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CAS 2019


Stan Wickham (3)
WTF, Given the strong performances of Barker over the last 2 years, they are clearly on a roll re their Rugby program, what's your prediction going forward, eg next 1-3 years?

They will get belted? This year and next year the waverly u16’s couldn’t win a game and it shows with them coming last.

This years Aloys team won the 13a’s, 14a’s and 15a’s. They only lost the 16a’s because all the players were promoted to the firsts and they have had a bad luck with refs/games so haven’t gotten why they should have this year. Plus Barker have their usual influx of representative players which makes it hard to compete with them.

Barker will be the strongest team next year- they won the 16a’s plus they have their usual arrival of new players for the firsts for any gaps they have.


Tom Lawton (22)
WTF, Given the strong performances of Barker over the last 2 years, they are clearly on a roll re their Rugby program, what's your prediction going forward, eg next 1-3 years?

Without playing all the teams (i.e. Knox this weekend who Barker have not won against in this age group since year 5 or 6) its pretty hard to give a good judgement. All that I will say is that I think the gap between Barker and the two stronger rugby schools (Knox & Waverley) in this age group has definitely got smaller. Waverley beat Barker by about 80 points last year, and the 20-10 result is a lot closer.

The opens will be a good contest over the next two years, at this stage it is fair to say that Waverley look the strongest team. On the flip side, you did at the start of this year too in the opens. Injuries, personnel changes, attitude and coaches can and will make a difference.
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Tom Lawton (22)
The new players arriving help as well WTF to make that gap smaller.

And they would be??? Oh, unless you’re talking about disenfranchised Aloys players who are embarrassed by what their ‘supporters’ write on here...


Peter Burge (5)
Long time reader first time writer. Have been a follower of Waverley for many years with 2 sons who are now old boys having been through the rugby program.
Our joint opinion on the current 1st XV status is in one word disappointing! ( I can hear the drums beating ) maybe time for a change in the coaches box. Time for a new voice and fresh ideas.

But all is not lost , with the incoming personal via the undefeated 16 As the future is bright. We have watched many of their games this season and we are excited for 2020. Apparently most of this group play Sunday club rugby together which really shows.
Also I believe 9 or 10 of these boys are 2019 CAS reps and 5 or 6 of them also NSW Schools 1st XV.
If you take the core of this group and mix in the year 11 boys from both the undefeated 2nd and 3rd XV then the Waverley opens will be very strong in 2020 moving forward.

Good luck to Barker and Knox this weekend.
Roll on 2020


Stan Wickham (3)
Long time reader first time writer. Have been a follower of Waverley for many years with 2 sons who are now old boys having been through the rugby program.
Our joint opinion on the current 1st XV status is in one word disappointing! ( I can hear the drums beating ) maybe time for a change in the coaches box. Time for a new voice and fresh ideas.

But all is not lost , with the incoming personal via the undefeated 16 As the future is bright. We have watched many of their games this season and we are excited for 2020. Apparently most of this group play Sunday club rugby together which really shows.
Also I believe 9 or 10 of these boys are 2019 CAS reps and 5 or 6 of them also NSW Schools 1st XV.
If you take the core of this group and mix in the year 11 boys from both the undefeated 2nd and 3rd XV then the Waverley opens will be very strong in 2020 moving forward.

Good luck to Barker and Knox this weekend.
Roll on 2020

Hear hear-they are incompetent!


Personally, I find it disappointing that anyone from the Waverley community would be critical of the coaches just because this season hasn't lived up to expectations.

The two teacher/coaches: Scott Coleman and Paul Cornish have proven track records. Cornish being a long time successful 1st XV coach and ex Wallaby and the relatively new Coleman (a former junior Waratah front rower) having success with the CAS rep teams in recent years (defeating GPS for the first time in years) as well as being co-coach of the Premiership winning teams of 2016 & 17.

Waverley supporters want to hope these two credible and dedicated teacher/coaches don't give it away. Often, the "devil you know" is your best bet even if things don't run smoothly all the time.

Men of their calibre are hard to find and with the new crop of talent coming through the ranks, the Double V look well positioned for the next two years.


Bob Loudon (25)
Personally, I find it disappointing that anyone from the Waverley community would be critical of the coaches just because this season hasn't lived up to expectations.

The two teacher/coaches: Scott Coleman and Paul Cornish have proven track records. Cornish being a long time successful 1st XV coach and ex Wallaby and the relatively new Coleman (a former junior Waratah front rower) having success with the CAS rep teams in recent years (defeating GPS for the first time in years) as well as being co-coach of the Premiership winning teams of 2016 & 17.

Waverley supporters want to hope these two credible and dedicated teacher/coaches don't give it away. Often, the "devil you know" is your best bet even if things don't run smoothly all the time.

