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CAS Rugby 2014

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Bob McCowan (2)
Good summary.interestingly enough Burkett was named in CAS 1's team but will definitely miss this Thursday's match due to the red card.

If selectors picked this side based on the match up yesterday between Burkett and Corias, then I don't know how Burkett made the 1's.

The first yellow card came from a shoulder charge from Burkett on Corias which was totally ineffective and didn't move the Trinity 6 at all. The charge came about out of Burkett's frustration that seconds earlier Corias executed a pilfer at tackle on the Barker 6 that resulted in a penalty to Trinity.

The Barker star was totally outplayed yesterday and his lack of discipline could have cost Barker the game.

Earlier posts referred to players being selected on form rather than past glory, and unfortunately I think that is what has happened here.

At any rate, with Burkett missing this Thursday's fixture, the Trinity 6 may well get his chance to prove his worth.

Might be an opportunity to credit Knox 6 Brett Van Zyl who seems to have been overlooked although he has been mentioned as star player in every game


Frank Row (1)
There is much to be said about these CAS selections.
I think old boys from each school need to state what school they are from before commenting, for myself it was knox:

anyway in regards to CAS selction.

Firstly, barkley brown from trinity not making CAS 1sts? im sorry but i know that these selectors try to think about chemistry. But that starts from the half back and fly half not outside backs. This kid is legit, real talent and it starts with his rugby IQ, kicking ability and speed. Apart from kicking those thinks cant be taught. Speed can be improved but not to this kids caliber. You may say that there are faster players in CAS, not many with the ball in hand.

Moreover, the exclusion of rory vevers from ANY CAS teams is a joke. He played sydney junior rugby, where he started to play a pivotal role on the wing and started to become a better rugby in the team. I would go far enough to say top 5, he really impressed me at riverview. There he wasnt paying with Smerdon and such (no disrespect to Dave, he is a great leader, rugby player and deserves his CAS selection) but he was playing with big players and showed he deserved to be there. He has been pivotal to Alloy's this year keeping in some competitiveness, and was selected last year in CAS seconds though pulled out because of injury in a more experienced, stronger backline. Also from aloys i think james dainton deserved to be playing 12 for the firsts. He has played with many games with smerdon in gordon rugby (back when that actually mattered) and therefore would have chemistry (only reason why i could justify to myself CAS picked the team they did). He has been solid all year, and has played tremendously. Lastly is slaven for aloys (played flanker for aloysius, yet again played gordon when it mattered) not being picked is outrageous. He is something you normally cant say about an aloysius boy, and that is built, also why is it that aloys boys are physically a lot smaller? Anyway this kid has tremendous footwork, balance, tackling ability and rugby IQ. I can understand if he wasnt put in CAS firsts but not even making the reserves is a joke. Aloys may be a weak school at rugby, but they do have some good talent

look im happy to see all these knox boys make the team, same with cranbrook, though i think we need to focus on the most talented side, and in my opinon that is:

CAS 1st:

1)Tom Hill ( C ),
2)James Widders-Leece ( K )
3)Alexander Rathie ( C ),
4)Hugh Summerhayes ( C ),
5)Nick Burkett ( B )
6)Brett Van Zyl ( K )

7)Jake Pierce ( K ),
8) Nick Makas ( C )

9) steve kirkby ( B )
10) Dave Smerdon ( B )
11) Rihann Barkley Brown ( T )
12) James dainton ( A )
13) Connor watson ( k )
14) Rory vevers (A)
15) Sam Renton

CAS Second players to reseve:
harry mclennan (t), Charlie banks (c), Lachlan Swinton (k), Nick slaven (A), Roy harrison (C), Lukas price (k), Henry patterson (w)

Rugby Addict

Herbert Moran (7)
Vevers did not play for Aloys yesterday due to concussion from the week before against Knox and was unavailable for selection for the CHS games - should be OK after that I think.

Kevin Gill

Frank Row (1)
So Renton plays the house down at 10 all season and gets picked at 15: i don't know who should be more outraged - him or the other 15s

While Renton has played 10 for Cranbrook and has played outstandingly, his decision making is no where near the calibre of Smerdon. Yes he has made some good decisions, but he has also made some terribly shocking decisions as well (kicking the ball away in the final 20 seconds of the Knox game, only to rely on the forwards to get it back). His kicking and running style of play would be more suited to 15. This being said Barkley-Brown is also an outstanding player who has certainly lifted the Trinity team this season and should definitely be up there in the squad (maybe on the wing?).


Larry Dwyer (12)
So Renton plays the house down at 10 all season and gets picked at 15: i don't know who should be more outraged - him or the other 15s

I doubt Renton cares about where he's selected. To be honest I think it was going to be hard for anybody to knock Smerdon out of the spot he played last year, and has played well in this year. He showed his worth last year when he was in good company and this year, now that the Barker backs aren't crash hot, he probably doesn't stand out as much as he should. I doubt he'll disappoint in his representative role

The Oracle

Stan Wickham (3)
Renton has played fullback for a number of years. Think he was a 15 in the CAS U16s.
Renton played on the wing in 16s Bassett was 15 - interestingly a 10 playing 15 also. As I said in an earlier post this is a very similar side to the CAS side that was thrown around like rag dolls by all and sundry. I feel that although those that advocated for Cranbrook and Knox domination have been satisfied , the results will speak for themselves. Hope I am wrong but just can't see it. Oh and by the way I will not be offering either of my testicles if my opinion is proven to be incorrect. C'mon Waverley!


