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Karmichael Hunt charged with cocaine supply.

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Phil Kearns (64)
I agree,it's difficult to say he got off light when the offence pre dated his employment,especially when you compare it to KB (Kurtley Beale) whose activities in the workplace constitutes instant dismissal in many businesses.

He will suffer far more financial and other pain because of his misdemeanours than the initial financial penalty.

As was pointed out on The Rugby Club last night, he will certainly lose (or fail to acquire) personal sponsorships and his absence from the game for an extended period means that his chances of playing his way into the international squad are greatly reduced - assuming that he still would have been wanted in view of his lack of discipline.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I'm not too certain any of us 'regular joes' would even be in the frame for what he did.

Seriously, unless pulled over for a random breath test and the cops saw a packet of cocaine in the car, would any of US be subject to a police investigation as a user? (given what seems to be not much coke spread over four purchases)

I think he is the victim of his high profile actually. He may have gotten what 'any of us would under the circumstances' but I somehow wonder if WE would have been in court in the first place.
It's not a trifling amount, when you look at the timeframe at all. 1g every 3 days for someone who was not a habitual user is quite a bit. And certainly, plenty of people end up in court with less than that amount (1g) as a possession charge. Whether a conviction is recorded or not is another matter.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
has been a looooong time since I did drugs, so I stand corrected on whether it was a 'lot or not'.

I still very strongly feel tho that if I bought that amount (and we are assuming that is 'all' are we not?) in that time frame I'd be willing to bet joe schmuck (me) would not be a blip on the police radar.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It was fairly obviously not just for his own use.

If he was an individual using 12.5 grams of what sounds like high grade coke (based on the price he paid) in a couple of months you'd probably describe him as a fiend.

That is a bender every weekend for two months.

Bobby Sands

More than likely K has said, "if you're looking to get on I can probably tee it up."

While incredibly stupid to implicate himself in all this, it is very likely that he was pulling favours on price and purity for his friends that they wouldn't have been able to swing without his notoriety.

Does this make it any better? No, of course not. But the thought that K is snorting 8-balls on his own in the off-season is very detached from reality.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
It was fairly obviously not just for his own use.

If he was an individual using 12.5 grams of what sounds like high grade coke (based on the price he paid) in a couple of months you'd probably describe him as a fiend.

That is a bender every weekend for two months.

Yep, I agree entirely (that he scored for his mates). Heck, we've 'all done that' if you get my drift.

That is the sneaky way to charge him with supply of course, when in all honesty it was anything but supply. (supply is done for profit, I doubt he taxed his mates)


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
One of the newspaper reports featured a text message from Hunt that said something like:

"After a big one because I have mates who are pretty keen."

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
Was that from karmichael or one of the queensland drug cops texting HIS mate?

So the big one they chose was KHunt haha.

Reading that makes me more cynical, that they chose to use that as 'proof' of dealing (or supply, whatever it was).

Sure, enforce the law as that is your job. But to deliberately distort things to make a higher charge?


Jim Lenehan (48)
Sure, enforce the law as that is your job. But to deliberately distort things to make a higher charge?

Terry I think the main issue the CCC had/have in relation to these charges is that they don't actually have any real evidence that these players are guilty of possession of cocaine, because they never caught any of them with cocaine on them. So they've charged them with Supply. It's a real stretch, and I'm assuming the idea is to simply win the war of attrition , which is what they have done with Hunt.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I believe Hunt's solicitor is an ex police officer, so it doesn't surprise me that he advised him to do a deal with the cops. On the face of it Hunt got out of it with minimal damage, although he's sacrificed his reputation. Rumors are that there was a closed court just after/before Hunt's sentence. I wonder if Hunt has agreed to testify in proceedings against the alleged traffickers. It certainly has that sniff about it. We'll find out in due course I guess.


Jim Lenehan (48)
It was fairly obviously not just for his own use.

If he was an individual using 12.5 grams of what sounds like high grade coke (based on the price he paid) in a couple of months you'd probably describe him as a fiend.

That is a bender every weekend for two months.

From what I've noticed from people who bring cocaine to parties, it's never just for personal use. ;)


John Thornett (49)
In 2010 Mathew Stokes (Geelong Cats) was charge with Supply and trafficking cocaine. In court he pleaded guilt to possession. He received $3000 fine and 12-month good bevaviour bond. Geelong suspended him, forced him to get a 9-5 job for the weeks he was suspended and he had to train by himself.

He's been a good boy since and an asset to Geelong's squad. Like Hunt it would have been a terrible waste to throw someone to the wolves for sheer stupidity.

Bobby Sands

Definitely a sharing drug, at-least from what I've seen in Scorsese films.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
That is the sneaky way to charge him with supply of course, when in all honesty it was anything but supply. (supply is done for profit, I doubt he taxed his mates)

Not according to the law. "Supply" includes agreeing to supply, as well as the ordinary meaning of the word (which includes giving something to someone for nothing) and there are usually a quantity above which the possession is deemed to be possession for the purpose of supply. Supply normally involves low level activity and reasonably small quantities.

Larger quantities and/or evidence of a large scale profit operation usually result in people being charged with trafficking. (Different states have different terminology - but are essentially the same)

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I believe Hunt's solicitor is an ex police officer, so it doesn't surprise me that he advised him to do a deal with the cops. On the face of it Hunt got out of it with minimal damage, although he's sacrificed his reputation. Rumors are that there was a closed court just after/before Hunt's sentence. I wonder if Hunt has agreed to testify in proceedings against the alleged traffickers. It certainly has that sniff about it. We'll find out in due course I guess.

If the police have you done to rights, there's a lot to be said for pleading guilty at the first appearance. Will generally result in the lowest penalty and in NSW at least there is a mandatory sentence discount for doing so.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
Not according to the law. "Supply" includes agreeing to supply, as well as the ordinary meaning of the word (which includes giving something to someone for nothing) and there are usually a quantity above which the possession is deemed to be possession for the purpose of supply. Supply normally involves low level activity and reasonably small quantities.

Larger quantities and/or evidence of a large scale profit operation usually result in people being charged with trafficking. (Different states have different terminology - but are essentially the same)

Ah, thanks for the clarification.
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