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Bob Loudon (25)
The point you are making is very invalid. You're being hypothetical. Reality renders Barker has cleaned up JOEYS by 20 points with a THIRD (All NSW players) of their team out !!
So what your saying is .. if two GSP schools meet in a trial match and then later in the Comp and it’s 1-1 .. the trial match winner should be given just as much validity as the comp round winner ?? .. it’s nice sentiment, but deep down we all know thats not reality ..


Larry Dwyer (12)
Look all you have to do is look at the reaction to winning a trial game … that tells you everything … I don’t think I have ever, EVER .. seen joeys (or GPS schools in general) fans, supporters, players and parents GLOAT about winning a TRIAL game on the day let alone weeks later .. I have literally never seen this … Because they know that the Comp is the Only thing that matters .. They wear different uniforms in the Comp, sing different war crys etc … It’s the main event ..

Now I can’t say the same thing about some of other association’s supports on here, whom seem to have a unhealthy obsession about winning a friendly, warm up game .. this evidence is clear to see on this forum, as they are going on about it months later, even though it’s the last week of the premiership ..

Can you imagine NRL fans obsessing about a trial game in September ? .. lol no.. what a joke
Hi Goosestep. as a povo outsider (ISA) and not from GPS or CAS system I think everyone is getting a bit full of themselves on this one. In the games that Oakhill have played against both associations in the trials in the last 2 years I haven't seen any team having a bit of a combination run & not taking it seriously. When the heat of battle is on then do you really think teenage boys ever think "it's only a trial?" It's a ruthless setup and the boys know if I don't play well I might be second 15 and someone wants my spot.
The trial games against another school are just as important for the boys as any premiership game. that might be from " we are supposed to beaat them by 50" or "can't lose to these bastards".
In regards to Barker v Knox this year that is 2 exceptional teams and that is what the focus should be.
The game is about the boys playing not us old blokes carrying on with the if's & but's in regards to a result


Stan Wickham (3)
So what your saying is .. if two GSP schools meet in a trial match and then later in the Comp and it’s 1-1 .. the trial match winner should be given just as much validity as the comp round winner ?? .. it’s nice sentiment, but deep down we all know thats not reality ..

"thats not reality"

Barker beat Joeys by 20 points. That is reality. I need whatever you're smoking on brother


Bob Loudon (25)
Hi Goosestep. as a povo outsider (ISA) and not from GPS or CAS system I think everyone is getting a bit full of themselves on this one. In the games that Oakhill have played against both associations in the trials in the last 2 years I haven't seen any team having a bit of a combination run & not taking it seriously. When the heat of battle is on then do you really think teenage boys ever think "it's only a trial?" It's a ruthless setup and the boys know if I don't play well I might be second 15 and someone wants my spot.
The trial games against another school are just as important for the boys as any premiership game. that might be from " we are supposed to beaat them by 50" or "can't lose to these bastards".
In regards to Barker v Knox this year that is 2 exceptional teams and that is what the focus should be.
The game is about the boys playing not us old blokes carrying on with the if's & but's in regards to a result
Nothing but respect for the ISA and the way they promote the game


Watty Friend (18)
The tiered system is rubbish and only benefits a few stronger rugby schools who deep down wish they were in a different association any ;)

The reality is You end up hurting a whole bunch of weaker rugby schools who will be sentenced to a rugby abyss
You obviously don't understand a tiered system, it means for example, 2 divisions of say 10 teams each with teams of relative equal ability each year with a promotion and relegation element to keep it as equal as possible.

It works well in NZ and they have a little bit of knowledge about rugby, and funnily enough perform quite well of the Junior and senior stage.

Comes across as though you are happy to ignore all that and its benefits to live in a tiny closed world.:cool:


Bob Loudon (25)
You obviously don't understand a tiered system, it means for example, 2 divisions of say 10 teams each with teams of relative equal ability each year with a promotion and relegation element to keep it as equal as possible.

