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Kurtley Beale

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"The Tribunal also found evidence did not establish that a second more offensive text and photograph had been sent by Beale. "

So they couldn't prove that? Nothing about a second phone? Is all the stuff about the second phone just spin?


Ken Catchpole (46)
How does a $45,000 fine qualify as a slap on the wrist?

can a lawyer or accountant please explain the tax position and thus, the net amount that Mr Beale will have to pay?

- is the 45 000 deducted from his gross by the ARU? in which case the real fine is 45 000 less marginal tax.

- is Mr Beale obliged to write a cheque or do an EFTPOS for 45 000? in which case the real fine is 45 000.

- other?


Frank Row (1)
Wasn’t one result of all this that Attack coach Jim McKay and Defence coach and Coaching Co-ordinator Nick Scrivener lost their jobs?, They were contracted to end of 2015 were they not? Patston resigned, Mckenzie resigned, Beale is now on a plane to Europe and McKay and Scrivener are the only ones to get the sack the day before they were to leave on tour as a result of events they had nothing to do with and which had nothing to do with their jobs? I wonder if anyone is apologising to them?


John Hipwell (52)
How many of us have done or said worse about a woman in our employ, a co-worker or a good sort at the pub?

I haven't ever done anything like this as it's quite disrespectful and degrading. My mum would be pretty disgusted with me if I behaved like this.

It's not acceptable and your tone here says more about you than anything else IMO.

Sent from my iPhone

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
can a lawyer or accountant please explain the tax position and thus, the net amount that Mr Beale will have to pay?

- is the 45 000 deducted from his gross by the ARU? in which case the real fine is 45 000 less marginal tax.

- is Mr Beale obliged to write a cheque or do an EFTPOS for 45 000? in which sace the real fine is 45 000.

- other?

Bet it comes down to whether he operates via an ABN, or an ACN, or whether his income is received by way of a salary.


John Eales (66)
I agree with the earlier poster in that it's almost worth keeping KB (Kurtley Beale) in the game to see what he can fuck up next, because you know it will happen. If he were one of my mates, I would have either given him a clip over the ear and told him to sharpen up his act or walked away entirely. He's got some issues.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
"The Tribunal also found evidence did not establish that a second more offensive text and photograph had been sent by Beale. "

So they couldn't prove that? Nothing about a second phone? Is all the stuff about the second phone just spin?

No, it just means that there wasn't enough evidence to prove that he sent the photo. In our society this means that he is not guilty of that offence.

There may or may not be a second phone - one of the many things that none of us on this thread seem to know.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
FACT: Beale sent the text.

I notice that you have used the singular, when it appears that there were more than one text sent. So it seems that he sent a text for which he was found guilty, but there is not enough evidence to suggest that he sent the most offensive text. (which I assume is what you are referring to as the text).

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Wasn’t one result of all this that Attack coach Jim McKay and Defence coach and Coaching Co-ordinator Nick Scrivener lost their jobs?, They were contracted to end of 2015 were they not? Patston resigned, Mckenzie resigned, Beale is now on a plane to Europe and McKay and Scrivener are the only ones to get the sack the day before they were to leave on tour as a result of events they had nothing to do with and which had nothing to do with their jobs? I wonder if anyone is apologising to them?

It's not unusual in any professional sporting team that the new head coach changes the assistants and support staff. Both would have been paid out as per whatever contractual or employment agreement that they had with the ARU. Sad for them on a personal level that they are no longer part of the Wallabies, but it's the reality of professional sport.


Peter Sullivan (51)
snip (I read your whole post terry just cutting it so I don't take up too much room.

I know I'm diverting a bit here but just on terry's post.

I agree totally. A lot of people will dismiss it but plenty of research backs that up (too many journals to post here). Being more of a libertarian type of person I'm more against the ease of access & blatant broadcasting rather than banning the content outright. It's all fixed by providing good role models within the family/friends circle - worked for me.

I just tell my daughters and other young women who confide in me that they should not have too many expectations about most men's maturity until they are 30-35.

Immaturity in general for males & females is more extended in years now than it was say 20 years ago. Some males & females buck the trend. I'm in my early 30's & definitely consider myself very immature for my age. I have male & female relatives/friends the same age that show way more of it than I do. However, immaturity can be completely harmless, I put harassment on another level.

