I assume the following excerpts from RAs Code of Conduct are relevant:
1.3 Treat everyone equally, fairly and with dignity regardless of gender or gender identity, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, age or disability. Any form of bullying,
harassment or discrimination has no place in Rugby.
1.7 Use social media appropriately. By all means share your positive experiences of Rugby but do not use social media as a means to breach any of the expectations and requirements of you as a player contained in this Code or in any Union, Club or Competition rules and regulations.
1.8 Do not otherwise act in a way that may adversely affect or reflect on, or bring you, your team, club, Rugby Body or Rugby into disrepute or discredit. If you commit a criminal offence, this is likely to adversely reflect on you and your team, club, Rugby Body and Rugby.
1.10 You must disclose any incident, matter or set of circumstances (irrespective of when it occurred) that does, or has the potential to, render you an unfit or improper person to be a Participant in Australian Rugby. This includes any incident, matter or set of circumstances that could damage the game of Rugby or bring into question the integrity and good character of its Participants.
3.2 Treat everyone equally regardless of gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, age or disability. Any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination has no place in Rugby.
3.3 Be aware of, always comply with, and ensure that your Rugby Body (and, where applicable, clubs and other bodies and persons in membership with it or affiliated to it) comply with, the Rugby AU Participation and Inclusion Policy(s) and Guidelines.
I wonder if RA adhered to their own inclusive policy when endorsing the YES vote in the SSM vote while ignoring all of their fans who were voting NO and who disagreed with them taking sides?
To state the obvious, the ball's in Falou's and his lawyers court now, pending the sanctions handed down.