Nev Cottrell (35)
The CAS teams look pretty much right to me. Some posters appear to be arguing that individuals from Knox and Cranbrook have been rewarded for their teams' success - we should be alive to the possibility that those teams are successful at least partly because those individuals are playing well.

There are one or two players who are unlucky. A good back-rower was always going to miss out, and Van Zyl was the unlucky one. And I don't think anyone would have complained if Barkley-Brown had snuck in on the wing - imagine what he might do playing behind the Knox or Cranbrook forwards. Vevers, I'm assuming, would be there or thereabouts but for injury.

For those loudly criticising the selectors, bear this in mind - it's not a one-off. There are players chosen in the Seconds who will get run-on time in the Firsts. And after the CHS games, there will be time to sort out any anomalies before the GPS matches. If (to take just one example) James Dainton is the player his supporters here say he is, he will get every chance to show it over the next two weeks or so.

Interesting to see David Barbati's name in the squad. He hasn't been a regular in the Trinity side this year (whether through injury or otherwise, I don't know), so he must have made quite an impression in the last few games. It reminded me a bit of the Good Old Days when there used to be three CAS teams chosen. Once you packed in the reserves, more than half the players in the competition picked up a red jersey, and there were often some surprises there - guys who'd played much of the year in their school Seconds. Actually, back in the day when a certain Waverley brother ruled CAS sport with an iron fist, I can recall a year when 18 Waverley boys were chosen for CAS.


Stan Wickham (3)
The CAS teams look pretty much right to me. Some posters appear to be arguing that individuals from Knox and Cranbrook have been rewarded for their teams' success - we should be alive to the possibility that those teams are successful at least partly because those individuals are playing well.

There are one or two players who are unlucky.

Snort is on the money here. I think on the whole the selections made are the right ones considering this is the first look we are going to get - best play it safe with proven combinations and if it doesn't work out fix it before the GPS clash.

My only quarry is the reluctance to pick on combinations in the Seconds. In the firsts Kirkby and Smerdon are together (another reason why Renton to 15 is a good option) but in the seconds they didn't do the same. What about Dainton playing with his inside centre outside him (I think his name is lawson) the kid has been strong in defence and a handful with the ball in hand, probably the form inside centre of the comp inlucky to be in a losing side.

And Barkley brown not playing 1's is a joke. He is one of the most talented players in the comp. play him anywhere in the back 3 and he will be electric.

Besides that, pretty much spot on. Cranbook and Knox have been dominant. The reason for that is they have strong players, and this is reflected in the CAS teams.

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Larry Dwyer (12)
Snort is on the money here. I think on the whole the selections made are the right ones considering this is the first look we are going to get - best play it safe with proven combinations and if it doesn't work out fix it before the GPS clash.

My only quarry is the reluctance to pick on combinations in the Seconds. In the firsts Kirkby and Smerdon are together (another reason why Renton to 15 is a good option) but in the seconds they didn't do the same. What about Dainton playing with his inside centre outside him (I think his name is lawson) the kid has been strong in defence and a handful with the ball in hand, probably the form inside centre of the comp inlucky to be in a losing side.

And Barkley brown not playing 1's is a joke. He is one of the most talented players in the comp. play him anywhere in the back 3 and he will be electric.

Besides that, pretty much spot on. Cranbook and Knox have been dominant. The reason for that is they have strong players, and this is reflected in the CAS teams.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Not a bad point

I think barley brown was also unlucky - also some of the aloys forwards have been good notably the seven and I believe Nolan and one another. I think CAS reserves could have been used better to give the battlers in weaker sides a chance

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Stan Wickham (3)
Congratulations to all the boys that made CAS, but just as Will Genia has missed out on the Wallabies I'd love to hear some opinions about talent in a losing side/smaller school. I think selectors might have a flaw in picking on chemistry rather than talent or form. Last year we saw an entire Barker backline underperform at representative level then scrapped for the latter GPS fixture. The Kirkby/Smeardon/Renton situation this year will certainly add intrigue to the debate as the omission of Barkley Brown from 1sts is a cruel one. Vevers is likely to be injured but perhaps a flyhalf/fullback combination of Renton and Vevers or Barkley Brown would be more dangerous than Smeardon and Renton? It's all food for thought and hopefully Barkley Brown (T), Patterson (W) and Dainton (A) get the run in 1sts they deserve as surely between Trinity, Waverley and Aloysius there are some stiff feelings at the moment. On a similar note, Nick Slaven (A) missing out altogether raises some eyebrows in this chemistry vs weaker side talent discussion.
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