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AIC Rugby 2015

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Peter Burge (5)
Oh and I thought the Ashgrove 15 was a very elusive player - the only back who looked like breaking a tackle - I agree some harsh armchair critics here. Perhaps a ball hog but the Ashgrive wingers were not strong and perhaps he lacked confidence in them. Over..


Darby Loudon (17)
Focusing on the positive for a second - congratulations to thd Padua boys - I saw the Ashgrove game and they were without a shadow of doubt the better side. Ashgrove were the standard bearers for so long but they can't rest on their laurels any more. Two years ago at Banyo Padua were unlucky to be beaten by an inferior Ashgrove team (Padua having three in the bin at the same time gifted Ashgrove 2 tries that day, Padua were the dominant side up till that point) and last year were up 22-0 before being bullied and outsmarted by a strong Ashgrove pack who deserved to win. Quite a turn around for the poo and wees as well after they were thumped 93-0 by Iona couple of years ago. Cattle is good this year but it is clear the station is operating well too.

As we're talking about Padua, how many Year 11 boys are in this year's team?

Usher.... anyone else?


Larry Dwyer (12)
gee Padua are going to be hard to stop near year, IMO their standouts were among those listed above in year 11.
How strong are Padua 2nds and 16A?


Frank Nicholson (4)
Padua and Marist are the teams to beat in the 16's, with Padua beating Marist by 3 back when they played in a thriller, only the second game the Ashgrove 16 A's have lost since year 7 or 8 I was told? Next year should be really quiet interesting as both sides had at least 4 or 5 players in the Firsts, mind you I'm sure that's the case with a number of schools.. But yer Padua undefeated and Marist only loosing to them coming into the last round.


Bob McCowan (2)
Fairly sure Villa 16s were undefeated leading into the Padua game.they narrowly lost. they are a handy bunch ...


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Two years ago at Banyo Padua were unlucky to be beaten by an inferior Ashgrove team (Padua having three in the bin at the same time gifted Ashgrove 2 tries that day, Padua were the dominant side up till that point)

Two years ago, we beat you by 40+ points...


Jimmy Flynn (14)
IMO Mohr is most definitely a winger.

His running is superb, he has fantastic pace and is able to push through tackles but his decision making really needs to improve. Enough has been said about he decisions to hold the ball rather than pass it but I think carrying the ball over your own goal line and grounding it really sealed my opinion that he should be placed on the wing. It's where he played last year and where he did a lot better.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Mohr must be a leaguie? I would suggest that coaches need to educate players with regarding game laws. I would take a guess that most 1st AIC teams would include a number of players who haven't even attend a rugby match other than what the see at school.


Allen Oxlade (6)
gee Padua are going to be hard to stop near year, IMO their standouts were among those listed above in year 11.
How strong are Padua 2nds and 16A?

2nd XV for padua are currently 4th Behind a tied pats and lauries with Ashgrove ahead.

This week for SLC will be the decider whether they win and Pats win then its a 3 way tie. If Ashgrove win and pats win SLC come clear 3rd or if pats lose and lauries lose then well up to padua to make it a 3 way tie for runners up. Personally hoping SLC can defeat ashgrove but must say strong team.

Derick Slater

Chris McKivat (8)
Tips for this week:

Iona vs Villa - Iona by 5
Padua vs SPLC - Padua by 20+
Ash vs SLC - Ash by 20+
Pats vs SEC - SEC by 10

IMO, the Iona vs Villa game is going to be the game of the round. Padua are certain to win and claim their first undefeated premiership, but I honestly believe that the battle for the spoon will be the best one to watch. Ash I'm certain will easily take out SLC. Pats vs SEC will be interesting, but with Iona have steadily improved as shown by nearly defeated SPLC, I can see them getting the win over Villa.

Good luck to all the boys heading into the final round, it will be a memorable one for the Padua boys and to all the year 12's finishing their schoolboy rugby days.


Stan Wickham (3)
Padua and Marist are the teams to beat in the 16's, with Padua beating Marist by 3 back when they played in a thriller, only the second game the Ashgrove 16 A's have lost since year 7 or 8 I was told? Next year should be really quiet interesting as both sides had at least 4 or 5 players in the Firsts, mind you I'm sure that's the case with a number of schools.. But yer Padua undefeated and Marist only loosing to them coming into the last round.

Many Firsts teams had 11's in them ..SPLC had up to 8 this year.

George McFerston

Frank Row (1)
Ok, may I just state a few things,
yes I'm an Ashgrove Man so I don't get to watch the other schools week in week out but my points are still highly valid don't be childish and say that I'm completely biased

1. ASH v PAD: Yes Padua won but that that doesn't make them the "better" team. A re-match would've been nice (Not sure about Padua but Ashgrove is weakened now due to injuries and other reasons) a re-match anywhere none of this depends who is home bullshit, they could played at Ipswich just for the sake of it. So yes congratulations to Padua who on the day won so unless they lose this weekend ((Obviously I want them to loose) but i doubt it because Peters and Padua play a similar game in the first 15 with big bashes to the opposition in the forwards but I have not doubt that peters will drop their heads after the first 15 if they aren't winning like they did against us (ASH)) they will be the undefeated AIC Premiers of 2015 and the first out right for their school.

