
but i was talking about the overall Colts.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Negative nancies? Thats a good one lol. And the masses?
If ive got something positive to say Ill say it. I dont focus on negatives but my opinion is the Randwick Colts came up short overall given the talent on the books. Sorry if you dont like my opinion.
Congratulations on your victory for the 3rds. Good luck to you and all the players. No wonder you were taking it personally.
but i was talking about the overall Colts.

Caarrn Sidelineview you were being a negative nancy just admit it and I'll buy you an Emu burger.


Caarrn Sidelineview you were being a negative nancy just admit it and I'll buy you an Emu burger.

No i wasnt i was being fair dinkum.
Of course the 1sts and 2nds coaches would be disappointed with the way they bombed out in the Semis and considering the talent they had on the books.
Randwick supporters like me were definitely disappointed.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Randwick supporters like me were definitely disappointed.

Great, You're a Randwick Supporter! OK then instead of going on the internet under a hidden identity and having a moan why don't you join me and the other legend coaches at Latham Park next year? I'm sure you live up to everyone's expectations that know you so why not rub some of that off on the rest of us!

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
Great, You're a Randwick Supporter! OK then instead of going on the internet under a hidden identity and having a moan why don't you join me and the other legend coaches at Latham Park next year? I'm sure you live up to everyone's expectations that know you so why not rub some of that off on the rest of us!

Jimmy, I'll think you'll find he DOES have a lad at the club, and he is a long-time Randwick supporter - even before Colts age.
Hence his disappointment this season.


Bob McCowan (2)
Great, You're a Randwick Supporter! OK then instead of going on the internet under a hidden identity and having a moan why don't you join me and the other legend coaches at Latham Park next year? I'm sure you live up to everyone's expectations that know you so why not rub some of that off on the rest of us!
Legend Coaches yeah right....Your a bit of a tosser in my opinion. Do you even know what a legend is? Can't wait to see who is coaching at Randwick next year. I'm sure the boys at the top are not happy with only having a 3rd colt team make the GF out of the 7 teams in Randwick. What's your coaching history Jimmy? maybe you will get colts 2 next year for all you work you put in this year..


Frank Nicholson (4)
Anyone who calls anyone a tosser on this thread surely is throwing stones from glass houses. I think Jimmy was being jovial in calling the coaches Legends at the club, and you took it seriously.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
For starters I am the 3rd grade colts coach, After sinking 10 months of my time into this 2017 premiership. Travelling 90 minutes some days to get to training, time away from my job and my family like probably most volunteers in this game we love. I have a hard time from negative nancies like you 'enforcing' their opinion on the masses when more often than not it stands corrected. You seem to miss all the points I have made but manage to regurgitate your own. By the way who is your club team out of interest?

Good on you for putting up your hand and coaching a lower grade colts side. I've done it myself and know the amount of time and effort that you would have put in. Congratulations on winning the premiership, I'm sure that the boys appreciate your work. Don't let the knockers get to you.

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Negative nancies? Thats a good one lol. And the masses?
If ive got something positive to say Ill say it. I dont focus on negatives but my opinion is the Randwick Colts came up short overall given the talent on the books. Sorry if you dont like my opinion.
Congratulations on your victory for the 3rds. Good luck to you and all the players. No wonder you were taking it personally.
but i was talking about the overall Colts.
Instead of standing here sniping at JimmyLan, why don't you come down, offer to time keep, run water, fill water, help cart gear, etc?
No... Its much more fun to sit back and take pot shots at The like of these men that look after your grandson(s)/son(s). As to mediocrity, Boy, I would hate to be your grandkids/ kids.
Only got a TER of 97.8... Failure!!!! You dropped OVER 2 percentage points!
You had a team of gentlemen, both young and old, trying to advance the game and culture of Rugby and all you wish to do is sit back and take potshots?
There are men that could sit back and watch seniors and develop their coaching skills in lower grades, you even had injured senior guys helping out at training down to injured seniors attending and also running water.
That is the club culture I see, not the mediocrity that you and your ol mate tooo old to play have.
If you, or your friend tooold wish to aim up and be a part of Randwick Rugby, just contact any of the coaches, particularly JimmyLan. I'm sure that he will be able to find positions, such as setting up or stripping down the fields at home games, getting drinks, carrying tents etc.

