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CAS Rugby 2017

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It was a great game yesterday at Queens Park. Waverley certainly put on a show to entertain the huge crowd. The main concern going into the game was being able to win enough ball in the line outs particularly, but they answered that question in spades. Besides Whiteman leaping high, they threw Joel Ellis up in front of Frost to win a feast of possession, as they did last year. They stole some lineouts from Knox for good measure.

Knox looked like they would do their usual trick and fight back in the second half; they're good at doing that. They bought the score back to 26-17 but their fight back was short lived. Waverley, with a good share of possession threw the ball around and put Knox to the sword. Schoolboy rugby at its best.

Full credit to Knox; they were just outgunned by a better team on the day. Frost and Pavlakis had strong games; their class shone through.

It was a bit hard to single Waverley players out because it was such a strong team effort, but Joel Ellis was my MOM followed by Cornish, Donaldson and Murphy in the first half. He didnt return to the field in the second half due to injury. but as usual it was another great team effort. The coaches deserve credit for focusing on defence and the set piece and then giving the players a licence to have fun and play whats in front of them. There was never a shortage of support players in attack and confidence to run the ball.

As a matter of interest, how beneficial is it for players to experience more than one year in the 1sts? Ben Donaldson for example played very well last season for Waverley 1sts but he wasn't one of the stand out players. But he's returned this season and played with a new level of maturity, composure and confidence. Likewise Finn Wright, who backed up for his third year in the 1sts, playing with a really good level of controlled aggression and maturity. The difference between being 16, 17 and 18. The Barker team, with so many players returning will be the ones who'll benefit most from the 1st XV experience. They'll feed off that close game against Waverley and the victory over Knox. They'll have that winning culture next season; the difference between just losing and just winning. If they have a good on-field leader they'll be very hard to beat.

To be honest, there was one turkey of an old boy towards the western end of the field who took things too far. He was over the top. i wont go into detail but it was a reflection on him, not on the Knox players.

But having said that, there's one in every circus and he was just one person in a literal cast of thousands who were loud and boisterous and enjoyed a great day and a very entertaining game of rugby in the right spirit.

Well done to both teams and all the CAS players this year and good luck for the future for the Year 12 players.


Syd Malcolm (24)
For me, Waverley just seem to have it right.

The style of play, the discipline, their respectful nature. Five years ago they were known as thugs that were hard to beat. Now they are one of the most respected schools in rugby.

The culture that has developed on that rugby field has impacted the whole school, you could tell with all the students there to watch and the way they surrounded that team at the end.

All up an incredible journey for Waverley. Well done to all the players and parents for an excellent season.


Ken Catchpole (46)
For me, Waverley just seem to have it right.

The style of play, the discipline, their respectful nature. Five years ago they were known as thugs that were hard to beat. Now they are one of the most respected schools in rugby circles.

The culture that has developed on that rugby field has impacted the whole school, you could tell with all the students there to watch and the way they surrounded that team at the end.

All up an incredible journey for Waverley. Well done to all the players and parents for an excellent season.

Full marks to the teachers and coaches who masterminded this.


Chris McKivat (8)
Having not seen the game I am only going what I read here. It sounds like Waverley was a class act! Both teams were littered with representatives and I'd be interested to know how they all went?? How was the Woodcock v Donaldson match up. Both #10s in Australian Schools so I'm hoping it was a great show of skill and organisation from them both. If anyone has any footage, I'd love to see it as I'm sure plenty of others would too.

Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
Aloys vs trinity should have resulted in a draw, with the trinity 10's conversion missing by a good few metres but being called as going over to give Trinity the win

Nice to see good grace being shown from Aloys fans.

I was right behind the kick and it was touch and go from where I was. It most certainly did not miss "by a good few metres". However the (independent and qualified) touchie and ref were in a better position than me (or anyone else) and they both called it over.

If you ask me, I'd say it was the karma police coming to visit. The Aloys group of supporters yelled as the kicker was running in to try to put him off, cheered loudly when they thought it had missed, and were suitably sheepish when the flag went up.


I just reread my post.
i didnt mean to infer Barker didnt have a winning culture this year. They had a great win against Knox. It sounded a bit patronising.
I meant their players will have benefited so much from this years experience. One year makes a huge difference.
If you get my drift ....


Bob Loudon (25)
Heck SLV relax - there was nothing in your post for any skin thinned Barker supporter to even remotely be offended - it was just factual. Barker's time in the Sun will come and hopefully then the Barker supporters will be as gracious as the Waverley supporters who have posted up here. Belated congratulations, by the way.


