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Wallabies 2023


Bob Loudon (25)
Plus the arrogance of anyone connected with, or invested in, Aus rugby to think that a good coach in Europe would automatically be interested. I mean if the whole rugby world does not recognise a complete basket case when they see it...
Why would anyone want to take it on?
Probably money, lifestyle .. fame/notoriety for turning a once proud rugby nations fortunes around


Bob Loudon (25)
The day the All Blacks get a Australian head coach you can proceed to groan


Bob Loudon (25)
The day you make one iota of sense, you can tell me what to do.
Just remember the only reason your precious Robbie deans coached the wallabies in the first place was because he was couldn’t get the top job in NZ…
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Nathan Sharpe (72)
Just remember the only reason your precious Robbie deans coached the wallabies in the first place was because he was couldn’t get the top job in NZ…

Which was met by a lot of consternation from sections of the Eastern States at the time.

Deans ultimately realised he couldn't work in a system where political bullshit carried through from schools to senior rugby, and the quality he had available was nowhere near the standard he expected.


Bob Loudon (25)
Which was met by a lot of consternation from sections of the Eastern States at the time.

Deans ultimately realised he couldn't work in a system where political bullshit carried through from schools to senior rugby, and the quality he had available was nowhere near the standard he expected.

You’d be praying for some of that early 2000s “quality” to be taking the field against Wales tomorrow morning …
Deans had some of the GOATs of Australian rugby under him ..

I don't buy that “ system” excuse either.That “system” at that stage of Aus rugby, had produced 2 WC winning sides and third runner up …

Reality is was he was extremely stubborn and very unpopular with the players ,caused division within the side (this is well documented) …

On a stats level he had a shit average wining percentage and terrible track record against the ABs, (so much so, conspiracy theories starting popping up he was he a NZ plant lol … )

He isn’t someone you’d even consider bringing back now and doesn’t even slightly stand out from the other coaches we’ve had in the last 20years, no matter whatever kiwi revisionism is going on here.
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Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I don't buy that “ system” excuse either.That “system” at that stage of Aus rugby, had produced 2 WC winning sides and third runner up …

Are you talking about the system that at best was in place a decade prior to that Lions' series loss?


Bob Loudon (25)
And yet it has utterly failed to evolve in any meaningful sense, and is therefore no longer fit for purpose.

NZ are heading down this road as well.
Hence “ at the time “ ….

3 World Cup appearances is pretty impressive. That’s a solid legacy
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Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
Coach is moot without a high performance director to sort the pathways and structure out. Will be feast or famine absent that - waiting for the odd good vintage of players that combine to get a handful of good results. Won’t be any consistency.