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Tip the 2018 AAGPS 1st XV Premiers

  • Total voters

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
That is completely unacceptable Joker.
It was bad enough that some idiot chose to rev his motorcycle when Joeys were taking key kicks.
Old boy behaviour at it's worst.

Congratulations to Joey for yesterdays win.
Not much between the teams, in my view Joeys won by playing smarter rugby.
The strong Joeys support on the touchline was wonderful to see.
It was an epic win in the best GPS traditions.
Based on yesterdays performance Joeys will justly claim a share of the GPS crown this year.

Don't underestimate Riverview this week. They were very good against Newington a week ago, and that form looks good when one looks at how Newington performed against Joeys and Kings either side of the Riverview game.

There any many permutations on how the table will look next Sunday - it's certainly wouldn't surpise me if any of the following occured:

Joint premiership - J with either K or S

J premiers after a K v S draw

Joint premiers K and S after a draw and a win by I

K or S premiers after a win by I

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
Don't underestimate Riverview this week. They were very good against Newington a week ago, and that form looks good when one looks at how Newington performed against Joeys and Kings either side of the Riverview game.
View dropped a lot of ball in the first half yesterday but looked dangerous in attack in both the backs and forwards. They'll need to fix up their line out which struggled to win much ball as well as tighten up their midfield defence or Creagh and Co. will have a field day. They do look like they can score a lot of points when it clicks as it did when they beat Newington a few weeks ago and Barker during the trials.


Alfred Walker (16)
Don't underestimate Riverview this week. They were very good against Newington a week ago, and that form looks good when one looks at how Newington performed against Joeys and Kings either side of the Riverview game.

There any many permutations on how the table will look next Sunday - it's certainly wouldn't surpise me if any of the following occured:

Joint premiership - J with either K or S

J premiers after a K v S draw

Joint premiers K and S after a draw and a win by I

K or S premiers after a win by I

It's turning out to be an enthralling GPS competition.
Shore whilst beaten each week have fully justified their place in the competition with some gutsy performances.
Newington have proved that on their day they can beat the best and will be frustrated by their slow start to the season.
Riverview have pushed the best teams close and never been far off the pace.
Joeys have given 100% every minute of every game and played the smartest rugby to put themselves right there in the hunt.
Kings and Scots the pre season favourites were on track for an epic showdown as unbeaten teams, only to come crashing down and be reminded of just how close the competition is.
This week has proved that anything can happen.
Few would have backed both Scots and Kings to be defeated.
Next weekend will indeed be a thriller.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
UTG, do you know how Shore went across the whole school?

I saw the Thirds won vs High

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12 wins and 15 losses across the school. From the A teams only the 14s won, however, all the 15s won except the As. Against High in the Opens the 3rds def High 1sts, High 2nds def the 7ths, and the 8ths def High 3rds. Final score in the 3s was 26-7 although was nil all at halftime.


John Hipwell (52)
Tables as they stand with one round to play.





Nev Cottrell (35)
You have to give it to joeys they sure do pick their teams on form

There is no resting on your laurels...if there is talent in the 2nds (which there invariably is)

You don’t want to be slightly off the pace

The whole joe back line were on song yesterday

From the slight framed 9 to the sublime Gibbs (10)

He was a cranbrook boy only a few years back!

Creagh and O’Brien in the centres

Pretty boy Patterson ... who ousted Xavier Ryan ... and showed his defensive credentials

That backline were electric... and when the wheels started falling off the Scots wagon... the nuggety Scots winger, tricks left the field

And savala’s dodgy shoulder was becoming evident

That joeys never say die spirit


John Hipwell (52)
A lovely story has been relayed to me.

Yesterday as the Joeys boys were filing onto the buses to head back to HH there was an elderly gentleman who approached a group of boys. He was an old boy of Scots and lived close by. He said he had spent years listening to the Joeys boys cheering but said it was the loudest he had heard for many years and hence "left behind the washing up" and headed up to the ground to see what all the noise was about. What a finish. He expressed his admiration of the cheering. He was so impressed with the sporting behaviour though of the Joeys players he saw telling class mates to leave the field and to go and shake the hands of the Scots boys. Nice.


Nev Cottrell (35)
One thing I will say is this whole school holidays Aussie schools is far from ideal

Kids can’t play that much hard footy and expect to keep on keeping on

Not trying to make excuses for Scots kids .. but I know savala came in half busted, Harris had some serious knee strapping, and certainly Scots had a big representation in the various teams

So while next week will be an interesting finish to the season, Kings seem like they are limping home and I honestly think the Aussie schools selection needs to be rethinked

Who runs the show? Wallace? No idea who is responsible for this idiotic system ... albeit a product of having 4 terms as opposed to the good old days


John Hipwell (52)
Kids can’t play that much hard footy and expect to keep on keeping on

This was always going to have an impact later in the season. Joeys were some what fortunate to have a sprinkling of rep players and hence may have been fresher. I do applaud Scots for trying to manage the situation by resting their big weapons but it seems this finally caught up. It was though smart rugby and tactical nous that worked yesterday. Mind you, the rugby ball bounce can be cruel. The wicked off break it took on bouncing created havoc and Joeys 12 was in the right place. 9/10 this would have been easily dealt with. You win some, you lose some.