Ron Walden (29)
I totally agree that an nrc / shute shield like production crew would be overkill / not needed for streaming of CAS and GPS games.

Something like what they have at QLD GPS games would be awesome.

I have asked a mate to send me pics of the set up used at QLD GPS streams.

Will post them here if i can get them.

Is very impressive.



A mate up in QLD sent me these pics showing the set-up for the crew that does the live streaming of QLD GPS games. Is very impressive.



Heck SLV relax - there was nothing in your post for any skin thinned Barker supporter to even remotely be offended - it was just factual. Barker's time in the Sun will come and hopefully then the Barker supporters will be as gracious as the Waverley supporters who have posted up here. Belated congratulations, by the way.

I only get cocky with the J(B)uggernaut


Peter Burge (5)
What a great CAS season! From a Brook perspective it wasn't the best season but it was still great to watch the boys go out every single week and give their all against teams very strong opposition. After every game it was great to see smiles from both sides and leaving the previous 70 minutes on the field. Lamens, Milios, Smuha-ho and Stenmark all have a lot of potential and hopefully they continue to play footy. Good luck to all the year 12s in their future rugby pursuits and good luck to all the younger players in the off season.

Now it's time to sit back and make uneducated assumptions about next year. See you in 6 months!


Frank Nicholson (4)
Having not seen the game I am only going what I read here. It sounds like Waverley was a class act! Both teams were littered with representatives and I'd be interested to know how they all went?? How was the Woodcock v Donaldson match up. Both #10s in Australian Schools so I'm hoping it was a great show of skill and organisation from them both. If anyone has any footage, I'd love to see it as I'm sure plenty of others would too.

Waverly lad was sensational and had to be a 10 our of 10 performance. Taking on the line at the right time, getting the ball to runners at good angles, kicking game was brilliant. I thought the Knox lad was overwhelmed by the occassion and some poor choices. Probably a bad day in the office. 4/10 probably

rod skellet

Desmond Connor (43)
What a great CAS season! From a Brook perspective it wasn't the best season but it was still great to watch the boys go out every single week and give their all against teams very strong opposition. After every game it was great to see smiles from both sides and leaving the previous 70 minutes on the field. Lamens, Milios, Smuha-ho and Stenmark all have a lot of potential and hopefully they continue to play footy. Good luck to all the year 12s in their future rugby pursuits and good luck to all the younger players in the off season.

Now it's time to sit back and make uneducated assumptions about next year. See you in 6 months!
The CAS 2018 chat is up. No need to wait 6 month

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Allen Oxlade (6)
Donaldson carved them up for sure. Dummy was a classic for him to score under the posts. I thought he was 11/10! Woodcock had some mental lapses in his game v Barker and Waves


Ron Walden (29)
Now if I could get one of those stepladders in my car.

I agree 120% with ACS.

I so appreciate all your work with the vids and I'm sure everyone else does too.

I hope me posting those pics doesn't seem unappreciative of what you do.

My point of posting was to illustrate to those not so familiar, what is involved in producing a live strean with commentators etc of a scale similar to what our friends from the North get.

Hopefully we will get to enjoy sidesteppa productions for years to come.




Nev Cottrell (35)
I think it unfair to lay the blame at Woodcock's feet

the Knox forwards to me were completely outgunned

they missed someone like a Lachlan Swinton ... to knock the wind out of the forwards punching up, on the edges

I am not sure where Frost normally jumps ... but he was jumping at 4, and Joel Ellis pinched at least two lineouts jumping at 2

so the line-out didn't work ... and that was where their game plan probably lay
.... the scrum wasn't much better, and ultimately Waverley had a mountain of possession

Yes Woodcock made a few mistakes ... one kick went out on the full, but that was not helped by the strong and variable wind

what I will be interested to see in 2018 is Moretti's game

I saw games earlier in the year, when his own father was yelling for him to calm down

without a doubt Moretti has all the skill/athleticism, but a bit like Finn Wright probably needs to mature ... and to become one of the senior players in 2018

so to put a positive spin ... I think Finn Wright was fantastic in 2017, he improved in all the areas he needed to ... he didn't continue to be a yellow card man, he played the whole 70 minutes, and improved his scrummaging, and maintained all the other great parts of his running game.

So if Waverley are to be as red hot in 2018, Moretti needs to do a Finn Wright, and go from good to great ... just my opinion.
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