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Waratahs 2022

Members Section

John Thornett (49)
Should have partnered with team from Vegas

San Diego is a great little town for a surf, head across the boarder to Tijuana for some taco's & a corona. Nice lil get away.

But seriously its like an NFL team partnering with Newcastle or Geelong madness, Gilchrist owns a team in the 2nd biggest city & a team in the fastest growing city in the usa. The Tahs/NSWRU must really hate him. Or its all a sneaky way of trying to sign Ma'a Nonu?


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Can someone explain to me to what the Waratahs get from this partnership with Dan Diego

The objective of the partnership between the Waratahs and the Legion is to assist both organisations to promote and grow the game in their home jurisdictions, exchange business operations ideas, evolve game day experiences, foster and grow players, coaching, and administration talent, and develop potential business and commercial opportunities.

A major part of the partnership focuses on high performance and elite player development allowing the NSW Waratahs and San Diego Legion the opportunity to work collaboratively by exchanging players, sharing talent identification information, as well as providing opportunities for development players to experience the rugby culture in another country.

The partnership aims to develop collective commercial initiatives incorporating both organisations’ assets, with the goal of building the profile of the Waratahs brand in the USA market while simultaneously building the profile of San Diego Legion in Australia and Asia Pacific region.

These initiatives include joint memberships, sponsorship and merchandise along with opportunities for both organisation’s commercial partners to have a broader reach into the respective American and Pacific regions.


Michael Lynagh (62)
The objective of the partnership between the Waratahs and the Legion is to assist both organisations to promote and grow the game in their home jurisdictions, exchange business operations ideas, evolve game day experiences, foster and grow players, coaching, and administration talent, and develop potential business and commercial opportunities.

A major part of the partnership focuses on high performance and elite player development allowing the NSW Waratahs and San Diego Legion the opportunity to work collaboratively by exchanging players, sharing talent identification information, as well as providing opportunities for development players to experience the rugby culture in another country.

The partnership aims to develop collective commercial initiatives incorporating both organisations’ assets, with the goal of building the profile of the Waratahs brand in the USA market while simultaneously building the profile of San Diego Legion in Australia and Asia Pacific region.

These initiatives include joint memberships, sponsorship and merchandise along with opportunities for both organisation’s commercial partners to have a broader reach into the respective American and Pacific regions.
Thanks Reg this helps. I asked this as to genuinely understand and not so much question tahs pursuing. Probably because where mlr at perhaps not so sure of benefits (or just not wrapped my brain around it moreso) but from a long term perspective makes sense and as like with Stan offering more (global) rugby content gives opportunity for tahs brand I suppose to grow in USA.

Looks like a good commercial opportunity in reflecting on focus areas per what you posted above - at least from long term perspective. Interesting as not an expert on commercial side of sport but seems consistent with my limited understanding of lot of the direction sporting organisations going with global digital brands and strategies.
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Bob Loudon (25)
From my limited knowledge the Legion & the Seawolves are two of the best supported teams in the MLR so must be doing something right to engage their local community. The Seawolves are already in a partnership with the Crusaders so I think we got the next best team in the US which will continue to grow, a good move.


Nathan Sharpe (72)


Nathan Sharpe (72)
"Reset" is hardly an inspiring slogan.

The fans in the photo being mostly anglo-looking is an interesting take as well. We've got a quarter of our squad with non-Euro heritage. A lot of clubs - and our national team - have a heavy Pacific Islander presence.

Not sure marketing have hit the target here.


John Solomon (38)
"Reset" is hardly an inspiring slogan.

The fans in the photo being mostly anglo-looking is an interesting take as well. We've got a quarter of our squad with non-Euro heritage. A lot of clubs - and our national team - have a heavy Pacific Islander presence.

Not sure marketing have hit the target here.
Marketing the Tahs to non-Anglo's outside the Eastern suburbs and North Shore? Interesting idea, I wonder if they've ever considered it.

John S

Chilla Wilson (44)
Marketing the Tahs to non-Anglo's outside the Eastern suburbs and North Shore? Interesting idea, I wonder if they've ever considered it.
Well, they probably won't get past Parramatta at the furthest west if they do consider it


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Marketing the Tahs to non-Anglo's outside the Eastern suburbs and North Shore? Interesting idea, I wonder if they've ever considered it.
It depends on whether the plan is to try to consolidate the current market or to develop a new market

My guess is that they are f*ck until they have something and somewhere compelling to sell and they will save their $$$ until the stadium opens. Until then is is whatever stock photos are cheapest


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Not to mention that graphic looks like it was put together by a blind 73 year old on Microsoft paint.



Nathan Sharpe (72)
"Reset" is hardly an inspiring slogan.

The fans in the photo being mostly anglo-looking is an interesting take as well. We've got a quarter of our squad with non-Euro heritage. A lot of clubs - and our national team - have a heavy Pacific Islander presence.

Not sure marketing have hit the target here.
Tahs are so out of touch they have achieved stable orbit.

Theyve made fuck all signings, haven't really fixed up back of house and have their most inexperienced coach ever? so it's really unclear how it's a reset.

I get that you are supposed to support your team through thick and thin but fuck me they are making it hard.


Phil Kearns (64)
On a positive note they are getting the new high performance centre, but at the same time i'm yet to see any direct correlation with high performance centres and team success.


Michael Lynagh (62)
It depends on whether the plan is to try to consolidate the current market or to develop a new market

My guess is that they are f*ck until they have something and somewhere compelling to sell and they will save their $$$ until the stadium opens. Until then is is whatever stock photos are cheapest
Your suggesting they have a strategy - how is that western Sydney strategy also going I wonder


Michael Lynagh (62)
"Reset" is hardly an inspiring slogan.

The fans in the photo being mostly anglo-looking is an interesting take as well. We've got a quarter of our squad with non-Euro heritage. A lot of clubs - and our national team - have a heavy Pacific Islander presence.

Not sure marketing have hit the target here.
I am going to try and be objective here and adopt a wait and see for tahs. It has been a shambles in recent years but maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel and way forward.

We have hooper and hanigan back from Japan, appointment of Coleman, and other developments to look forward to. Key one is remind me when the tahs will have sfs rebuilt and ready for them as their home ground. Not having a home ground during this tumultuous period has certainly added to the pain and disconnect with fans…