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Australia v Argentina, Sept 14th in Perth

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The Rant

Fred Wood (13)
So will JOC (James O'Connor) play against the boks?? Surely this is Link's first test to set a standard of behaviour that he has publically said he holds high. Bit like when the reds sidelined Ioane despite insisting he didnt do anything wrong but he shouldnt have been where he was.

JOC (James O'Connor) is surely out of Aus rugby next year at least. If I was the force I'd wack the hardest conditions on a contract offer ever.

What I find more amazing is that he was on his way to FKN BALI? I get there is maybe some time off here with a 2 week gap - but don't these bastards need every fucking second of training possible before what will surely be a damn hard tour.

Here's my backline for the boks (wont happen but maybe if JOC (James O'Connor) is out the back 3 will be right)
9 -white
11 - Tomane
12 - Lilo
13 - Kurindrani
14 - AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
15 - Folau


Bill McLean (32)
So will JOC (James O'Connor) play against the boks?? Surely this is Link's first test to set a standard of behaviour that he has publically said he holds high. Bit like when the reds sidelined Ioane despite insisting he didnt do anything wrong but he shouldnt have been where he was.

JOC (James O'Connor) is surely out of Aus rugby next year at least. If I was the force I'd wack the hardest conditions on a contract offer ever.

What I find more amazing is that he was on his way to FKN BALI? I get there is maybe some time off here with a 2 week gap - but don't these bastards need every fucking second of training possible before what will surely be a damn hard tour.

Here's my backline for the boks (wont happen but maybe if JOC (James O'Connor) is out the back 3 will be right)
9 -white
11 - Tomane
12 - Lilo
13 - Kurindrani
14 - AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
15 - Folau

Agree with this apart from the 10.... would still stick with To'omua/ cooper just because we need to get some sort of consistency in that position.


Peter Sullivan (51)
FFS ppl need to get off their high horses.

If it was anyone eles they would have been able to get on the flight but for some idiot big noting himself from behind a desk. Anyone ever got a flight to Bali? Some blokes get carried on by their mates.

If it was such a big deal he wouldnt have been able to get a flight a couple of hours later.

He was on his own time with his GF trying to get a short break in after a long year of rugby after this week he will be away till dec why shouldnt he be able to have 2-3 days away with his GF?

Give it a rest.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Is it a duty of the Brand to be thrown out of an airport?

He seems to have an issue with airports. "Oversleeping" his alarm for the RWC Qantas promo shoot at Mascot as well.

I head off to google to see if there is a phobia name for fear of airports.

I find this. Some of which may be applicable to the Brand O'Bieber


The closest phobias I could locate that would even be remotely related to airports or the situation you bring up include:

Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society.
Demophobia- Fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia)
Enosiophobia or Enissophobia- Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.
Enochlophobia- Fear of crowds.
Katagelophobia- Fear of ridicule.
Macrophobia- Fear of long waits.
Nostophobia- Fear of returning home.
Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs.
Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.
Polyphobia- Fear of many things.
Poinephobia- Fear of punishment.
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia- Fear of being seen or stared at.
Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
Sociophobia- Fear of society or people in general.

And last but not least:

Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
FFS ppl need to get off their high horses.

If it was anyone eles they would have been able to get on the flight but for some idiot big noting himself from behind a desk. Anyone ever got a flight to Bali? Some blokes get carried on by their mates.

If it was such a big deal he wouldnt have been able to get a flight a couple of hours later.

He was on his own time with his GF trying to get a short break in after a long year of rugby after this week he will be away till dec why shouldnt he be able to have 2-3 days away with his GF?

Give it a rest.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
If it was pretty much anyone else it would be out of character


I'd like to see
1. Robinson
2. Moore
3. Slipper
4. Timani
5. Horwill

EM needs Fa'aingaa on the field after 50 minutes, no later than 55. His grasscutting is unbelievably effective with On-ballers next to him in the D-line like Fardy & Mowen.

The question on everyone's lips: what does Benn Alexander need to do to get dropped!?
Because I sure as hell can't answer the first question that came to my mind: Why does Benn Alexander deserve his spot?


Andrew Slack (58)
His grasscutting is unbelievably effective with On-ballers next to him in the D-line like Fardy & Mowen.
Not sure which grass cutting you refer to but he cuts a lot of grass with his top molars as he is getting shunted backwards arse-up in the scrums.

No idea why anyone would want t yank Moore unless he breaks or you have TPN on the wood.


Moore has lost the ability to hook for the ball in the scrums. White should have been penalized earlier in the Game against Argentina as he was always feeding it towards Steve's feet!

Fainga'a can hook for the ball in the scrums, and Moore only shades him by 5 - 10 percent in terms of line out throwing, IMO. Fainga'a is more dynamic around the park. I think he's at least worth a shot because Moore hasn't been fantastic by any means of the imagination for the past few weeks, and if Genia's game was bad enough to warrant being dropped, surely Moore cannot be far behind.


David Codey (61)
I'd like to see
1. Robinson
2. Moore
3. Slipper
4. Timani
5. Horwill

EM needs Fa'aingaa on the field after 50 minutes, no later than 55. His grasscutting is unbelievably effective with On-ballers next to him in the D-line like Fardy & Mowen.

The question on everyone's lips: what does Benn Alexander need to do to get dropped!?
Because I sure as hell can't answer the first question that came to my mind: Why does Benn Alexander deserve his spot?

I'm actually a little shocked he hasn't fared better under the new scrum laws. One of my criticisms of his technique over the past few years was that his positioning leading into the the hit varied from inconsistent to poor. I really thought with that element removed (well, significantly reduced) he'd be more effective come scrum time. He hasn't. Time to be moved on.

I want to see Foley given a run and 10. I was watching a Larkham tribute earlier and couldn't help make the comparison between he and Foley. The last time we were truly dangerous was when we had Larkham at his peak. His strength apart his passing, was his ability to identify space and slip through it. Similar to that of Foley. Cooper hasn't really performed over the past couple of tests and I think To'omua needs the Brumbies to adopt a more attacking focus for him to develop greater vision in his game. Give Foley a shot, we're not likely to really gain anything over the next two games anyway so its worth a shot.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Here's to hoping JOC (James O'Connor) doesn't play for the rest of the Rugby Championship. I'm sick of these pretty boys, most notably Beale and JOC (James O'Connor), who think they are the best thing since sliced bread. Get some respect. The point that annoys me the most is the fact that he keeps re-offending. Does he ever learn? Evidently not. Just drop him from the squad, please. He'll keep thinking he can get away with things if they keep selecting him. It's unacceptable. What's he doing going on a holiday anyway, he's not exactly in-form. Learn some basic skills before you do so.
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