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Sydney Colts - 2017

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Gabriel AOTC

Frank Row (1)
PUT IT IN THE BANK: Southern Districts Colts are three weeks into the Pre-Christmas program with solid numbers putting in some great efforts between the Gym and the Pitch - The training has been well organised and is focused on developing skills, knowledge and strength while bonding as a playing group.

Head Strength & Conditioning Guru KLINTON HOARE has returned from Rugby League World Cup duties and is working intensely with the Colts group to ensure all players have every opportunity to adopt a professional standard fitness program.

GET TO TRAINING: Tuesday and Thursday from 6.15pm at Forshaw Rugby Park - Colts and Grade together - Come and put some sweat in the bank for 2018...

SOUTH COLTS REPS: Congratulations to the Colts who have been selected for NSW Gen Blue and Australia U20's camp at the AIS in Canberra:

* NSW Gen Blue: Bayley Kunzle, Cooper Harris, Jordan Morris, Nathan Lawson, Ryan Longville and James Wayland
* Australian U20's: Bayley Kuenzie, Cooper Harris, Jordan Morris and Sama Malolo.
* Welcome back to Sama Malolo from playing in Perth with the Force development and Perth Spirit NRC.

TRAINING GEAR: The new Colts training kit has arrived and will be handed out over the coming training sessions.
Making it possible is a big contribution from the Sponsors - THANKS!

* Ashcroft Packaging: http://www.ashcroftpackaging.com.au
* O’Connor Electrical
* Strictly Plumbing
* Fifes Stockfeed

2018 COLTS TRIALS: The rubber hits the road - time to find out just how good we really are...

* Sat 3rd March v Bowral @ Bowral COLTS ONLY - Bus Trip
* Sat 10 March v Gordon @ Redmond, Brighton-le-Sands
* Sat 17 March v Illawarriors @ Campbelltown Showground
* Sat 24 March v West Harbour @ Redmond, Brighton-le-Sands

UK DEVELOPMENT TOUR: A once in a lifetime Rugby experience - December 2018 vs Northampton Saints, Bristol and Bath Academies and the Driffield RFC Seniors
UOW SCHOLARSHIPS: University of Wollongong have eight Scholarships available for School Leavers who join Souths Colts - get in touch ASAP, these won't last!

COACHES & MANAGERS: We are still looking for talented Coaches and Managers to join the Colts Club in 2018 - Get involved with a great team at Souths Colts

REBELS MUSTER: Southern Districts has several Colts and Grade players joining the club from NSW Country, Interstate and Overseas in 2018 and need a hand from the Rebels community with the following:

* Accommodation - A spare room that the guest players can lodge in over the season - They will be working and can pay board - All professional athletes and well behaved

* Furniture - An old Fridge, Washing Machine, Couch, BBQ, Bed, TV or Microwave for the Souths Rugby Academy can go a long way to make the players comfortable

* Jobs - All the lads can work when they are not training or playing so if your business needs a very capable hand then get in touch

* Clobber - With limited luggage some snappy hand me down threads for the Disco on Saturday Night or Church on Sunday is greatly appreciated.

CONTACT - From information or enquiries on any of the above contact - Keith Holmes: keith@keithholmes.com.au

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
In the absence of the late departed Hugh, I have started a 2018 thread.

Best if we start posting club activities and player movements for 2018 in the relevant thread.

Gabriel, sounds like Southern are well organised and will build on their 2017 strong season. Definitely have some high level talent returning.

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