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John Hipwell (52)
Here is what we have so far.

Final Tables - interim.jpg

Damn, watch out for that Joeys 14A group


John Hipwell (52)
Thanks for organising Joker - I fell at the final hurdle after leading all season. I could have won, my head told me Joeys would win but I just couldn’t bring myself to transform that into an official, published tip!
Thanks KOB for your support. It was a brave man to tip against your head. But the heart of a Kingsman is strong and cannot be denied.
Plus....if the Old Boys found out you would be thrown out!

Fortiter et Fideliter


Peter Burge (5)
This has happened in other sports like basketball, cricket and soccer. Schools will stack their 2nds teams if they are not much of a hope at winning the 1sts.
That doesn't seem to bear out in rugby, though. There are no other schools with a strangely low number of top grade titles compared to 2nd grade successes. If it IS the case that Shore have stacked their 2nd XVs at the expense of their 1sts, they appear to be the only school doing it.


John Hipwell (52)
When all results are finalised and the tables collated there will be an announcement of the school that takes out the

"Green and Gold AAGPS School Championship"

This is has been discussed at length with suggested formats and points carefully weighted.
The final table reflects results across all age groups.

It is NOT an announcement to be used to humiliate or embarrass schools or individuals, just a factual RECORD of the season just completed.

If anyone has a concern about this announcement, please outline them and they will be considered.
At this time we have wiggle room on this.

Slings and arrows welcome
Joeys XV awards
Best Forward : J Barrett
Best Back : M Jorgensen
Players player : R Leahy

I’d give the Barrett & Jorgensen the same awards across the GPS. I’ll be watching with great interest how their respective careers develop post school. Those two were the difference between a shared comp and Joeys going undefeated this year. They again stood head and shoulders above yesterday and when the Joeys team needed either a tough hit, straight run, some brilliance from the back it was those two delivering.
What a great comp it was this year and hopefully the competition is as even next year with the new 10 game format.


Allen Oxlade (6)
That doesn't seem to bear out in rugby, though. There are no other schools with a strangely low number of top grade titles compared to 2nd grade successes. If it IS the case that Shore have stacked their 2nd XVs at the expense of their 1sts, they appear to be the only school doing it.
This has happened in other sports like basketball, cricket and soccer. Schools will stack their 2nds teams if they are not much of a hope at winning the 1sts.
If there was any stacking in the Shore 2nd XV it was done in the 1940’s & 50’s when most of those premierships happened, although it’s never been part of the schools culture to give rugby scholarships at all so I’m not sure it’s a good assessment of the anomaly.


Stan Wickham (3)
It’s not Ollie. He has been out this year with a busted knee. He is a big unit so hopefully he can get it right because he will be one to watch in the next couple of years if he can stay healthy.
ah my bad, terrible stuff hey, bloody knees. Do you know Ollie? i heard rumors of him joining the school this year and though he was playing 1's!


Allen Oxlade (6)
It seems like you have depicted the day of the previous scots director of rowing Michael Probert, who was such an awesome dude, and always promoted such a friendly environment and program. I think it best you should perhaps not comment on the future of coaches considering you yourself have 0 experience coaching at the level Brian Smith does and had you been in charge of the team I believe the outcome would have been something along the lines of the Wallabies v Argentina game.
If you knew how Probert treated the rowers you would know its a good thing hes gone.


What you a missing downtheline is that Marcus Blackburn was a Director of Rugby not just a coach of the First IV. Mr Blackburn was always at at under 13 games, the under 15 games every Saturday chatting to the boys before the game, at half time and after the match could be the 13e's or the 14as. The boys admired and respected him and he promoted a brand of Rugby that was something that the ARU could have brought all the NSW / AUS players to watch, run run and run no kicking, positive rugby right from the First IV to the 13es no difference. Now before everyone goes at me about his cattle, we all know Brian Smith has the same or more of those cattle, his results are plain for all to see, post the Blackburn generation (he left in 2014 but his program legacy ended in 2017/18) I've had two boys at Scots for the past 11 years both playing Rugby.

I can tell you one very simple and telling fact that since 2014 I have NEVER seen Brian Smith on ANY other oval than the main oval and never before 1pm, there is your first and fundamental problem, Secondly, I have never seen an opens player at a junior game since Smith took over (save one staged instagram post this year of a boy in the First IV that joined the school in year 9 from the Northern Beaches)
Scots have adopted a kicking game that has been ineffectual since Smith started yesterday the Scots boys kicked and was taken by Shores fullback and winger on the full more than 20 times its been happening every year under Smith and it never changes, constant handling mistakes are made trying fancy moves and set pieces, when i was coaching the lower teams at the mighty Lindfield Rugby Club back in the day, i said to the boys ''no kicking no cut out passes till you can catch and pass once you learn to do that then maybe you can try some razzle dazzle, but not before''. It seems Smith will never learn.

