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Old High Boy

Although Scots is out of contention for the premiership I am excited to see the result of the match this Saturday to test Shore who have had a surprisingly good latter half of the season.

Good point here - Shores' (and Scots') resilience will be put to the test...


Bob Loudon (25)
maybe there’s less of distinction between trials/comp rounds in the other associations ?
Nope. Just 15 blokes busting their guts, proud as punch to be representing their school and stoked to be the best 15 guys at their school available for that game.

None of them stop to count how many stripes are on the oppositions jersey, check what their hair colour is or which way their boot laces are tied to determine whether they too were the best 15 guys available to play them from their school.

Every 1sts game is important and an honour to play in. If there are some schools or teams that don't view it that way then that's sad.

Up and In

Herbert Moran (7)
We aren’t NZ.. far from it

you drop schools into a second tier division, youll dry up support from parents, old boys .. you won’t get boys who are rugby focused attending the school etc ..

with your rational shore could have been dropped to a “second tier” .. what good would that have done ? Zero.. you would only have driven rugby further the from the limelight!

.. Instead the school has revitalised the rugby system from within and now they are probably the most improved rugby school in Sydney !
2 points:
1/ Tiered systems can only really work (IMHO) based on a 1st XV comp, where the schools' 1st XVs play in a different comp to the rest of the teams in their schools (like the current GPS 3rd XV competition). You need to consider the quality of your 1st XV and the quality/number of your other teams. For example, Barker would compete at the top level in the 1st XV tier, but elsewhere (below this level) it would be a disaster. NC, Cranbrook, Trinity - same, though not as disastrous. Before 2022, Shore would not qualify for the top tier, but it would win the majority (or at least compete well) against other (non-1st XV) grades not in the top tier.
2/ Be careful saying about Shore that "...the school has revitalised the rugby system from within and now they are probably the most improved rugby school in Sydney !" This current 1st XV have been one of, if not the best team/s in this Year group for 5 years, so their current status, 2 out of 4, shouldn't be totally unexpected. The 2nd XV have won one comp game and the 3rds have disappointed after showing early promise. Look also at the tables that Joker has published of the Opens - 13s team results, and consider the win/loss ratio V SJC and that only 2 teams beat TKS. It's too early to celebrate, methinks, although it has caused great excitement at the school, I believe, which is fantastic for the competition.
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Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
16a is a solid age group and the standard of rugby is impressive, can't wait to put more importance on these kids in the 2024 AAGPS rugby forum.
Hello Tony weave
Very much so, I do believe if the current 16A teams can maintain and improve their form and playing standard, the GPS competition of 2024 will be an exciting one with potentially 6 strong competitive teams.


John Hipwell (52)
That's complete dribble. Any boy who has have ever pulled on a First XV jersey does so knowing that he is one bad injury or poor performance away from being dropped - potentially never to return. Accordingly, they play each game as if it was their last and they couldn't give a tinkers cuss if it's against Joeys, Knox or the Bexley North U8s. A 1stXV cap is a 1stXV cap regardless of who you play.

Anyway -you seemed blinkered in your opinions here so I think it's time to pull out the foremost authority on the matter....

@Joker - could you please summon the butch kangaroo to the thread to speak to us about Joeys players never backing down regardless of who they play (in cerise and blue text of course).

... and then the matter will be settled.
Bruce is back.



John Hipwell (52)
Tips please
It shall be a busy night collating when I get home from work
Hopefully my laptop has done a Lazarus.



Bob McCowan (2)
Does anybody think that strong 16s teams like Newington, Riverview, and shore could take on higher teams like the 2nd XV from other schools?
Without trying to disrespect any of the boys from Riverview or Shore, they are nowhere near the level of any 2nd XV GPS school and aren't even the best 16's teams. Shore did earn themselves a great win against Newington, however, this was against a much-weakened team missing arguably the best 10 in the 16's age group in Humphries. I believe the two strongest teams are Newington and Kings, (with Joey's right behind both teams) in the 16's age group, but comparing them to a second XV team would be a stretch.




John Hipwell (52)
Sent to me by a good friend.

For those who have never seen, Joeys have a long tradition of covering the school in posters and massive banners to fire up the boys. Been doing this I recall now for over 50 years. They also do an individual banner for each player styled in a comedic form (don’t look at me). These I shall not share.



The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
Without trying to disrespect any of the boys from Riverview or Shore, they are nowhere near the level of any 2nd XV GPS school and aren't even the best 16's teams. Shore did earn themselves a great win against Newington, however, this was against a much-weakened team missing arguably the best 10 in the 16's age group in Humphries. I believe the two strongest teams are Newington and Kings, (with Joey's right behind both teams) in the 16's age group, but comparing them to a second XV team would be a stretch.


I agree. If you played a full game 2nd XV v 16A's 2nd XV would win every time. If the score was within 3 tries I'd be looking very hard at the coaches and selectors as to why the 16A's wouldn't be in the 2nds...

Can be a big difference in a year 10 boy coming up physically with a year 12. The year 10 may end up better but development wise the year 12 should physically bully them at this stage.

Fitness/training and complexity of game should also be higher.

Snowy Mountains

Without trying to disrespect any of the boys from Riverview or Shore, they are nowhere near the level of any 2nd XV GPS school and aren't even the best 16's teams. Shore did earn themselves a great win against Newington, however, this was against a much-weakened team missing arguably the best 10 in the 16's age group in Humphries. I believe the two strongest teams are Newington and Kings, (with Joey's right behind both teams) in the 16's age group, but comparing them to a second XV team would be a stretch.


