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The problem with the NRC and how to fix it

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Thant seems to change from year to year - if i recall NSW teams did alright last year. Even did alright lastweekend.

They are sitting st a 41% win ratio in 2017... Since NRC inception, NSW teams are averaging a 39% win ratio.

Culling the Stars in 2015 certainly improved the 2016 results in addition to a larger window between the completion of the SS and beginning of the NRC, but then for 2017 the Shute Shield shifted their season and that window is gone, and as predicted the teams competitiveness seems to have dropped again.

2014: 37% (4 teams)
2015: 21% (4 teams)
2016: 66% (3 teams)
2017: 42% (3 teams)

Only 1 year in 4 have NSW teams won more games then they’ve lost.


Il post QLD figures as well since they’re the only other state with multiple teams, 2016 was Cleary an abysmal year for QLD.

2014: 50% (Brisbane City Premiers)
2015: 62% (Brisbane City Premiers)
2016: 21%
2017: 71%

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Peter Johnson (47)
Would youmind clarifying the above please.
SS is on FTA - how.
SRU played a HUGE role in enabling that to happen.
I believe FTA rating have continued to improve as well.
No. Clarification has already been provided earlier in this conversation.


Michael Lynagh (62)
I'm a good rugby man, that enjoys club ruby.

Thats a good questions that I cant answer.

I'm not a league fan at all but I enjoyed league back in the Windfield cup days where players played for clubs more than money - most of them worked a 9 - 5 job, they were real people.

NRC I have never said i didnt like it - maybe itjust hasnt grown on me yet.

I liked the old days whn North Hbr played South Hbr as a trial for Sydney who then played NSW Country - maybe 3 teams Nth / Sth / Country.

Fair enough - you are probably then just not the market the ARC/NRC's after then - different horses for different courses.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
No. Clarification has already been provided earlier in this conversation.

Thats a serious cop out that onlly looks at a pimple (ACT) on the arse of Australia.

All rugby comps play a part in the building blocks of making rugby great again - and it is the same old people sledgeing the Shute, is it jelousy I dont know, it is a rugy comp that is now self sufficient and doing well and is on FTA.

One of our miss givings is only focusing on certains segments, and example ouside ofclub rugby.
Why did the Aust Schools team consistttt of Private School kids.
Why does rugby league capture private school, and a huge amount public school.

Pimple on the arse.


Peter Johnson (47)
Thats a serious cop out that onlly looks at a pimple (ACT) on the arse of Australia.

All rugby comps play a part in the building blocks of making rugby great again - and it is the same old people sledgeing the Shute, is it jelousy I dont know, it is a rugy comp that is now self sufficient and doing well and is on FTA.

One of our miss givings is only focusing on certains segments, and example ouside ofclub rugby.
Why did the Aust Schools team consistttt of Private School kids.
Why does rugby league capture private school, and a huge amount public school.

Pimple on the arse.

With all due respect. please go back and read the whole conversation from all contributors.

I am both surprised and disappointed as your usual comments are normally considered and rational. In reference to being a cop out, the clarification you seek can be found at post #19 and thank you for validation of the first part of post #24 . I also believe the second part of the comment is also apt.


Stan Wickham (3)
Absolute lol at the suggestions of lowering NSW to 2 teams. If the city that holds near a quarter of the country's population and is a rugby stronghold can't sustain 2 teams then why are we bothering at all?

The problem with Sydney Rugby (since the beginning of time) is that they refuse to acknowledge that Western Sydney exists. This talk of "grass roots" is all horse shit if they don't allocate heavily into the west. One NRC team in the west. One NRC team in the east. Rugby of ALL SPORTS in this country would see instant class rivalry between those two teams. That can't happen if there is no rugby clubs in the west.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Absolute lol at the suggestions of lowering NSW to 2 teams. If the city that holds near a quarter of the country's population and is a rugby stronghold can't sustain 2 teams then why are we bothering at all?

The problem with Sydney Rugby (since the beginning of time) is that they refuse to acknowledge that Western Sydney exists. This talk of "grass roots" is all horse shit if they don't allocate heavily into the west. One NRC team in the west. One NRC team in the east. Rugby of ALL SPORTS in this country would see instant class rivalry between those two teams. That can't happen if there is no rugby clubs in the west.

The ARU are doing this on the cheap. Clubs whose charter is to "run the game" in a geographic area of Sydney but who jointly venture to produce an NRC do not have the resources to throw at growing the game anywhere other than within their geographic area of responsibility. This is an ARU/NSWRU issue and if they had been doing their job for the last, say, 21 years there would be some basis for an NRC team in far western Sydney.


