Hugh Jarse
Rocky Elsom (76)

The Henry Plume Shield for 2014 is all done and dusted. Apart from end of season 2014 reviews, which still should be on the CAS 2014 thread, it is time to move on to next season.
double v
If they can get good preseason training in and the right coaching from day 1, I believe the smart money is on Waverley to finally take out the Henry Plume shield next year after coming agonizingly close in past years.
I'm a bit biased as well, but it looks promising for Waverley for next year and for the next few years to come.
Besides the depth that you've pinpointed, it's interesting to note that of all the 1sts players from this season, 7 will be in Year 12 and 3 in Year 11.
What about the other schools? I know Alos, Knox and Trinity played some promising U16s in 1sts and Alos had a very young team.
This season's 1sts players who will be backing up next year:
Waverley - 10