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CAS Rugby 2022


Stan Wickham (3)
As a Waverley supporter, I strongly believe the two props from Waverley are in serious consideration for CAS selections. Week in and week out they have been proving they're worthy to represent CAS. I am open to further the discussion of CAS and would like to hear more opinions and possibly post a "potential" CAS team. I've seen that the AAGPS forum has made a few predictions for their AAGPS 1st XV side. Now as a new member of being involved in "Green and Gold Rugby" am I allowed to view other forums that could be a rivalry with CAS? e.g reading through the AAGPS forum.


Fred Wood (13)
hey everyone what are your opinions on CAS selections for 2022, I've heard they're getting announced after next week's game!
Id say Katoa and Archie Saunders are locked in and i would be surprised if Jarrah isnt at 12. Knox No.8 will be hard to beat as well. Front row will be interesting as i beieve there are Y11 boys in most teams.


Stan Wickham (3)
Seen with the AAGPS back three looking to be very strong anyone has any insight on who you think our back three should be? A lot of talent within the backline so it'll come down to the crunch with the selections.


Bob McCowan (2)
Hey guys,
Over here from the GPS thread but would love to share my thoughts as I got a few close mates with sons in the CAS. Just from watching the Waverley vs Aloys game on the weekend I really loved the look of their 15. Manus Bailey I think the name is. The way he stood out in not the strongest team and a loss like that I would love to see his skill in a stronger team as I heard he has some real talent. I also noticed the strength of the Waves winger too but again would like to see him against a stronger team.

Cheers SK :)


Stan Wickham (3)
Hey guys,
Over here from the GPS thread but would love to share my thoughts as I got a few close mates with sons in the CAS. Just from watching the Waverley vs Aloys game on the weekend I really loved the look of their 15. Manus Bailey I think the name is. The way he stood out in not the strongest team and a loss like that I would love to see his skill in a stronger team as I heard he has some real talent. I also noticed the strength of the Waves winger too but again would like to see him against a stronger team.

Cheers SK :)
Hey mate great to see your look and I agree with your statements. I've seen a lot of talk about the backs for both CAS and AAGPS and would like to hear your guy's thoughts on the forwards for CAS.


Bob McCowan (2)
Hey mate great to see your look and I agree with your statements. I've seen a lot of talk about the backs for both CAS and AAGPS and would like to hear your guy's thoughts on the forwards for CAS.
Hey Waves,

Obviously Waves captain AJ, is a walk into the CAS 1XV. I believe he was in the CAS 2XV so should be in 1XV this year. The Aloys captain Hill is a very strong player too but has been battling with injury recently. Knox have a very dominant pack this year too from what I have heard so would be great to see a lot of those players included in the squad. Obviously Barker are strong again too with Lachie Hooper leading that pack. I haven't seen much of any other CAS school unfortunately so I will not be able to provide an educated opinion on them.


Alex Ross (28)
  1. Finau (B)
  2. Obaseki (C)/Burgeouis(K)/Edwards(B)
  3. Preketes (W)
  4. Tauililili-Pelesasa (T)
  5. Hooper (B)
  6. Miller (K)
  7. Halatokoua (W)
  8. Hill (A)
  9. Hatton Ward (T)
  10. Katoa (B)
  11. Jahnke Tavana (W)
  12. McLeod (K)
  13. Saunders (K)
  14. Constable (K) or Sherlock (K)
  15. Towns (W)

I reckon this would be a good team.

Some of the controversial choices:

Hill (A) at 8 instead of Hooper (B).

Hatton Ward (T) instead of Phillipson (B)

Katoa (B) who has barely played any rugby and might not be available.

Otherwise, I think this would be close to being there. Obaseki might lose out for his throw accuracy to Burgeouis (K). The pack is pretty big, and have a lot of kids that can carry. The backs would be electric, this is often the area CAS struggles with against GPS - reckon that backline can match them. Especially the centre pairing.

The captain? A Barker coach is head coach so it will be a Barker kid.
Last edited:


Stan Wickham (3)
  1. Finau (B)
  2. Obaseki (C)
  3. Preketes (W)
  4. Tauililili-Pelesasa (T)
  5. Hooper (B)
  6. Miller (K)
  7. Halatokoua (W)
  8. Hill (A)
  9. Hatton Ward (T)
  10. Katoa (B)
  11. Jahnke Tavana (W)
  12. McLeod (K)
  13. Saunders (K)
  14. Constable (K) or Sherlock (K)
  15. Towns (W)

I reckon this would be a good team.

Some of the controversial choices:

Hill (A) at 8 instead of Hooper (B).

Hatton Ward (T) instead of Phillipson (B)

Katoa (B) who has barely played any rugby and might not be available.

Otherwise, I think this would be close to being there. Obaseki might lose out for his throw accuracy to Burgeouis (K). The pack is pretty big, and have a lot of kids that can carry. The backs would be electric, this is often the area CAS struggles with against GPS - reckon that backline can match them. Especially the centre pairing.