I will end this post and sign off for 2022 with what i believe sums up Brian Smith's coaching attitude and as an old boy and parent of current boys it pains me greatly.

Scots have been trained / instructed to go to the oppositions hooker at line outs and essentially scream in his ear whilst the opposition prop is trying to convey the instructions for the throw in, its arrogant and extremely unsportsmanlike, i've never seen any team stoop to this level, let alone a GPS school where the game should be played hard but with respect and sportsmanship.

Congratulations again to Joeys and Shore, and to the Scots 2nd IV who are coached by a much admired and respected House Master are home grown and who wear the jersey they love with pride, the result of there season is a testament to the bond the boys and coach have. Brian Smith could only dream of a champion team like the 2s rather than his team of individual champions. See you all in 2023 gents.
Sensible, well written article. The disconnect between the opens (1st XV) and "the rest" of the school is immense.
Some points that reflect/emphasise this:
- Scots open travel on own individual team buses and arrive only in time for there own warmup
- 1st XV sit in the business building (home games) with own masseuse looking down on all the other teams (the soccer teams have to supply own tape and strap themselves)
- Not once in my 6 years have the opens regularly supported the lower age groups (30 players in the 1's and 2's enough for every team in every age group to have one of them run water/kicking tee etc)
- Mr Smith did attend all U13 games last year to watch his son (so it can be fitted in to his schedule if wanted)
- When the 1st XV win, a report will be written, however, when they lose no report written, its NOT only about the 1st XV

His record shows that he can coach, look at his resume, a lot of respect for that. However some simple box's are not being ticked under his tenure.

To the fore!


Ted Thorn (20)
Sensible, well written article. The disconnect between the opens (1st XV) and "the rest" of the school is immense.
Some points that reflect/emphasise this:
- Scots open travel on own individual team buses and arrive only in time for there own warmup
- 1st XV sit in the business building (home games) with own masseuse looking down on all the other teams (the soccer teams have to supply own tape and strap themselves)
- Not once in my 6 years have the opens regularly supported the lower age groups (30 players in the 1's and 2's enough for every team in every age group to have one of them run water/kicking tee etc)
- Mr Smith did attend all U13 games last year to watch his son (so it can be fitted in to his schedule if wanted)
- When the 1st XV win, a report will be written, however, when they lose no report written, its NOT only about the 1st XV

His record shows that he can coach, look at his resume, a lot of respect for that. However some simple box's are not being ticked under his tenure.

To the fore!
The firsts don't sit in the business building with a masseus on game day but I'm pretty sure 1's and 2's get rub down/physio on friday nights. Last year most of the firsts/older boys from scots always were up early to watch the 13A's-15A's on the main oval when they had games there which is a good thing but yes I do agree that opens boys especially captains and stuff should be more involved with the junior footy.

Your point about the bus isn't true though for example when Scots travelled to kings the bus was packed with everyone from 13s to 16s Rugby and even soccer boys. Especially in the juniors people to tend to watch at least 2 teams before them and the firsts are always at the games long before the start of the seconds game


Frank Row (1)
It seems like you have depicted the day of the previous scots director of rowing Michael Probert, who was such an awesome dude, and always promoted such a friendly environment and program. I think it best you should perhaps not comment on the future of coaches considering you yourself have 0 experience coaching at the level Brian Smith does and had you been in charge of the team I believe the outcome would have been something along the lines of the Wallabies v Argentina game.
From what I've heard, like others have been saying is that he overworked a lot of the rowers in the Junior VIII's forcing many great rowers to leave the sport with injuries. He was also given a lot of credit for Scots' HOTR win in 2020 however I believe Jason Baker was more responsible and I'm sure the rowers would agree.

The Front Rower

Ward Prentice (10)
To be honest I don't think it's the whole schools culture, most a's team produced great results apart from the Glengarry affected 15s. 14A's especially went very well and 16A's would've easily topped the table if they had the 5 year 10 opens players playing with them. 14B's and 16B's also both went undefeated but I don't know much about 13B's and 15B's isn't a B team due to glengarry. The 2nds result was great but the Firsts and Thirds results were the only real problems this year. There is a promising future for Scots though with the strong 2023, 2024 and 2025 graduates coming into the next few opens seasons
Firstly congrats to Joeys winning the 1stXV and Shore winning 3 in a row.

I agree with the comments above totally. However the big issue at Scots is the complete lack of communications and understanding rugby isn't all about the 1stXV winning, the program is a holistic one whether your in the 13Z or 9th its about playing with your mates and making life long memories and friends.