2. Ashgrove forward pack is by far the most dominant pack this year. Out-scrummed BBC for god sake. Best front row, Rafter, Cuneo and Adams area all machines and although the big-named O'Toole is a gun he is not a shoe-in for AIC 1 THP. Liam Adams' scrum is so much better so LHP would seem better fitted or even an amazing off the bench impact player.

3. AIC 1 mighten have the names or size as GPS 1,2 or 3 but fuck I hope the fortunate 15-23 boys just get some mongrel about them and just go out there wanting to smash the GPS boys of whom I am over them buying teams not earning them like all of the AIC teams (minus peters, sorry peters but its true). So congrats to the AIC schools who just work hard and earn their XV.

4. For all #7's in AIC they are luck Hugh Brosnan (MCA) is injured he has barely been mentioned but he is absolutely the biggest work horse. if you watch each ashgrove break down he was at at least 90% of them. he got numerous pilfa's every game. He has never been the best ball runner but still was one of the only Ash forwards that wanted to run it against Pad. and he doesn't need to run it when his work rate in defence and rucks is immaculate and you have the likes of O'Toole Rafter Adams in your team...

5. McKinnon is small ish as you might say but he is so smart and probably just deserves the AIC jumper as he is the most consistently inform player who reads the play so well and runs brilliant lines. Plus he lost a lot of weight due to a shoulder injury which required surgery and his line outs are the best in AIC... a complete asset

6. Allan Wratten gee-ed up for this year but really he is looking good for next year is his defence is strong and his natural ability to run the ball is exceptional. and I reckon De Flav might make it next year (he is the reason our 16's aren't carving it up completely)

7. The main problem with our 1st XV within recent years is the backs. we have great depth (in all positions) hence why our seconds always win the premiership and make our first contentions a hard pick but the backs just seem to not execute. there were definitely multiple different options for the line-up. Like don't get me wrong all good players with good defence but they seem to worry more about themself than the team at times (goes for all)

8. Not sure why Cuneo has been shunned but he was obviously better than fraser in ASH v PAD and has out played every #2 each week

9. we talk about how important the first round was. I think now if we played Eddies we would win but things would've been different that first round maybe, tough game i really would've like to see what would've happened, we did have home ground 'advantage' but I do believe that the no first round made huge impacts that are forever irreplaceable. Plus it means I can't judge any of the Eddies players because I haven't seen them play

10. Just for the sake of it, people (iona) is Gee-ing up the 2017 team like sure its ages away but ok. I would just like to not that I'm pretty sure our 15's are undefeated (about time I'm pretty sure in previous years they haven't been that good on score but always good on paper) but this year things have changed I guess and with of Mr Miles (cheers eddies, he is a gun coach) if he sticks with them until 2017 they will probably be a solid team but I can't be bother to care about the annoying yr 10's...

11. We have copped it for being shit but we have flogged every team bar the premiership game against Pad and the really impressive game against Pats but we let them in mainly through F-ups. in saying that, this weekend will be huge with a lot of history and passion on the line for both Lauries and Us it'll be a great season finisher

12. Yes fullbacks are good but why are we looking at fullbacks to be AIC wingers, why don't we look at the wingers..... logic...

13. The statement/s about how AIC isn't as good as it use to be. Harsh statement true yes but also not entirely. the comp is getting closer and closer with 'upsets' being more occurring but just because we don't have super star teams that flogged everyone doesn't mean we have shit footy in the AIC. and the gap between us and GPS is only increasing because GPS is clearly supplying ridiculous amounts of sporting scholarships...

14. wrong feed but I reckon BBC may choke, BBC v Nudgee will be a cracker (At Nudgee to)

15. agreed: the new game time is shit

16. so yeah, I think it's always tough to pick the AIC 1 forward pack as AIC does have quality forwards but i feel like you guys shouldn't completely rule out the Ashgrovian boys. but i do think AIC still should get an AIC 2 team so the closely matched players don't miss out on representing our competition

just my 2 cents, say what you want but it is a fairly accurate input

George McFerston

Frank Row (1)
Tips for this week:

Iona vs Villa - Iona by 5
Padua vs SPLC - Padua by 20+
Ash vs SLC - Ash by 20+
Pats vs SEC - SEC by 10

IMO, the Iona vs Villa game is going to be the game of the round. Padua are certain to win and claim their first undefeated premiership, but I honestly believe that the battle for the spoon will be the best one to watch. Ash I'm certain will easily take out SLC. Pats vs SEC will be interesting, but with Iona have steadily improved as shown by nearly defeated SPLC, I can see them getting the win over Villa.

Good luck to all the boys heading into the final round, it will be a memorable one for the Padua boys and to all the year 12's finishing their schoolboy rugby days.

They will all be good games
the rivalry between ash and lauries at lauries,
the two hard hitter pad v peters
the fight for 3rd pats v eddies - both teams who are just solid well drilled teams that will be a close game

all round a great final round for the AIC good luck to all teams especially the year 12's playing their last game in all grades

George McFerston

Frank Row (1)
don't get me wrong like it probably was still ashgroves best backline but I don't really know. oh well, way to late to change it obviously hahah but yeah its always a tough choice for ash and would be interesting what our team would be like with different backlines (goes for all recent years)
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