Men of their calibre are hard to find and with the new crop of talent coming through the ranks, the Double V looked well positioned for the next two years.

One not so good season and the amount of criticism by keyboard warriors directed to obviously talented men who have done so well in the past is very difficult to fathom. I doubt any person on this forum critical of the coaches would be even remotely capable of doing a similar job.
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One not so good season and the amount of criticism by keyboard warriors directed to obviously talented men who have done so well in the past is very difficult to fathom. I doubt any person on this forum critical of the coaches would be even remotely capable of doing a similar job.

Or they're schoolboy trolls.


Arch Winning (36)
Personally, I find it disappointing that anyone from the Waverley community would be critical of the coaches just because this season hasn't lived up to expectations.

The two teacher/coaches: Scott Coleman and Paul Cornish have proven track records. Cornish being a long time successful 1st XV coach and ex Wallaby and the relatively new Coleman (a former junior Waratah front rower) having success with the CAS rep teams in recent years (defeating GPS for the first time in years) as well as being co-coach of the Premiership winning teams of 2016 & 17.

Waverley supporters want to hope these two credible and dedicated teacher/coaches don't give it away. Often, the "devil you know" is your best bet even if things don't run smoothly all the time.

Men of their calibre are hard to find and with the new crop of talent coming through the ranks, the Double V look well positioned for the next two years.

Agree, re the coaches, they are both extremely talented and dedicated and have a strong win record.
No school wins all the time, which is clearly a good thing. but all try to, and that's what counts!

Who would be a coach or a ref.


The thing is, these teacher/coaches have to fit their coaching duties in with their regular jobs. If they're dedicated they can burn some midnight oil working on tactics and team selections etc. They won't mind too much if they enjoy coaching but still .... the effort and time they put in shouldn't be taken for granted.

Besides that, they have to deal with adolescents who grow into young men in their last year of school. It's not always easy to deal with kids who might be overly aggressive for example. It takes a special gift to achieve this; these guys help to shape the characters of their young charges and prepare them for life/sport post school.

Number 7

Darby Loudon (17)
The thing is, these teacher/coaches have to fit their coaching duties in with their regular jobs. If they're dedicated they can burn some midnight oil working on tactics and team selections etc. They won't mind too much if they enjoy coaching but still .. the effort and time they put in shouldn't be taken for granted.

Besides that, they have to deal with adolescents who grow into young men in their last year of school. It's not always easy to deal with kids who might be overly aggressive for example. It takes a special gift to achieve this; these guys help to shape the characters of their young charges and prepare them for life/sport post school.

Well said. There are some that seem to forget that these are schools, not rugby academies we are talking about. Whilst it is a romantic notion to be aspirational to make a career out of rugby, only a very small percentage ever make it and very very few make a living to the extent that you dont need to worry about having an education and a career path after school. Teachers who can coach (as opposed to the reverse) should be applauded and highly valued.


Bob McCowan (2)
my understanding of the 2 tables is as follows.

1st XV
1. Barker 4/0
2. Knox 3/1
3. Cranbrook 2/2
6. Aloys/Trinity/Waves 1/3

i'll predict Barker to beat Knox, Cranbrook to beat aloys, and Waves to beat Trinity. Standard. Which would leave the table Barker, Knox, Cranbrook, Waves, and Trinity/Aloys as spooners.

2nd XV
1. Waverley 4/0
2. Barker 3/1
3. Cranbrook/Knox 2/2
5. Trinity 1/3
6. Aloys 0/4

who knows with 2nds footy. waves to go undefeated, although anything can happen at this level.

can't believe its that time of year again. going to have to start predicting next season soon. time really does fly when you work 9-5.


Peter Burge (5)
So the U16 NSW teams are out.

The NSW 1 team has only two changes to the original NSW Schools 1 team (before mysteriously most of the cross GPS back line players had school camps).

The GPS v CAS game was a super narrow result. But made no difference.

Hmmmm. Being the bitter old twisted cynic, that I am at 58, that comes from experience, the CAS boys as per usual got the short end from the GPS.

Just my innocent observation. Politics never ever enters junior sports. Ever. Ever. Yep. Never. Cross my heart. Hope to die.


Peter Burge (5)
Agree, re the coaches, they are both extremely talented and dedicated and have a strong win record.
No school wins all the time, which is clearly a good thing. but all try to, and that's what counts!

Who would be a coach or a ref.

Point noted. I only suggested that maybe a new voice and fresh ideas may be needed to get Waverley back on track. I am aware of the current coaches credentials and their track record and applaud their commitment. But it is of my opinion and only my opinion that coaches should be on rotation in the opens. Maybe every 3 years rotate opens coaches ( remember just my opinion )