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Where to for Super Rugby?

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Jim Lenehan (48)
As I've mentioned above it could work in two phases. The domestic phase and the international. Each looks to go to 3x6 teams domestic structure in the first plus finals. That's 12 weeks. Then in the second phase combine the three while including the three PI's and three other teams into a two 2x6 Cup competitions playing a single round robin for 5 games each with the top 2 from each going into the finals. All up 8 weeks.
There is no way the 4 clubs that don’t make the next phase could survive on 5 home games a year. Clubs have already made that known about next years reduction to 6. You’d end up with every decent player moving to the 2 clubs that make the finals every year and create a monopoly in each league involved. Pros playing 10 games isn’t enough for development, that includes if they play another handful of games in a semi-pro NRC comp on top of that


David Codey (61)
There is no way the 4 clubs that don’t make the next phase could survive on 5 home games a year. Clubs have already made that known about next years reduction to 6. You’d end up with every decent player moving to the 2 clubs that make the finals every year and create a monopoly in each league involved. Pros playing 10 games isn’t enough for development, that includes if they play another handful of games in a semi-pro NRC comp on top of that

That's why I offered two options. The second one would involve all 6 in this scenario meaning they'll get 15 games a season.


Tim Horan (67)
I read on ROAR someone suggesting to make the comp better and even it up there should perhaps be a draft system where players from all countries players were put in. The idea being that it would create an even comp.
See there are plenty of crazy ideas that people have got, but many have a fraction of useful idea in them. ( though I not sure that one has)


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Thinking about a way forward in Oz in 2020, we can probably assume that the July Tests for the Wallabies are cactus.

And since the NRL are aiming to be up and going again by mid-late May, why not aim or a similar timeline for Rugby?

Obviously approvals from different levels of Govt would be required to even get going behind closed doors, but there's only been 5 cases of Covid in Townsville this month which doesn't suggest it's on the loose up there so I think that shapes as a good base for a comp.

And Townsville Council have told the NRL they'd be happy to host them....... but might be able to get Rugby in there if NRL goes down a different route. https://www.townsvillebulletin.com....n/news-story/e3b23fdbf2ff76eb78227acbbf4258f8

Also only 15 confirmed Covid cases in Fiji and none in Samoa so rather being stuck with a 5 team comp of the Aus Super teams and the Force, why not try ad add in a Fijian Drua style team or combined Pacific Islands side to make it 6 teams and get a bit of funding from World Rugby for it?

Could base all the teams on Magnetic Island in the Peppers Hotel or even Base Backpackers and then ferry them over to QCB Stadium in Townsville. Would be under an hour trip from Hotel to the Stadium. Just park a bus at the ferry terminal and whip the players into the ground. Maybe you need to whack everyone there for a couple weeks before starting the comp as a quarantine process.

Then you could run a 10 week comp like this:
ARC 2020.JPG

Maybe throw in a Grand Final for the top 2 on July 25th. By then, hopefully Covid19 under control in Aus & NZ and we can have a 3 match Bledisloe series. Or otherwise drop into the NRC until crowds are allowed back to watch Tests.

Might be able to move the competition "Bubble" around the country a bit so players aren't away from family for a full 2 months but maybe not depending on what the virus is doing.

Would be nice if some of the press was actually about getting the game going again rather trying to send it down the gurgler.


David Codey (61)
Thinking about a way forward in Oz in 2020, we can probably assume that the July Tests for the Wallabies are cactus.

And since the NRL are aiming to be up and going again by mid-late May, why not aim or a similar timeline for Rugby?

Obviously approvals from different levels of Govt would be required to even get going behind closed doors, but there's only been 5 cases of Covid in Townsville this month which doesn't suggest it's on the loose up there so I think that shapes as a good base for a comp.

And Townsville Council have told the NRL they'd be happy to host them... but might be able to get Rugby in there if NRL goes down a different route. https://www.townsvillebulletin.com....n/news-story/e3b23fdbf2ff76eb78227acbbf4258f8

Also only 15 confirmed Covid cases in Fiji and none in Samoa so rather being stuck with a 5 team comp of the Aus Super teams and the Force, why not try ad add in a Fijian Drua style team or combined Pacific Islands side to make it 6 teams and get a bit of funding from World Rugby for it?