The issue lies with Scots rugby program every time the 1stXV don't win their simply is no weekly rugby report!!! Its as if rugby was never played on the weekend and we just move on!

Why not have a good holistic weekly report celebrate the teams above you have mentioned 14B and 16B and I heard maybe 13E all went undeafted these kids are the heart and soul of the rugby program. (celebrate their success).

For example ten minutes before the Scots seconds game nobody had a clue that Scots 2nds were playing for the GPS. Only when Ed White was good enough to announce it just before did people come flocking to watch and cheer. Scots have only won 4 2nd XV titles in 115 years!

Their is a massive growing chorus of Old Boys like myself and current parents want something bit better, its actually not that hard. Allot of money is pumped into the program with zero ROI.

The Scots rugby program is old, tired, entitled and a wind of change needs to happen and quick.


Bill Watson (15)
Sensible, well written article. The disconnect between the opens (1st XV) and "the rest" of the school is immense.
Some points that reflect/emphasise this:
- Scots open travel on own individual team buses and arrive only in time for there own warmup
- 1st XV sit in the business building (home games) with own masseuse looking down on all the other teams (the soccer teams have to supply own tape and strap themselves)
- Not once in my 6 years have the opens regularly supported the lower age groups (30 players in the 1's and 2's enough for every team in every age group to have one of them run water/kicking tee etc)
- Mr Smith did attend all U13 games last year to watch his son (so it can be fitted in to his schedule if wanted)
- When the 1st XV win, a report will be written, however, when they lose no report written, its NOT only about the 1st XV

His record shows that he can coach, look at his resume, a lot of respect for that. However some simple box's are not being ticked under his tenure.

To the fore!
Is he a great coach? Most of (all of) his success came close to the start of his tenure, the foundations would have been built a number of years earlier.

The Front Rower

Ward Prentice (10)
What you a missing downtheline is that Marcus Blackburn was a Director of Rugby not just a coach of the First IV. Mr Blackburn was always at at under 13 games, the under 15 games every Saturday chatting to the boys before the game, at half time and after the match could be the 13e's or the 14as. The boys admired and respected him and he promoted a brand of Rugby that was something that the ARU could have brought all the NSW / AUS players to watch, run run and run no kicking, positive rugby right from the First IV to the 13es no difference. Now before everyone goes at me about his cattle, we all know Brian Smith has the same or more of those cattle, his results are plain for all to see, post the Blackburn generation (he left in 2014 but his program legacy ended in 2017/18) I've had two boys at Scots for the past 11 years both playing Rugby.

I can tell you one very simple and telling fact that since 2014 I have NEVER seen Brian Smith on ANY other oval than the main oval and never before 1pm, there is your first and fundamental problem, Secondly, I have never seen an opens player at a junior game since Smith took over (save one staged instagram post this year of a boy in the First IV that joined the school in year 9 from the Northern Beaches)
Scots have adopted a kicking game that has been ineffectual since Smith started yesterday the Scots boys kicked and was taken by Shores fullback and winger on the full more than 20 times its been happening every year under Smith and it never changes, constant handling mistakes are made trying fancy moves and set pieces, when i was coaching the lower teams at the mighty Lindfield Rugby Club back in the day, i said to the boys ''no kicking no cut out passes till you can catch and pass once you learn to do that then maybe you can try some razzle dazzle, but not before''. It seems Smith will never learn.

I will end this post and sign off for 2022 with what i believe sums up Brian Smith's coaching attitude and as an old boy and parent of current boys it pains me greatly.

Scots have been trained / instructed to go to the oppositions hooker at line outs and essentially scream in his ear whilst the opposition prop is trying to convey the instructions for the throw in, its arrogant and extremely unsportsmanlike, i've never seen any team stoop to this level, let alone a GPS school where the game should be played hard but with respect and sportsmanship.

Congratulations again to Joeys and Shore, and to the Scots 2nd IV who are coached by a much admired and respected House Master are home grown and who wear the jersey they love with pride, the result of there season is a testament to the bond the boys and coach have. Brian Smith could only dream of a champion team like the 2s rather than his team of individual champions. See you all in 2023 gents.
Totally agree with everything you have said above. The game plan is play direct dont use width of the field to score tries and kick, kick and kick non stop, Shore simply ran the ball back and bingo Shore win,
Just heard through the grapevine that after a expectation exceeding season, young gun marshall lemaitre out of Shore in year 10 has just put pen to paper on a deal with the Canberra raiders and will be leaving shore immediatley once the term ends to relocate to the nations capital to prioritize and really focus in on his footy.
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