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Waratahs 2017

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John Thornett (49)
There is certainly something amiss in the Tahs set up. Lots of over aggression and fighting during games which shows there is a high level of frustration.

General looks of being pissed of when someone stuffs up. There doesn't appear to be any supportive reassurance on the field towards each other.

Morale is very low.

I vaguely feel we've been here before.


Mark Ella (57)
Another 40 points. Defence is easy fixed Grey boy. Toddle off now to complete destroying the Wallabies now, don't worry the ARU will pay you on their performance plan, that is lots for doing really really bad.

As for the Tahs, not one of them deserves to get paid. Unprofessional, unprepared, uninterested, just un-everything.

Surely Swiss should be reviewing their sponsorship with the ARU "giving the Wallabies the winning edge" made me LOL yet again, when the Wallabies in the Tahs couldn't have less of an edge than the back of a spoon and all the impact of a nerf gun.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
There is certainly something amiss in the Tahs set up. Lots of over aggression and fighting during games which shows there is a high level of frustration.

General looks of being pissed of when someone stuffs up. There doesn't appear to be any supportive reassurance on the field towards each other.

Morale is very low.

I vaguely feel we've been here before.
I'm told Latu didn't play last week for discipline reasons - also a reflection something is a miss.


John Eales (66)
I don't normally post in the other teams forums but I had to point out what I saw as a very undisciplined and low energy performance from the Tahs. I think Gibson has lost the dressing room, but at the same time I think some of these boys play like a bunch of over privileged brats. Something is wrong with this group, as others have pointed out. I feel bad for Tahs fans, because they have dished up some absolute rubbish this season. Fire the coach and maybe a few of the players too.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
To borrow a line from that famous spray when Tony Rea coached the Brumbies,
"It's in the wood"

There's something about the culture at Moore Park, has been since inception.
Occasionally they have a season where they don't completely underperform,but they are outliers, then it's back to the usual angst.
Maybe it's harder to get sacked,than to be recruited?
Whatever it is, the joint is proper broken.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Tahs need a rebuild from the top down. The Reds could use a shake up as well.
Lets hope for a much better 2018 for both and the other Oz Super sides.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Another 40 points. Defence is easy fixed Grey boy. Toddle off now to complete destroying the Wallabies now, don't worry the ARU will pay you on their performance plan, that is lots for doing really really bad.

As for the Tahs, not one of them deserves to get paid. Unprofessional, unprepared, uninterested, just un-everything.

Surely Swiss should be reviewing their sponsorship with the ARU "giving the Wallabies the winning edge" made me LOL yet again, when the Wallabies in the Tahs couldn't have less of an edge than the back of a spoon and all the impact of a nerf gun.
Had the same reaction.
If the wallabies start with Swisse I'm sticking with berocca.


Ken Catchpole (46)
To borrow a line from that famous spray when Tony Rea coached the Brumbies,
"It's in the wood"

There's something about the culture at Moore Park, has been since inception.
Occasionally they have a season where they don't completely underperform,but they are outliers, then it's back to the usual angst.
Maybe it's harder to get sacked,than to be recruited?
Whatever it is, the joint is proper broken.

On many occasions it looks like the hardest thing the players want to achieve is to get into the starting lineup. Playing their guts out against fierce opposition doesn't seem to be a priority throughout the squad.


Peter Johnson (47)
Its called a sense of entitlement.

It very strong in the Tahs on many level but it also extends to other teams.

Usually when you have poor performances you have the Coach and captains held accountable then look towards the CEO or the like for the resolution.

Aussie rugby too is rife with nepotism, politics, ego's and insecurities to face the realities it needs to.

Look at the Tah's and Brumbies and tell me which of these persons is being scrutinised for the poor performance and will be held accountable; Gibson, Hooper, Hore, Larkham, Carter, Thompson.

There is only one and he is an easy scape goat and not in a clique.

2x are CEO's that are protected politically and when its performance issue on the field seem to get an automatic distance buffer and kept out of the conversation.

The other 3 are ARU pets and have total immunity so performance will not feature as a performance measure in any way shape or form.

If this is the roots of a team or club the rest of the problems are pretty obvious.

The word culture gets bantered around as somethings that is an easy fix but when you have an ingrained generation the best you can hope for is attitude realignment. Its what Cheika did as a short term fix to get his results and now the Tah are back to their default culture of substandard performance.