Oh, & I wish bacon & eggs had not been mentioned because I had a real hankering for them this morning. But no bacon in the freezer, so choc-chip pancakes it was, its cheat day & I'm going all out ;)


Cyril Towers (30)
FACT: Beale sent the text. It was sexist and bullying.
FACT: It was a serious breach and he he was found guilty.
FACT 5 staff have lost their jobs .
FACT: Beale is a serial offender.

Beale is NOT the victim and the journalists have a done good in placing down a smokescreen to protect him. Unfortunately, this smokescreen was very damaging to other people.

FACT: If this had happened under a management that was half way competent it would have only ever cost the player time on the side-line and possibly his contract, and no staff would have lost their jobs.

Beale may not be the victim, but he sure as shit isn't the only the reason we've ended up at this point - he's simply the catalyst.


Ted Fahey (11)
can a lawyer or accountant please explain the tax position and thus, the net amount that Mr Beale will have to pay?

- is the 45 000 deducted from his gross by the ARU? in which case the real fine is 45 000 less marginal tax.

- is Mr Beale obliged to write a cheque or do an EFTPOS for 45 000? in which case the real fine is 45 000.

- other?

It will definitely be from a post tax net amount, how they go about collecting that I don't know.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Have the people that consider the punishment too lenient considered that maybe your expectations of the consequences for sexual harassment don't match what actually happens in reality? I would hazard a guess that many of the same people frequently consider criminal sentencing too lenient.

An independent judiciary of three people with extensive experience in running legal hearings was put together to hear the evidence and come up with a punishment. Upon considering the evidence a judgement would have been made as to the severity of the infraction and then a punishment given for that.

Many people are then making the call that the ARU, the coach, and the team should not accept the findings and punishment handed down and instead make their own judgement on the matter despite not being part of the hearing.

No one has been privy to all the evidence and has instead based their view on what they've read and also their preconceptions of the people involved (Beale, McKenzie, Patston, Pulver as well as the journalists reporting the matter) and come to a conclusion as to what they think happened and what they choose to believe. Any position you can take on this matter involves believing some unsubstantiated claims instead of other contradictory unsubstantiated claims or denials. It's not really a coincidence that those who think McKenzie resigned with his head held high and was faultless in the matter are most upset at the leniency of the sentence.

To those saying that McKay and Scrivener lost their jobs due to Beale, that is drawing a long bow. They lost their jobs because the coach changed and invariably some or all of the assistant coaches lose their job when the coach changes. It is a harsh reality of professional sport.

It would show good perception from Cheika to realise that selecting Beale immediately will rub salt in the wounds for the fans feeling most aggrieved. If he does join the tour, don't play him until the very end. Absence from the team would also give Beale a better chance at being forgiven by those fans.


Cyril Towers (30)
To be honest I'm just glad this ridiculous storm in a tea cup is over... I won't go over the whole thing again, as I think after 137 pages it's the bulk has been covered.

What I will say us that people do need to get off their high horses on this one and accept it's not a simple case of simply "Beale's a c##t and it's all sexism". Was there sexism? Was Beale a rank prick? Sure, but that doesn't mean that Patston's character should be beyond rebuke. People have become incredibly angry at her background being looked at, but I think there's an element of male guilt in that, and reckon if Patston had been a man and all this stuff about spider bites and American style attempts at extortion law-suits, then people would have been less forgiving.

It all goes to character, and whilst we're all aware of Beale's character, few people were aware of Patston's so it was always going to get looked at.

At the end of the day though, the fall-out from this mostly reflects on the huge gap in management skills between Union and League in this country. This whole affair was rank amateur hour bulls##t from the Wallabies management - Patston, Link and Doyle - and just terrible oversight and brand management from the ARU.

To me THAT's the story of this whole affair; that a mean text message and an argument over T-Shirts on a pre-dawn flight to a country where no-one has heard of Rugby was managed in a way that was so incompetent, so lacking in transparency and urgency, that it was allowed not just to drag on for months, but to cost effectively the entire Wallabies coaching set-up their jobs.

Now, I was a big fan of Beale this year, but he's an idiot and I don't have any sympathy for his "character suffering" as a result of his stupidity. Likewise, I was a big fan Link when he first came on board, but the fallout of this is very much on him and Pulver, and it the entire thing has been profoundly disappointing.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Fox Sports Weekend Edition has a Breaking News screen-crawler that "Wallabies coach.... advises ARU Beale will not join squad on Spring Tour". On their News Active it states that MC "has informed KB (Kurtley Beale) he will not join the squad...."
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