John Eales (66)
I think the answer here is nuance.
Any discussion about the removal of Cheika needs to have the caveat that like the removal of any leader, who replaces him is important. I'm not too flash hot on Jakeball and I see no other standout coaches off contract. Be careful what you wish for when removing a leader (history also shows this).
Not all woes come from coaching and most of Rugby's problems are actually institutionally based - changing the person at the top does little to rectify this.
Secondly, I think the internal power structures are not talked about enough. I think its emerged that Cheika is a little bit of an autocrat and has too much power both within the playing group and at HQ.
Part of this would be to do with HQ's inherent instability - revolving door, previous restructures etc have left the institution blowing in the wind and its power weakened - easily overrun by Cheika.
I think we need to keep Cheika but make him more consultative, accountable to both players and a selector as suggested by Cannon. Head office needs to limit his influence too.
Agree in entirety, good post.