It works well in NZ and they have a little bit of knowledge about rugby, and funnily enough perform quite well of the Junior and senior stage.

Comes across as though you are happy to ignore all that and its benefits to live in a tiny closed world.
We aren’t NZ.. far from it

you drop schools into a second tier division, youll dry up support from parents, old boys .. you won’t get boys who are rugby focused attending the school etc ..

with your rational shore could have been dropped to a “second tier” .. what good would that have done ? Zero.. you would only have driven rugby further the from the limelight!

.. Instead the school has revitalised the rugby system from within and now they are probably the most improved rugby school in Sydney !


Watty Friend (18)
We aren’t NZ.. far from it

you drop schools into a second tier division, youll dry up support from parents, old boys .. you won’t get boys who are rugby focused attending the school etc ..

with your rational shore could have been dropped to a “second tier” .. what good would that have done ? Zero.. you would only have driven rugby further the from the limelight!

.. Instead the school has revitalised the rugby system from within and now they are probably the most improved rugby school in Sydney !
Quite the opposite,

Schools of equal ability would have better games, teams wouldn't get pumped nearly as often, more boys would enjoy and even contest thus staying in rugby, and it should be safer. Parents would enjoy it more as a result., and schools like Shore would still have the opportunity to be promoted given they were serious about their rugby program which Shore clearly is.

In the current system, which you clearly favor, teams /boys/parents are leaving at an alarming rate. Can't you see that!

Ace Ventura

Ted Fahey (11)
"thats not reality"

Barker beat Joeys by 20 points. That is reality. I need whatever you're smoking on brother
perhaps you need to rephrase: "Barker beat a Joeys side with no hooker, no 10, no lineout and a team riddled with flu in a preseason trial". This same Barker side was smoked by Scots who were then smoked by Joeys. That's where the smoke is "brother".


Bob Loudon (25)
Quite the opposite,

Schools of equal ability would have better games, teams wouldn't get pumped nearly as often, more boys would enjoy and even contest thus staying in rugby, and it should be safer. Parents would enjoy it more as a result., and schools like Shore would still have the opportunity to be promoted given they were serious about their rugby program which Shore clearly is.

In the current system, which you clearly favor, teams /boys/parents are leaving at an alarming rate. Can't you see that!
No actually GPS had a great season ..


John Hipwell (52)
perhaps you need to rephrase: "Barker beat a Joeys side with no hooker, no 10, no lineout and a team riddled with flu in a preseason trial". This same Barker side was smoked by Scots who were then smoked by Joeys. That's where the smoke is "brother".

bring back rucking

Fred Wood (13)
I think the adults on this forum would toss a coin… I’ve seen them both at full strength and they are both great sides… you would get a different result more often than not… and importantly, both sides would be trying their best to win… the “we don’t take trials as seriously as you do” rubbish is a complete falsehood

Old High Boy

Does anybody think that strong 16s teams like Newington, Riverview, and shore could take on higher teams like the 2nd XV from other schools?

According to Jokers tables, Riverview are coming last in he 16As...

If they are currently last, then they would surely struggle playing 2nd XV sides..


Allen Oxlade (6)
According to Jokers tables, Riverview are coming last in he 16As...

If they are currently last, then they would surely struggle playing 2nd XV sides..
They are last by a very small margin and beat Kings who are coming second. This said I still do no think they could compete with second xvs. But I would say they would compete with 3rd teams.


Frank Row (1)
Regardless of their positioning on the table, I feel that the quality of rugby that schools like Riverview, Newington, and Scots have been playing is much smoother than some of the weaker teams. However, Kings seem to be winning this term with an excellent try-saving tackle from the 15 to secure their win against Scots.


Stan Wickham (3)
They are last by a very small margin and beat Kings who are coming second. This said I still do no think they could compete with second xvs. But I would say they would compete with 3rd teams.
When I pick my son up from Northbridge, I often see the 3s and 16As running against each other. Seems to be pretty dominant for the 3s, but 16As certainly give them a good crack.
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