Wouldn't you love to see all the 16's with the full complement of players.
Scots have played Fitler, Jacques, Bartlett and Brial up all season. New have just started to play a couple of boys up, Shore have played a winger up all year, View have started to play a hooker up.
Who would be the best of the best?
Agree 2nd and 3rd XV should easily account for a 16'a team, at any of the schools

Bob Peters

Peter Burge (5)
Joeys name an unchanged line-up for their final assignment of the season vs Kings at Hunters Hill.

1. Jack Barrett
2. Atticus Heaven
3. Harry Bell
4. Darcy Fogarty
5. Quinn Dickinson
6. Archie Campbell
7. Patrick Young
8. Harry Darling
9. Hwi Sharples
10. Joey Fowler
11. Patrick Broe
12. Oscar Jorgensen
13. Ronan Leahy
14. Will Malloy
15. Max Jorgenson

From trial 1 vs Canberra Marist on April 2, there are five players who have started every trial and competition game – Bell, Fogarty, Dickinson, Darling and Oscar Jorgenson (Barrett came on after 15mins in the Scots trial, and Campbell, Sharples, Leahy and Max Jorgenson all missed 1 game in the extended season).

For the 5 GPS competition rounds – Joeys have been able to name an unchanged forward pack, halves and centre combinations. Only the back three has changed week to week due to injuries.

Kings will arrive buoyant after putting their best performance of the season together last week against Scots. They got close to Joeys in the trial with a combative and direct approach - and with their 2nds and 3rds coming with it all to play for - the final match for all year 12’s across all open teams will mean a passionate classic will be on display for what should be another great crowd.

Gerald Merk

Bob McCowan (2)
The time has come for this weeks match preview. The 7th/8thXV Grand Final takes place 13/8/22 on Scots Main Oval, 9am. Built up to be a cracker of a game with each team hoping to add their own piece of history into their school's rich culture. I've heard from both Scots and Shore Representatives that each team are at full strength this weekend. However, Shore's strong win last weekend against Newington 5ths (19-7) puts Shore infront in my book. Shore's captaincy this weekend has again swapped back to past games, with B.E.M Duddy (1) leading the side out, and Mack Sooter (10) dropping down to Vice-captain. B.E.M Doody's fierce nature in his referee relationships, means this game will be extra interesting to watch. The Forwards for shore this weekend are looking as good as every. Coming of new PB's in the gym for their last S&C session of the year, G.W Beeshop (7) completed a 1 rep 130kg bench press, showing his true brute force. These strength gains made by the no.7 will see him be a struggle in the ruck and scrum for the Scots side. Already stated in last weeks, B.E.M Duddy's ruck clean outs are looking as beautiful as ever, after this weeks training when he took out schoolboy heavyweight, T. Tupou in a rucking drill, he again extended the notion of being a truly one in a generation type of player. The Backs this weekend are again being led out by Mack Sooter (10) (vc), who didn't surprise anyone when he took hold of the best back award for 2022, at the inaugural Meriton BBQ Lunch. His intense kicking game and bullet like pass is what im predicting to get the Shore Team over the line this weekend. Paired with his running game, which has hinters of Latrell Mitchell in it, im expectingly a close game. My prediction is this game will be an absolute cracker, as they last time these two team met the Shore Fortress like defence was broken 5 minutes after play had stopped, due to Scots 'again-again' pick and drive strategy, causing the end score to come out as 23-25 Scots. This weekend will be a different story, with the Shore team turning a corner since the school holidays, seen as they have gone undefeated with some quite large wins, against competition heavyweights, such as Riverview. Shore 7-5 Scots with Mack Sooter (10) (vc) converting his own try late in the 2nd half from 40 on the sideline.
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Stan Wickham (3)
The time has come for this weeks match preview. The 7th/8thXV Grand Final takes place 13/8/22 on Scots Main Oval, 9am. Built up to be a cracker of a game with each team hoping to add their own piece of history into their school's rich culture. I've heard from both Scots and Shore Representatives that each team are at full strength this weekend. However, Shore's strong win last weekend against Newington 5ths (19-7) puts Shore infront in my book. Shore's captaincy this weekend has again swapped back to past games, with B.E.M Duddy (1) leading the side out, and Mack Sooter (10) dropping down to Vice-captain. B.E.M Doody's fierce nature in his referee relationships, means this game will be extra interesting to watch. The Forwards for shore this weekend are looking as good as every. Coming of new PB's in the gym for their last S&C session of the year, G.W Beeshop (7) completed a 1 rep 130kg bench press, showing his true brute force. These strength gains made by the no.7 will see him be a struggle in the ruck and scrum for the Scots side. Already stated in last weeks, B.E.M Duddy's ruck clean outs are looking as beautiful as ever, after this weeks training when he took out schoolboy heavyweight, T. Tupou in a rucking drill, he again extended the notion of being a truly one in a generation type of player. The Backs this weekend are again being led out by Mack Sooter (10) (c), who didn't surprise anyone when he took hold of the best back award for 2022, at the inaugural Meriton BBQ Lunch. His intense kicking game and bullet like pass is what im predicting to get the Shore Team over the line this weekend. Paired with his running game, which has hinters of Latrell Mitchell in it, im expectingly a complete blow out. My prediction is this game will be an absolute cracker, as they last time these two team met the Shore Fortress like defence was broken 5 minutes after play had stopped, due to Scots 'again-again' pick and drive strategy, causing the end score to come out as 23-35 Scots. This weekend will be a different story, with the Shore team turning a corner since the school holidays, seen as they have gone undefeated with some quite large wins, against competition heavyweights, such as Riverview. Shore 7-5 Scots with Mack Sooter (10) (c) converting his own try late in the 2nd half
View attachment 14493
Great preview. Could even take out match of the week for me.
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