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Jonah Lomu has Died....

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Gee, that is bad news. He looked in good shape during RWC.

He redefined aspects of the game and was the first true global Superstar of Rugby.

Jerry Collins must have been smashing all the wingers up in Heaven for the Selectors up there to put Jonah's name on the team lists for this weekends game.

RIP Big Fella.

Really feel sorry for his kids. They will grow up without a father and that is tough for any kid. Really sad.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
Rest easy big fella. As an Wobs supporter I feared watching you charge at our players, but admired you for the enthusiasm and passion you brought to the game.


Billy Sheehan (19)
: Jonah Lomu highlights vid.


Is that Brendan Williams at 53 seconds being steamrolled? Pretty sure it is. Brendan tells a great yarn about his attempted tackle that day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr Doug

Dick Tooth (41)
The words "legend", "icon", and "star" are handed out by the media to many sportsmen and sportswomen every year.
Unlike many of them, Jonah Lomu was the "genuine article". It has been a privilege to have seen him play the game we all love.
Our condolences to his family, his friends, and to the whole New Zealand Rugby community.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Gutted - RIP Jonah

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12243105_10154951066941959_4828066783546660894_n.jpg?oh=3c1b54b70f8104f8a4ffbf7eab0f78c3&oe=56B519B1&__gda__=1454320533_5a0e5a16af84bd2f7491808f856bbfd0


Tom Lawton (22)
RIP Jonah. An all time great.

I remember watching him play for Counties after he had left school and prior to making the Blues and not being able to believe my eyes that someone that large and powerful could run as fast as he could.


Chris McKivat (8)
Tragic, Jonah Lomu was the first rugby player i ever knew, loved & wanted to be despite my love for the Wallabies, he just had that about him. An absolute superstar.

RIP mate
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