Chris McKivat (8)
You have to give it to joeys they sure do pick their teams on form

There is no resting on your laurels.if there is talent in the 2nds (which there invariably is)

You don’t want to be slightly off the pace

The whole joe back line were on song yesterday

From the slight framed 9 to the sublime Gibbs (10)

He was a cranbrook boy only a few years back!

Creagh and O’Brien in the centres

Pretty boy Patterson . who ousted Xavier Ryan . and showed his defensive credentials

That backline were electric. and when the wheels started falling off the Scots wagon. the nuggety Scots winger, tricks left the field

And savala’s dodgy shoulder was becoming evident

That joeys never say die spirit

Yes SDW - as a Joeys supporter it would be nice if our team didn't leave it to the last 2 minutes!! A great game and this week we got a bit of the rub of the green that seemed to go the other way a little bit last week. That's footy. Congrats to Scots on a great game. Bockenham my MOTM with Creagh prominent again but the heart each and every boy displayed was prominent throughout the day. What a great day for Joeys rugby. All sides were magnificent but special mention has to go to our 2's who were effectively playing a grand final and they blew Scots off the park with an awesome display from the backs and the forwards. They really did set the scene for our 1's. In any case, for both teams the job is only half done. Riverview have the perfect motivation for next week so it's regroup this week and start again. I think our 3's have to beat them as well to win the comp so the challenge is set and one all our boys will relish.


Peter Burge (5)
PPS - I heard Johnny Connolly the TKS 15 has already signed in yr 9 to Souths league? Please someone tell me no. He could play Super Rugby in a year - the next Folau

Matt, No.15 is Joseph Suaalli and is in Year 9. He has signed for Souths but believe it is 3 years only. I know for a fact that RA are watching him closely, I expect he will have an offer coming from RA using their war chest that has been set up for exactly this sort of thing.

If we can get him back in Year 12 and he continues his rapid rise he could be the next Folau.

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Vintage Red

Herbert Moran (7)
This was always going to have an impact later in the season. Joeys were some what fortunate to have a sprinkling of rep players and hence may have been fresher. I do applaud Scots for trying to manage the situation by resting their big weapons but it seems this finally caught up. It was though smart rugby and tactical nous that worked yesterday. Mind you, the rugby ball bounce can be cruel. The wicked off break it took on bouncing created havoc and Joeys 12 was in the right place. 9/10 this would have been easily dealt with. You win some, you lose some.

Not sure that 6 players selected across NSW I, NSW II and Combined States is a “sprinkling”!

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
View dropped a lot of ball in the first half yesterday but looked dangerous in attack in both the backs and forwards. They'll need to fix up their line out which struggled to win much ball as well as tighten up their midfield defence or Creagh and Co. will have a field day. They do look like they can score a lot of points when it clicks as it did when they beat Newington a few weeks ago and Barker during the trials.

Newington and Riverview both seem to have had very inconsistent performances in 2018.

I watched Newington v Riverview and Newington v Kings in successive weeks and the difference in performance (by Newington)was astounding.

No doubt Kings were affected by the tough game against Joeys the week before.

It's not beyond the realms of possiblity that Joeys and Scots will be so mentally and physically spent after yesterday's game that they will both find it hard to be up again this week and possibly both lose to Riverview and Kings respectively. There's so little between the teams this year that it's a distinct possibility.


Bill Watson (15)
Joeys getting ‘back up’ off the canvas after their near-miss loss to Kings the week before, and to best Scots away on Saturday, was seriously impressive.
They should ride on a veritable ‘high’ of emotion across to Lane Cove on Saturday.

Kings and Scots will be equally crushed from jagging their losses of last week, so both will have enormous points to prove (and mostly just to themselves) come Saturday. Leaving aside traditional J v I rivalry, which is always a grand spectacle, the contest at North Parra will be worthy of its billing as a Season ‘decider’.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Joeys getting ‘back up’ off the canvas after their near-miss loss to Kings the week before, and to best Scots away on Saturday, was seriously impressive.
They should ride on a veritable ‘high’ of emotion across to Lane Cove on Saturday.

Kings and Scots will be equally crushed from jagging their losses of last week, so both will have enormous points to prove (and mostly just to themselves) come Saturday. Leaving aside traditional J v I rivalry, which is always a grand spectacle, the contest at North Parra will be worthy of its billing as a Season ‘decider’.

Two fantastic games and I'm hoping that Newington can string two good performances together to finish the season on a high.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Sidesteppa , that video quality is exceptional

My only complaint you never forewarn the punters which match you are going to

Could influence which game I will be leaning towards on 18th

Ok ... controversy corner ....Both joeys wingers had great games ... and the 14 was key in 2 tries, and until now, i hadn’t seen a blemish

However at 28:00 on the tape am I correct in saying the 14 has hit Tricks very high in a tackle

As they say ... can’t run without a head!

And neither the referee or touchie has found an issue?!

And having seen joeys coaches rip into touchies ( in prior years)for not using their flags ... and the well being of their players blah blah etc .....I just raise the point!

Anyways correct me if I am wrong?!