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Where to for Super Rugby?

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Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
The year before I think they spread them around so that each franchise had equal numbers of contracted players, or at least Wallabies. E.g. To'omua was assigned to NSW Country from memory. It wouldn't be hard to do something like that again.

However, I'm starting to get a bit excited about a Trans-Tasman comp defaulting towards reality.

not really. Back in 2016 they scattered some Wallabies around but none (or bugger all) actually played - but they were largely based on their state teams.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Well we know whatever Super Rugby will be in the future - it includes the Jaguares. Surely a handshake deal was done to keep them when Pichot rolled over to give us the 2027 RWC.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ saw this quote from Pichot:

"Maybe you find out that that competition cannot be played because it is not profitable or is too much of a burden. Even in Argentina, can we really afford to carry on Super Rugby with the Jaguares having to pay for the trips all round the world? Maybe we have to fold Jaguares and look for other alternatives,"


EDIT: the bit about WR (World Rugby) not being able to bail out SANZAAR has been overtaken by events:

"World Rugby has announced details of a dedicated COVID-19 relief strategy aimed at supporting the global game and mitigating the overall impact of the pandemic on the sport.

"Underpinned by a relief fund of approximately US$100 million to assist unions through to the resumption of the sport, the strategy reflects World Rugby’s commitment to leading the sport through its greatest challenge and is a result of cross-game collaboration that has enabled key decisions to be taken in the spirit of solidarity and partnership.

"The relief fund will available for unions requiring immediate emergency funding subject to appropriate criteria being met. It is designed to assist the maximum number of unions for the maximum amount of time while there is a rugby void.

"For 6 Nations and SANZAAR unions, the financial package will involve a combination of advances and loans, while World Rugby is also committed to supporting emerging nations and regional associations where required."

I've started a thread for this:


Full WR (World Rugby) release here:



Trevor Allan (34)
If Pichot can get the World league up and running which includes the expanded RC, then who needs an unpopular/unwieldy & expensive Super rugby team.


David Codey (61)
^ saw this quote from Pichot:

"Maybe you find out that that competition cannot be played because it is not profitable or is too much of a burden. Even in Argentina, can we really afford to carry on Super Rugby with the Jaguares having to pay for the trips all round the world? Maybe we have to fold Jaguares and look for other alternatives,"


The alternative is actually on their doorstep. The SLAR. They could really invest in placing talent right across that competition and looking at raising the standard of the entire region.


David Codey (61)
If Pichot can get the World league up and running which includes the expanded RC, then who needs an unpopular/unwieldy & expensive Super rugby team.

Been thinking about that. For it to work it would need to occur during the July/Nov. test windows. And I believe involve 16 teams competing not necessarily for the title of World Champion but to determine their annual ranking.

To see how it may work out perhaps a place it could be trialled is at the U20s level. Two pools of 8. Split between Europe and RoTW. Four games in July and 4 in November.

Play everyone in your pool once and a final rankings game at the end of November all leading into the game to determine that years world No.1

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
Am I right in thinking if they managed a TT comp at the back end of the year that there would be no Force involved because of a lack of depth?

I think I'm hoping we stick with a domestic only comp for this year in one of the three scenarios that's been presented, which might also include the Sunwolves if they could be based in Australia. This might be the one opportunity we have to test those waters before we start binding ourselves to other partnerships.

Be good if NZ did the same, and maybe we could squeeze in a 'Super Bowl' type game: our winner vs theirs, or something similar, but kept simple.


Tim Horan (67)
^ saw this quote from Pichot:

"Maybe you find out that that competition cannot be played because it is not profitable or is too much of a burden. Even in Argentina, can we really afford to carry on Super Rugby with the Jaguares having to pay for the trips all round the world? Maybe we have to fold Jaguares and look for other alternatives,"

Saw that whole interview, it was interesting, and Pichot did have some alternatives for Jaguares. He did say an American comp was being discussed etc, among a heap of other possibilities.

The Honey Badger

Jim Lenehan (48)
Am I right in thinking if they managed a TT comp at the back end of the year that there would be no Force involved because of a lack of depth?


Thought they were trying to involve the Force. Where did that information come from?

