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CAS Rugby 2017

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Bob Loudon (25)
Will Lloyd I think is better at 15. BTW, I heard he ran back to back 100's at the CAS last night and won both (U17 and Opens?). Recently broke the Barker record in 10.6. I think his best time last night from what I heard was 10.8. Will be interesting to see how he goes this year.

Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
Obstruction why would you pick Tjeck at 9 when the Trinity half was preferred over him for 16s this year?

I would say Payne in at 12, 13 or 15, possibly 15. Nig, fast and a good footballer with good Randwick juniors pedigree. Cranbrook has a good prop (Pilton), Ilias the Trinity 10 might be considered. The 16s centres Cameron (Knox) and Towns (Wav) would be up there too, as well as Tiger in the back row.


Bob Loudon (25)
Lloyd ran back to back hurdles last night, not 100s. Probably harder.

He's a better athlete than rugby player though.

See CAS posted results. W Lloyd 1st in U17 100m in 10.87, 1st in 200m in 21.96, 1st in 110 hurdles in 14.14 and also ran in opens 4 by 100 relay. Did not win opens 100, you are correct. I differ on your view as to his Rugby ability but lets leave it there

Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
I didn't say he wasn't a good rugby player, but he is a top athlete. He won nationals all schools hurdles last year running up an age group. He's not one of the best rugby players in the country playing up an age group.

He is therefore a better athlete than rugby player.

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Regarding Will Lloyd...One thing rugby coaches cannot coach is pure speed. Just like basketball coaches cannot coach Height.. Young Shore fullback and BaBaas winger Luke Rixon is a casing point. Selected in GPS3rds, yet when given room and opportunity in the National schoolboy champs, he set the field alight. Coaches love that stuff. It would seem young Lloyd from Barker has the speed. He just needs to get the ball in space. Something that this years Barker team just could not engineer... Barker will be more formidable next year. And if they have someone with genuine speed it will only enhance their attacking options...


Vay Wilson (31)
Interesting to see a few of the other boys mentioned above running last night. In 16s Byron HD recorded fastest 100m time with 11.24, Cameron 11.5 and Towns not far behind with 11.99. Throw in Lloyd and you could make up a pacey CAS backline next year.

Up and under

Stan Wickham (3)
Here is my early predictions for a few boys with opportunity for representative honours, albeit limited knowledge on 16s players from 2016 rising to next years opens. Several worthy options within the back row, however I struggled to find a player with the size of a true 8. Perhaps a big off-season from a flanker could fill this hole?

1. Wright (W) / Dawson (K)
2. Coghill (B)
3. Rahme (A) / Cutrone (K)
4. Frost (K) / Flaherty (B)
5. Moretti (W)
6. Reimer (B)
7. Stead (T) / Partington (A) / Cornish (W)
9. Tejeck (B)
10. Woodcock (K) / Donaldson (W)
11. Lloyd (B)
12. Flaherty (A)
14. Hollingsworth-Descent (T)

1.Wright (W)
2.Coghill (B)
3.Cutrone (K)
4.Frost (K)
5.Moretti (W)
6.Murphy (W)
7.Stead (T)
8.Reimer (B)
9.Chambers (T)
10.Donaldson (W)
11.Payne (T)
12.Cornish (W)
13.Hardaker (W)
14.Hollingsworth-Descent (T)
15. Lloyd (B)

A strong and skilful pack with speed to burn out wide in the backs.


Karma Police

Allen Oxlade (6)
There were two 16s boys who ran faster than Byron in the 100 at CAS, but in older age groups. Neither plays rugby any more, so they're probably not relevant to this site I guess.

Trinity actually have the 6 fastest 16yo 100 runners in CAS, but only one (Byron) still plays rugby. It's different culturally compared to Knox and Barker, for example.


Vay Wilson (31)
Yes, speed for speeds sake is all well and good but not much use to CAS opens unless the proponent is playing the game.


Herbert Moran (7)
Hasbeen and formerflanker,

Here's my two bobs worth, and I will put on my business hat.

A business/school is better off focusing on what its core strengths are, eg rugby as the main winter sport, rather than trying to be all things to all people.
You could suggest that this is irrelevant right now because Barker probably doesn't have any problem attracting students.
BUT one day it might as over time, given it stretches itself over a multitude of sports, it ends up losing ALL THE TIME, so loses its attraction as a strong/winning school, eventually to future parents.

