You might give us some personal observations on the development of elite schoolboys in the English setup after you've run your eye over them.
Yes, Lindommer, as I would love to, but it does depends on the school I be teaching at in the UK. Some of their leading Independent Schools, such as Charterhouse and Winchester don't play Rugby, but instead Football. Equally, their Government Schools from previous experience in the UK are Football Mad.
There is no Joeys in the UK, rather the schools are more like Barker and Oakhill. Co-educationl,Liberal selection of sports, fielding about 20 teams for the main Rugby schools. They start in the U/14s as the U/13s are Prep School teams. Their open divisions rarely go down below a 6thXV.
The best Rugby School in the UK is Wellington College, who have a selective Rugby Intake. As rule they field 5 in the 14s,5 in the 15s, 4 in the 16s and 5 or 6 in the opens.Hence, the school is closer to St.Augustines College, rather than Joeys.
So I will endeavour to report on UK Schoolboy Rugby, but it could an occasional effort depending on my location and the Schools in the area. Like Australia, Rugby is very much a Middle Class Game over there, but unlike Australia it is far more dispersed throughout the UK.
Its likely, I be teaching as a full-time Casual and will not get a full-time appointment until September. Which is when their School boy Rugby term begins. Possibly, I might even start A UK Schoolboy forum like the GPS,CAS and ISA. Thereby, adding to Green & Gold's coverage of Schoolboy Rugby. And that could be something to look forward extending the Rugby Season beyond Australia.