Could base all the teams on Magnetic Island in the Peppers Hotel or even Base Backpackers and then ferry them over to QCB Stadium in Townsville. Would be under an hour trip from Hotel to the Stadium. Just park a bus at the ferry terminal and whip the players into the ground. Maybe you need to whack everyone there for a couple weeks before starting the comp as a quarantine process.

Then you could run a 10 week comp like this:
View attachment 11391

Maybe throw in a Grand Final for the top 2 on July 25th. By then, hopefully Covid19 under control in Aus & NZ and we can have a 3 match Bledisloe series. Or otherwise drop into the NRC until crowds are allowed back to watch Tests.

Might be able to move the competition "Bubble" around the country a bit so players aren't away from family for a full 2 months but maybe not depending on what the virus is doing.

Would be nice if some of the press was actually about getting the game going again rather trying to send it down the gurgler.

If things get to the point where we can look at resuming I'd actually like to see it in the Spring. A little clear air from the likes of the NRL/AFL and if possible a Bledisloe series in lieu of the November tour.


Jim Lenehan (48)
If things get to the point where we can look at resuming I'd actually like to see it in the Spring. A little clear air from the likes of the NRL/AFL and if possible a Bledisloe series in lieu of the November tour.
I get where you are coming from here. Football wise it would make sense. However the game needs cash flow now, so playing asap is the priority. It also means clubs can start generating some sponsorship revenue that has dried up.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Yeah, not sure if we have the cash reserves to sit around not playing until Spring.

Maybe RugbyAU are still hopeful Ireland can get out here but that Series might be better off being played in August now.

Would be a handy time to bring Twiggy into the fold.


Jim Lenehan (48)
SMH reporting that Sunwolves could come in to make 6 teams if a comp gets up and running.

Also given there isn’t going to be any crowds. What would people think about mid week footy. Considering if we are up and running at some stage in the coming months, it’d be safe to say so would the NRL and AFL. Given the desperation for content by tv providers, would people be adverse to the idea of our content been available mid week. So say there was 2-3 games a week. Could easily be played Mon-Tues-Weds night and maximizing our potential viewership. Would also be a good chance to boost viewer numbers with tv rights needing to be sorted.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Yeah, when I was thinking up a possible draw yesterday I had a "Wednesday round" in it to get the comp over really quick but thought it would impact performance too much making blokes back up on Saturday from a Wednesday match.

And if you plan for it to be on weeknights only, what if crowds are allowed back to watch live at some point? You could just have a "Half-Week Bye" to reset to weekends but mid-week to begin with also makes it tougher for fans to put a few beers away even just watching at home or with one/two mates invited over.

Sunwolves availability might depend on what happens with virus over the next week or 2 in Japan. Whereas, there is bugger all of it in the Pacific Islands so you could perhaps have a chat to Twiggy and try get his Global Rapid Rugby Fiji/Samoa teams to combine for this comp.


David Codey (61)
Yeah, when I was thinking up a possible draw yesterday I had a "Wednesday round" in it to get the comp over really quick but thought it would impact performance too much making blokes back up on Saturday from a Wednesday match.

And if you plan for it to be on weeknights only, what if crowds are allowed back to watch live at some point? You could just have a "Half-Week Bye" to reset to weekends but mid-week to begin with also makes it tougher for fans to put a few beers away even just watching at home or with one/two mates invited over.

Sunwolves availability might depend on what happens with virus over the next week or 2 in Japan. Whereas, there is bugger all of it in the Pacific Islands so you could perhaps have a chat to Twiggy and try get his Global Rapid Rugby Fiji/Samoa teams to combine for this comp.

