I note that one of the elements of the "result" is that all parties ( from an SJRU perspective, anyway) are to meet in March - with a view to commence working on detemining the anticipated 2016 year costs and how they can best be met.
This is a laudable task - and if they can get it completed swiftly enough - should allow all parties to move into the 2016 season with a large degree of certainty ( ie - having things in place well & truly before 2016 season rego fees etc are discussed and set at the Village Club level - which normally happens in Nov / Dec)
If I gauge things correctly, most reasonable people accept that the user pays system - provided that it is established with full & frank openness & clarity (which has been sadly lacking in the past) - is the one which they will have to deal with moving forward, and that provided people can see wharere their hard earned $$ are being spent, most people seem to accept this ( my anecdotal feedback only, it must be said)
It does seem that when people are actually pushed to the limits........change often occurs as a result. Lets hope that any changes that come about here are for the better too.
Lastly - a twitching hound's nose senses that Mr Pulver may well also be invited to attend the March all clubs meeting ( SJRU Village Clubs) ...and if so, I hope that he does attend. I believe that he is a more than reasonable chap - and it would certainly be to his benefit to see & hear what the groundswell of "opinion" is trying to tell him.
One thing that I was taught from an administration perspective - as you move up "the ranks" - whether it be in school, sport, your career or whatever - always keep an ear to the ground & never get to far away from the frontline soldiers / workers - as they will tell you in very plain and clear language what works & what doesn't ! The trick then is taking that information & combining it with the desired business outcome - and filtering out what "upper level / middle menagement" may be trying to pass off as the best way forward - toachieve an optimal solution.
Fo Mr Pulver, that means ( I hope) - the continued growth & success of rugby union as a sport at the community level, as well as at an elite level.
I am glad it's him & not me !