Schools. like businesses, need to stand for something, and when it comes to sport, a major part of any big school, the same applies.


My kids must be at a different school. To us it looks like Barker invests much more in coaching and facilities for rugby than any other sport, despite a lot more students playing soccer. The comments about the powers that be are bizarre - the Head attends every first XV game (home & away) and seems to love it. The head of Junior School played for Australian Schools in 1985!! I think the comments about the ARU are spot on - they take the private schools for granted and have been outflanked by other codes.

The business comment is pertinent - it's a school not a rugby club! One of my boys plays in the A's and i don't know a single parent who chose the school for the rugby program. They want the all around education, that's what the pay for.

As a final thought - everybody loves a winner, and Barker won many Henry Plume Shields in recent years. Looking through the age groups Barker is now in the middle of a lean patch. That's how it goes with school boy rugby. The schools put together a team of students to play rugby on the weekend; they do not recruit a rugby team and make them play student Mon-Fri. (Well maybe a few schools do, but CAS generally doesn't do it that way)


Allen Oxlade (6)
Does everybody think Knox will be as strong as they have been next year? I can definitely see them falling behind a little next year to Waverley and Barker. Anyway would be interesting to see a Knox line-up.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)

Agree completely with your comments, every school has lean patches, some more than others, but no-one is always completely dominant.

Interesting to see your comments on the strong Barker rugby investment.
I think its fair to assume that all parents, regardless of CAS,GPS,CIS, are in it for an all round education BUT if you have no allegiance THEN you might pick a school that has an historical strength in a particular sport, eg rugby, assuming the schools academic etc capabilities are all pretty similar.

In my view if a boy tries hard at any of these schools in academia or sport, they will succeed, as they resources are there!

TAHS 247,

Knox are nearly always strong and will be again next year.
However some of the other schools you have mentioned will have some seriously talented young men returning from this year's 11 and 10!

CAS_Rugby Viewer

Stan Wickham (3)
Does everybody think Knox will be as strong as they have been next year? I can definitely see them falling behind a little next year to Waverley and Barker. Anyway would be interesting to see a Knox line-up.

Knox will be just as strong or if not stronger in 2017. With Nick Frost (Aus Barbarians) and Tom Woodcock (U16's NSW) just to name a few. Their pack might not be as physical as it has been in recent years but they will have a very solid tight 5. In the backs there should be plenty of speed and talent and will have no problem scoring points. Easily the team to beat.


Vay Wilson (31)
The schools put together a team of students to play rugby on the weekend; they do not recruit a rugby team and make them play student Mon-Fri. (Well maybe a few schools do, but CAS generally doesn't do it that way)

Interesting perspective RF14. In your opinion, is it simply a happy coincidence that 3 of the 2015 nswjru u15s turned up at Barker for the first time in 2016 Yr 10?

Blazing Saddles

Sydney Middleton (9)
Knox will be just as strong or if not stronger in 2017. With Nick Frost (Aus Barbarians) and Tom Woodcock (U16's NSW) just to name a few. Their pack might not be as physical as it has been in recent years but they will have a very solid tight 5. In the backs there should be plenty of speed and talent and will have no problem scoring points. Easily the team to beat.

"Just as strong if not Stronger?"
I think Knox will struggle from what i saw this year , the greatest concern will be their defence with the boys coming through. If they use the game plan adopted this year of kicking the ball constantly the coaches will need to do a LOT of work on defensive alignment.


Chris McKivat (8)
Haven't read through all the posts yet, has anyone mentioned the fact that the whole way competition works is changing. Apparently teams like Trinity and Aloys are sick of the cricket score losses and now GPS and CAS are merging - it's already been signed off I believe by all schools. CAS plays 1 round of traditional CAS opponents then six games against varying GPS schools, I think Waverley has Kings and Joeys in their pool. Am I the first to hear this..

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Waves to Win and Catchnpass,

I can confirm this as true, heard it from a very reliable source at Waverley last week.

Yes 1 round each for the GPS,and CAS schools in their own comp, which is great in my opinion.Until the last few years this is how it always was, and allows all boys to play more schools.

I think better for all concerned, don't know what pools yet, but assume they will grade things with some common sense.
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