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ARU Junior Gold Cup - National Junior Championships

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Gary Owen III

Syd Malcolm (24)
I was there for both trials, there was at least 220 kids there for the 15's.
The trials were different as you might expect the 17's had a few more drill with extra complexity. I'm not sure how next weekend will go as I believe you will only see those boys that clearly were not up to the standard missing a second trial. How does 14 teams of 15 go into 4 teams of 30, plus you need to accommodate the 16's national boys, luckily for the other boys only half of them have put their hands up.
I go back to my earlier post, they already know who they want as the 16's have been seen plenty of time over the last year and they just want that 15 year old that is a stand out. This year 14's that made the sydney Side will be in and i understand they had a long list of kids from the 14's state champs, the rest will come from the 13's that are stand outs.

I'd say both age groups will be 80% the older boy and 20% the younger.

Considering the turnout on Sunday - i do hope the JGC evolves into having a separate U16's as well moving forward.

It would be a shame for about 80% of the lads whom will make this years U15's to then be told next year to "have a year off" as they cant fit them into the U17's just yet.

I know it is over summer etc but I don't think we want to create a situation where the lads start looking at other sports for the "gap year" because the U16's have a limited pathway - although i understand the regionals / nationals etc are still an option for this age group.


Bill Watson (15)
Considering the turnout on Sunday - i do hope the JGC evolves into having a separate U16's as well moving forward.

It would be a shame for about 80% of the lads whom will make this years U15's to then be told next year to "have a year off" as they cant fit them into the U17's just yet.

I know it is over summer etc but I don't think we want to create a situation where the lads start looking at other sports for the "gap year" because the U16's have a limited pathway - although i understand the regionals / nationals etc are still an option for this age group.
Hopefully it is a step by step process and they start looking at the whole junior rugby structure and rebuild it from the top down. I would love to see a competition structured around a saturday rugby competition incorporating schools and club while still honouring the traditions of the schools competitions. then a reps program on sunday but these comments would be best on another thread.


David Codey (61)
Hopefully it is a step by step process and they start looking at the whole junior rugby structure and rebuild it from the top down. I would love to see a competition structured around a saturday rugby competition incorporating schools and club while still honouring the traditions of the schools competitions. then a reps program on sunday but these comments would be best on another thread.

Perhaps they could look to run a full rep season alongside club rugby in the U16 bracket. Club on Saturday and reps on Sunday. That way those who participate still get to play a full club season and a full rep season alongside.


Darby Loudon (17)
Looks like they are putting a good effort into the selection process and maybe the way they should be doing it right across the country.;)

I'm of the opinion that the better players should be aligned with clubs early in their career to develop talent.

It was actually pretty impressive, well coordinated and input from the Rebels coach, managers and players on the day. Think there was about 250+ kids there trialling over the 2 groups.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
HJ - technical point but I might correct your maths here - there are 120 spots available for the metro area in the U17's (4 squads of 30). The lads whom made the NSW schools or SJRU U16 teams were given an automatic exemption - but i believe only 20 of these lads have taken up the offer. So effectively there are 100 spots up for grabs.

Interesting turn of events with 26 kids declining to participate in the Junior Gold Cup tournament.

Opens up opportunities for another 26 who would normally be overlooked.

I've heard that there has been an initial cull from last Sunday. Good luck to the remaining boys.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Stinking hot day in Olde Sydney Towne today. At least yesterday's smoke has gone away.

IIRC the Dundas Valley Oval has a poor surface. I'd be expecting to hear reports of plenty of grass burns today.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
There are kids here today who did not trial last week

Possibly this.

What happens if I can’t make any of the trials?
Those who cannot attend the trials due to previous commitments or injuries can still be considered for selection only when prior notice has been given. Let us know ASAP if you will be unable to attend either of the trial dates via email to your local centre rep.

You have a good eye for detail @Inside Shoulder.

I was told that there was an initial cull of about 80 for this weekends trials.

Are there less numbers than last week or more?

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
Possibly this.

You have a good eye for detail @Inside Shoulder.

I was told that there was an initial cull of about 80 for this weekends trials.

Are there less numbers than last week or more?

In the 15s, 9 teams of about 18-20 in each team. So about 180, some were culled obviously, but I guess more that didn't trial last week did trial this week.
It was fair, every player got a game and a half, and two positions each is my understanding. It was very hot, dusty and no shade (hardly any trees) but but if they can't hack it then they won't hack it in February/March, when the actual games are on.

There were 3 North teams, the other 6 teams I guess were the other three zones. North has a high representation it would appear.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
In the 15s, 9 teams of about 18-20 in each team. So about 180, some were culled obviously, but I guess more that didn't trial last week did trial this week.
It was fair, every player got a game and a half, and two positions each is my understanding. It was very hot, dusty and no shade (hardly any trees) but but if they can't hack it then they won't hack it in February/March, when the actual games are on.

There were 3 North teams, the other 6 teams I guess were the other three zones. North has a high representation it would appear.

Essentially the same for 17s except 10 teams.


Bit of a mess small field and a dust bowl. A lot of forwards rolling around, backs playing for themselves and not much cohesion as you'd expect in trials. Not pretty all round. Good luck sorting out the boys from that. Some of the stand outs were told after the trials that they're in and which teams they will play for, the rest will probably know later this week.

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
Bit of a mess small field and a dust bowl. A lot of forwards rolling around, backs playing for themselves and not much cohesion as you'd expect in trials. Not pretty all round. Good luck sorting out the boys from that. Some of the stand outs were told after the trials that they're in and which teams they will play for, the rest will probably know later this week.

Agree it was not very pretty rugby, even in the 15s. Not sure if you're referring to the 15s or 17s.
Not sure if any 15s were told they were in or out. Perhaps the City players might have been told but not sure about the others.

The wings and centres were standing around wondering when someone would pass them the ball (and how will the selectors identify them if they're just standing around doing nothing!), the forwards rolling around as you said and making lunges for the try line themselves.
But fairly normal behaviour for a trial when it's every boy for himself.

Hopefully the selectors have a good eye, and have done their intel on the players even before the trials from the initial form that the players had to fill out. There were nominators that the selectors could contact and ask about the boys, plus any info gathered from the State Champs etc.


I was referring to the 17s but sounds like the 15s were no better. What boys don't realise is it is not individual ability the selectors are looking for that should be a given by the time the kids reach this stage what is important is judgement, all round skill and an ability to read a game. Some 17s were tipped off by the selectors after the trials that they'd been given the nod. Hopefully some of the line ball boys and unknowns aren't left out because on the quality of the trials and selfishness of some other players
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