Shute Shield clubs don’t truly want Western Sydney to be strong, otherwise they would have put mechanisms in place to prevent the vacuum of talent from Western clubs to eastern clubs.

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Tim Horan (67)
Relationship building.

NSW seems a world of rugby silos. Shute Shield clubs, Subbies clubs, NSWRU and Waratahs Inc - all different silos.

Shute Shield clubs certainly are part of the reason behind those silos, in my mind. But I suspect that is irrelevant. If rugby is to go forward some serious stakeholder management is required.

An intelligent ARU and NSWRU might do a lot worse than to start this with some serious stakeholder engagement with the Shute Shield clubs - with a mind to build a bridge to the NRC.


Stan Wickham (3)
With or without a formal bridge from Shute Shield --> NRC, there's nothing stopping a few NRC personnel scouting the standout SS players and approaching them individually. Surely that's what's happening now in some capacity.


Phil Kearns (64)
Shute Shield clubs don’t truly want Western Sydney to be strong, otherwise they would have put mechanisms in place to prevent the vacuum of talent from Western clubs to eastern clubs.

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If you were a kid who grew up in, say, Penrith, and you were offered to chance to live and work and play rugby in a beachside suburb, why on earth should you be stopped? And how could you be stopped?

When I was a kid, all the district clubs had defined geographical catchments. So if you wanted to play for Gordon, for example, you had to have an residential address in their geographical catchment.

Can you guess what happened?


If you were a kid who grew up in, say, Penrith, and you were offered to chance to live and work and play rugby in a beachside suburb, why on earth should you be stopped? And how could you be stopped?

Haha that’s a nice spin on things.. what about the kids who just want to play at a professional level and live near their families, yet have to move east because the clubs out west aren’t competitive?

The sad reality is that Eastern Suburb clubs plunder the western suburbs of any competitive talent they have, it creates a vicious cycle that’s near impossible to break given the current mindset of the Shute Shield powers that be. Penrith and Parramatta aren’t competitive because they can’t retain talent, they don’t attract sponsorship or support because they aren competitive, they can’t afford to pay players like the Eastern Suburban clubs because don’t attract sponsors.. and the circle goes round and round..

End result is that you have Penrith and Parramatta with a combined points differential of -1000 across the season. Every other code but rugby recognises that Western Sydney is an area which requires investment, yet rather then making some sacrifices to ensure that the clubs grow out west, rugby and SS clubs continue to be selfish and concerned only about their own little(shrinking) footprint.

Rugby union in Western Sydney is indicative of everything which is wrong with Australian Rugby. I’m not from Sydney but I’ve been here 7 years now, and the situation leaves me a little despondent for the future of rugby.


Phil Kearns (64)
Gee there are a lot of things wrong with Australian Rugby, aren't there? And they are all the fault of the ARU.

Get a grip on reality, old chap. If you are a kid growing up in the western suburbs of Sydney you have a far greater chance of getting a pro contract in the other codes.

You do know that rugby league, and the AFL are actually far bigger, far richer, and far more popular? Not to mention the round ball code.

That is not the fault of the administrators of our game, as much as people like you like to keep spriuking.

It would not matter how much sacrifice the other clubs make, it would make no difference at all. If the local communities like the game, and want to support it, volunteer to coach and run junior teams, and so on, then clubs like Parramatta and Penriith have a chance of surviving. If they don't, it would not matter if we put 100% of the game's net national revenues into the west.


Gee there are a lot of things wrong with Australian Rugby, aren't there? And they are all the fault of the ARU.
Clearly in this circumstance I was taking aim at the practices of the Shute Shield clubs, but yes the ARU are also at fault, when they signed the new broadcast agreement they promised a splurge of funding for grassroots funding in Western Sydney and even an academy... that has all but evaporated now due to mismanagement from the ARU

Get a grip on reality, old chap. If you are a kid growing up in the western suburbs of Sydney you have a far greater chance of getting a pro contract in the other codes.
So we just hoist up the white flag and concede defeat? 15 years ago professional opportunities for rugby were greater then the AFL in Western Sydney.. since then the AFL took a proactive approach, Rugby didn’t and they’ve lost even more ground.

That is not the fault of the administrators of our game, as much as people like you like to keep spriuking.
Yes it is

It would not matter how much sacrifice the other clubs make, it would make no difference at all.

You say sacrifice, I say player payments... one good coach is of more value then one good player, imagine if those player payments were directed into coaching and development officer streams.
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