Would also be interesting to see if HK could get involved. Would require a few weeks lead in for planning as they'll all have to get permission to travel here and then undergo quarantine. We could even set up a loan system for them in order to get as many extended squad players as possbile some time on the field.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
SMH reporting that Sunwolves could come in to make 6 teams if a comp gets up and running.

Also given there isn’t going to be any crowds. What would people think about mid week footy. Considering if we are up and running at some stage in the coming months, it’d be safe to say so would the NRL and AFL. Given the desperation for content by tv providers, would people be adverse to the idea of our content been available mid week. So say there was 2-3 games a week. Could easily be played Mon-Tues-Weds night and maximizing our potential viewership. Would also be a good chance to boost viewer numbers with tv rights needing to be sorted.

If there are no crowds at games, then I think it could be a good opportunity.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
Increasingly, SANZAAR appears to be veering towards a model that will see domestic competitions held in three original countries, with crossover finals to be played at the end of the season.

What really killed Super Rugby

I really like this idea. I hope it eventuates. It's what they should have done originally when they had enough teams for 6 teams per conference.

It gives it a domestic feel, without losing the idea of 'our best vs your best', which was the original draw card for Super Rugby.

It keeps the international aspect mysterious and interesting, without it taking over.

International travel expenses and drain on players is kept to a minimum.

The domestic aspect is extra interesting because teams are qualifying for something. I can imagine fans also being interested in who's leading the other conferences.

Each conference gets teams in the finals without the integrity of the competition being in question.

SANZAAR partnership can stay intact to protect the RC.

Ticks a lot of boxes for me.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
The fact that World Rugby pay for the Drua's inclusion ....in the NRC.... I reckon is good enough reason for them to stay. They have been an amazing addition to the comp. In fact if World Rugby wanted to fund other teams to come in, I'd welcome them too.

Totally agree. WR (World Rugby) can sponsor both Fiji and the other Pacifika team in the bright, new, shiny Australian Super Rapid Rugby competition. Thank you, WR (World Rugby).


Trevor Allan (34)
Totally agree. WR (World Rugby) can sponsor both Fiji and the other Pacifika team in the bright, new, shiny Australian Super Rapid Rugby competition. Thank you, WR (World Rugby).

That's if WR (World Rugby) have any money left after bailing out all the 1st Tier rugby nations.


Tim Horan (67)
Well if what I read in the papers this morning is correct (and that a bloody big IF) seems Super teams may have to stand players down as they don't want to agree to paycuts, and clubs can't afford to pay them. Not sure how this will turn out as maybe could stuff up contracts etc, so will there be anyone to play super?

And don't even ask me what I think of the players seemingly being a bit greedy and it certainly helping to make game look very bad in public eye, as if it needed help here!


Vay Wilson (31)
perhaps some of the players are not happy at the perception that some monies saved by RA by the pay cuts are then directed to the payout of a certain former player?


Tim Horan (67)
perhaps some of the players are not happy at the perception that some monies saved by RA by the pay cuts are then directed to the payout of a certain former player?

Well they certainly don't seem to be worried about the perception they giving out that they are above paycuts etc like the rest of the country!


Phil Kearns (64)
perhaps some of the players are not happy at the perception that some monies saved by RA by the pay cuts are then directed to the payout of a certain former player?

Ehhhh? Nobody has ever been happy about having to pay money to that weirdo. What has that got with the price of fish? The court order transcends other expenditures, unless RA wants to spend even more money on his case.

You might as well argue that the players are not happy that RA continues to pay rent instead of directing that money to the players.


Tim Horan (67)
I watched Kiwi rugby show the other day,(I know,I know shut up with any kiwi stuff) and Warren Gatland was on it , the only reason I mention it he was talking about coaching etc and made some very pertinent comments that relate to the ideas we see thrown about having NZ players playing in Aus rugby teams, when he tool over Wales in the 4 Welsh teams that played because of overseas players there was only something like 6-8 loose forwards he had to pick from. I just think it one thing that has to be taken into account if wishing for players to be able to play here to even up teams, you could realistically have only one Australian qualified 9 etc playing. Just another thought as we ponder all the ideas.
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