But somehow I think that will be just a bit too hard for the both of you.

I now know why Hugh left this site.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Good on you for putting up your hand and coaching a lower grade colts side. I've done it myself and know the amount of time and effort that you would have put in. Congratulations on winning the premiership, I'm sure that the boys appreciate your work. Don't let the knockers get to you.

Cheers Quickhands, I look forward to hopefully having another run with the 3's next season! No ambition to coach anything higher here.


Instead of standing here sniping at JimmyLan, why don't you come down, offer to time keep, run water, fill water, help cart gear, etc?
No. Its much more fun to sit back and take pot shots at The like of these men that look after your grandson(s)/son(s). As to mediocrity, Boy, I would hate to be your grandkids/ kids.
Only got a TER of 97.8. Failure!!!! You dropped OVER 2 percentage points!
You had a team of gentlemen, both young and old, trying to advance the game and culture of Rugby and all you wish to do is sit back and take potshots?
There are men that could sit back and watch seniors and develop their coaching skills in lower grades, you even had injured senior guys helping out at training down to injured seniors attending and also running water.
That is the club culture I see, not the mediocrity that you and your ol mate tooo old to play have.
If you, or your friend tooold wish to aim up and be a part of Randwick Rugby, just contact any of the coaches, particularly JimmyLan. I'm sure that he will be able to find positions, such as setting up or stripping down the fields at home games, getting drinks, carrying tents etc.

But somehow I think that will be just a bit too hard for the both of you.

I now know why Hugh left this site.

You're confused.
For a start I didnt snipe JimmyLan. He reacted to my post which expressed disappointment with the overall Colts season, given the playing roster.

In fact I congratulated him and the players and admitted i hadn't considered the 3rds. I was focussed on the 1sts and 2nds. The word mediocrity came in as we 'discussed' the issue which I admit got out of hand.

I can certainly understand why he took it personally. and why he reacted. He puts in all the effort, wins a comp, is on a high and then reads negative comments. The truth is Colts 3rds was the only shining light in the season as far as results are concerned and thats not meant to be patronising.

I dont judge Uni or Randwick for recruiting/attracting talented young players to their Clubs because the system allows it. Whether that system is flawed or not is irrelevant to this season. It was what it was.

However, if Clubs choose to have a lot of talent on their playing roster which maxes out the players points totals, then it naturally follows that expectations regarding performance/results will be high.

Even though the 1sts and 2nds finished high on the ladder after the competition rounds, both teams put in disappointing 1st halfs in the Semis and missed out on the GFs.

Therefore the season overall regarding results in relation to playing talent was disappointing. I'm sure the coaching staff could admit that with an analytical and constructive viewpoint, but no one else can say it without attracting reactions. i can understand that too.

Results are not the only criteria by which to judge a successful season but under the circumstances they are significant.

I dont apologise for my posting but it did spark a discussion which got out of hand. That's regrettable.
Sorry if anyone thinks I was being too pragmatic but I dont shy away from it.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
^^^Never thought I'd defend Randwick.
Whatever the assessed talent of the wicks 1s and 2s suggested should be their performance I think you're belittling their efforts in getting to the semis.
This first season out of school is a huge change: a season 3 times as long, no crowds, massive life changes, playing in all parts of Sydney.
It's not all about winning.


^^^Never thought I'd defend Randwick.
Whatever the assessed talent of the wicks 1s and 2s suggested should be their performance I think you're belittling their efforts in getting to the semis.
This first season out of school is a huge change: a season 3 times as long, no crowds, massive life changes, playing in all parts of Sydney.
It's not all about winning.

I agree with you except the bit about belittling their efforts in making the Semis.
If they didnt make it something would have been drastically wrong with all things considered.
It's not about winning either, I agree.
I'm making myself the villain here or the devil's advocate but the performances in the Semis were disappointing.
It doesnt mean anyone needs to go and jump off the gap but who wouldn't agree?
Hang me but thats the truth.

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
Cheers Quickhands, I look forward to hopefully having another run with the 3's next season! No ambition to coach anything higher here.
Jimmy, I missed the thirds game.

Would you care to give a very brief rundown. Who played well for both sides?

Players to watch out for next year etc

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