I am quite sure the Force could must muster some recruits if required for depth


David Codey (61)
Am I right in thinking if they managed a TT comp at the back end of the year that there would be no Force involved because of a lack of depth?

I think I'm hoping we stick with a domestic only comp for this year in one of the three scenarios that's been presented, which might also include the Sunwolves if they could be based in Australia. This might be the one opportunity we have to test those waters before we start binding ourselves to other partnerships.

Be good if NZ did the same, and maybe we could squeeze in a 'Super Bowl' type game: our winner vs theirs, or something similar, but kept simple.

Either the Sunwolves or the Lautui would be an option. Run a 10 week domestic competition with finals and I do like the idea of the 'Super Bowl' if possible.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
Thought they were trying to involve the Force. Where did that information come from?

I am quite sure the Force could must muster some recruits if required for depth

Yeah, that's what I also thought, but it's only been talk in relation to a domestic comp. I was wondering if it would change if they moved to a TT comp, considering depth could be an issue.


Ken Catchpole (46)
There is going to be a million half arsed sport comps come Oct/Nov. I can't decide yet if the fans will be like rabid dogs for it or just not give a shit because it's just some made up rubbish.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
There is going to be a million half arsed sport comps come Oct/Nov. I can't decide yet if the fans will be like rabid dogs for it or just not give a shit because it's just some made up rubbish.
I'm hopeful that if it uses existing teams, whether Aus only or Aus and NZ people will buy in. It is the SA component that most people struggle with IMO.


Tim Horan (67)
I'm hopeful that if it uses existing teams, whether Aus only or Aus and NZ people will buy in. It is the SA component that most people struggle with IMO.

I understand that many here struggle with the SA component and I don't know why. Say the Reds go to SA for 2 weeks so their supporters have to set their recorders , they also get the bonus of their team having a couple of extra good teams to play at home! And same applies to all teams, the cost of a couple of away games is always paid back by having more home games doesn't it?
Just my opinion, I follow the Canes (as well as always going to Reds games) and I love the fact I can see more good teams playing at Suncorp! Generally the SA teams are pretty good and play a slightly different style of play which to me adds to the game!
In saying that I not trying to start an argument or say that it has to be my way, just giving my opinion as someone who is at rugby almost every week, and supports it both live and with TV prescriptions! And also my opinion is no more or less important than anyone else's.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
I understand that many here struggle with the SA component and I don't know why. Say the Reds go to SA for 2 weeks so their supporters have to set their recorders , they also get the bonus of their team having a couple of extra good teams to play at home! And same applies to all teams, the cost of a couple of away games is always paid back by having more home games doesn't it?
Just my opinion, I follow the Canes (as well as always going to Reds games) and I love the fact I can see more good teams playing at Suncorp! Generally the SA teams are pretty good and play a slightly different style of play which to me adds to the game!
In saying that I not trying to start an argument or say that it has to be my way, just giving my opinion as someone who is at rugby almost every week, and supports it both live and with TV prescriptions! And also my opinion is no more or less important than anyone else's.

Dan, how many times do you need to be told?! You are not allowed to have an opinion!

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
I understand that many here struggle with the SA component and I don't know why. Say the Reds go to SA for 2 weeks so their supporters have to set their recorders , they also get the bonus of their team having a couple of extra good teams to play at home! And same applies to all teams, the cost of a couple of away games is always paid back by having more home games doesn't it?
Just my opinion, I follow the Canes (as well as always going to Reds games) and I love the fact I can see more good teams playing at Suncorp! Generally the SA teams are pretty good and play a slightly different style of play which to me adds to the game!
In saying that I not trying to start an argument or say that it has to be my way, just giving my opinion as someone who is at rugby almost every week, and supports it both live and with TV prescriptions! And also my opinion is no more or less important than anyone else's.

Actually, it might just be one of a few issues that often gets singled out. And when there are a few issues together, each individual issue starts to irritate more than it would on its own. That's how it works for me, anyway.

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
When Super Rugby first started, I loved games against the SA teams. Would even get up in the wee hours to watch them live. It was a novelty and interesting to see our best vs their best. I'd still like our teams to play against theirs, but it needs to be kept to a minimum to keep it novel and fresh.
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