Alex Ross (28)
From my perspective, that sense of entitlement and almost inherited arrogance because a player has been "chosen to be a Waratah" is what irks me most.

At the end of the day, the players should be going out there; to play a game they love, for the team they've been lucky to be chosen to represent, and actually want to play for each other.

Watching some of the players faces in anguish as they play, giving it their all, whilst others seem (to me) to be kind of, riding the wave (of what it seems to me) of being a Waratah, is what shits me.
Their needs to be a culture shift, again.

As others have mentioned before, there is a sense of de ja vu with the team. I was at the end of Season dinner in 2012, and was on stage, asked by Clarkie to surmise the season in one word. I chose "tumultuous".
This time, if asked, I don't think I'd say that, more like, disappointing.

But, next year is a new season, a new beginning, a chance to make it right & sort out the shit of this year.
Bring it on.


Mark Ella (57)
I actually agree with the reported view of Gibson that he doesn't like EPS contracts. I have always been of the view that they don't work. Peterson is the best example, and do nothing by make a financial imperative for the EPS squad to make the cut. Better to just have everyone in Shute and similar clubs playing and competing for the spots. For that matter if many in the match 23 were under threat of getting dropped to Shute level maybe they would find some motivation to work on their skills and application levels.

As for the culture, some may remember I was lampooned for posting such things about the Tahs way before the fan forum was held. I asked the question which remains pertinent now, why have so many coaches and players come and gone from the Tahs to produce the same results or at best under Link a dire rubbish brand of Rugby dumbed down so they couldn't do it wrong? It isn't a single word "culture" answer that many would like, there are many facets to it, including the first paragraph, but also the ridiculous myth of running Rugby that we are enslaved to, but nobody can really define. That second part then feeds into selections of players to suit but finding that the myth doesn't cut the real world (and it never did because the myth was based on accurate dominant kicking).
The two Australian Super titles of the last decade look like the stars aligning for Link and Cheika and not much more, there has been no lasting improvements at either province, no structural changes to bring on the next generation.
Contrast with the Crusdaers, Chiefs and Canes where we have seen generational changes two and three times without a drop in performance and in some cases an increase. The whole edifice of Australian Rugby is crook, it is purely about money from the top down, performance is something that they believe can be bought, it is why after the RWC 199 and 2003 we have seen a steady decline in Australian performance except for a few brief blips. It is why the Tahs are an abject failure.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Better to just have everyone in Shute and similar clubs playing and competing for the spots. For that matter if many in the match 23 were under threat of getting dropped to Shute level maybe they would find some motivation to work on their skills and application levels.
Absolutely right.
Especially if the SS coaches were encouraged to work on the dropped player's missing skills.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Whoever the coach is next year needs to realise that Hooper is not the captain for the tahs

Who else should do it?

He's the only senior player who has consistently put in and tried hard for 80 minutes every game.

The season has been a disaster but outside of Hooper, Foley and to a lesser extent Folau the overwhelming majority of players have been absolutely dire, particularly the other senior players.

I'm told Latu didn't play last week for discipline reasons - also a reflection something is a miss.

He attended his partner's university graduation on the Thursday and missed training. It is not known whether he asked to be excused, was denied and went anyway or just didn't ask and didn't turn up to training. Either way, that is why he was stood down (I don't agree with it unless he didn't ask to miss training).

He then got injured playing for Sydney Uni which is why he missed the Force game.

One eyed pirate

Ward Prentice (10)
Whoever the coach is next year needs to realise that Hooper is not the captain for the tahs
I'm a big fan of hooper as a player but I am not sure about him as captain. But who else could it be? - the problem is they are lacking some players.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Chilla Wilson (44)
I don't think Hooper at captain is the cause or solution to any of the Tahs' problems.

He doesn't seem to play worse with the captaincy, he's well respected within the group, well spoken in the media, and he's a handy player (outside of the 'not a true 7' discussion).


Ken Catchpole (46)
I don't think Hooper at captain is the cause or solution to any of the Tahs' problems.

He doesn't seem to play worse with the captaincy, he's well respected within the group, well spoken in the media, and he's a handy player (outside of the 'not a true 7' discussion).

I particularly liked his deflection of the standard "how disappointed are you" question after the loss to the Force. He went straight to congratulating the Force and Hodgo in particular. Good answer.
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