The captain? A Barker coach is head coach so it will be a Barker kid.
I feel like this could be a very strong team. Everyone that is named in this has talent as an individual but also can also work really well as a team.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Hi ap1, I do know the history of this age cohort, and I have no family member/s in this age group.

Throughout the years, particularly over the last 2 years, this age group has beaten all comers including Joeys, View etc and then all CAS schools, bar 1 game v Knox at Knox which was extremely dubious.... to say the least.

Probably not quite as good as last years team but still very good, just not the same size in the forwards, but no surprise there.
This team has some solid workers and also some very good ball runners, who can score from anywhere.

A number play league as well, probably explains the flashy/risky flick passing etc, which does my head in, but occasionally it works.

About half of this team is in year 11 ( 5 forwards), and the 2nds is full of year 11 boys, so next year will be interesting.
It does sound like they will run into an extremely good Barker side and a very strong Knox side this year.
If they can manage to beat Knox at Knox, which will be a battle, they then will play Barker at Waverley ( Death Valley) in the 2nd last game.
Barker then has to also back up against Knox at Knox, the local derby, in the last game.

Now, there may an upset from other CAS schools in the process, and I don't mean to belittle the other CAS schools, but the chances are this scenario will play out.

P.S. We did have a very big, 110k, and very aggressive mobile prop out, he was a back until this year, which will definitely make a difference.
He is big and aggressive but a lovely kid. Stayed with my son playing for the opposition the other week when he got injured. I must add they are mates so I am a bit biased towards him.


Alex Ross (28)

Pule is pretty handy..

Once he started playing firsts for Waverley they won all their games. Shore/Newington he was the difference, but missed the second half of Oakhill and he didn’t play on the weekend against Alos.

Tame Brumby

Stan Wickham (3)
How good would it be to see Jarah and Archie running off Katoa? that would give even the best GPS sides some real headaches.


  1. Finau (B)
  2. Obaseki (C)
  3. Preketes (W)
  4. Tauililili-Pelesasa (T)
  5. Hooper (B)
  6. Miller (K)
  7. Halatokoua (W)
  8. Hill (A)
  9. Hatton Ward (T)
  10. Katoa (B)
  11. Jahnke Tavana (W)
  12. McLeod (K)
  13. Saunders (K)
  14. Constable (K) or Sherlock (K)
  15. Towns (W)

I reckon this would be a good team.

Some of the controversial choices:

Hill (A) at 8 instead of Hooper (B).

Hatton Ward (T) instead of Phillipson (B)

Katoa (B) who has barely played any rugby and might not be available.

Otherwise, I think this would be close to being there. Obaseki might lose out for his throw accuracy to Burgeouis (K). The pack is pretty big, and have a lot of kids that can carry. The backs would be electric, this is often the area CAS struggles with against GPS - reckon that backline can match them. Especially the centre pairing.

The captain? A Barker coach is head coach so it will be a Barker kid.

Bryn Edwards from Barker is a must. Best hooker in NSW rugby at the moment. VERY physical. Very mobile. Leads the defensive wall. Not a doubt in my mind. I'm yet to see a hooker even compare to him this year.


  1. Finau (B)
  2. Obaseki (C)
  3. Preketes (W)
  4. Tauililili-Pelesasa (T)
  5. Hooper (B)
  6. Miller (K)
  7. Halatokoua (W)
  8. Hill (A)
  9. Hatton Ward (T)
  10. Katoa (B)
  11. Jahnke Tavana (W)
  12. McLeod (K)
  13. Saunders (K)
  14. Constable (K) or Sherlock (K)
  15. Towns (W)

Only 3 Barker Boys? Despite being the best team in the state right now?

Shots On

Bob McCowan (2)
That's ridiculous Sky Blue. Aloys have proved themselves time again as the top side in the state. Their convincing win against Sydney Grammar (41-7) puts them at the top for me. Lead by Wood (halfback) I'm tipping them as favourites for CAS.


Alex Ross (28)
Bryn Edwards from Barker is a must. Best hooker in NSW rugby at the moment. VERY physical. Very mobile. Leads the defensive wall. Not a doubt in my mind. I'm yet to see a hooker even compare to him this year.

He is a good choice too. Second year firsts player and has a good

Nosa just has such a good carry and offload game and is a third year firsts player - they are rare.

All 3 are in the running.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Hey, I just received a survey asking for my opinions on CAS sport. Everyone should pile in (as I did) and argue for a distinct Rugby competition, with divisions!

bring back rucking

Fred Wood (13)
Was a strange survey, usually these things have a predetermined outcome that they are searching for endorsement on. The theme was CAS expansion so I don’t support that concept. I like the inter association games with gps schools, it generates a great level of interest and is quality rugby. I wouldn’t want an outcome where those games don’t happen going forward…. I’d much prefer consistently play 5 gps schools followed by 5 CAS schools rather than expanding the CAS to incorporate ISA schools.