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Allen Oxlade (6)
Outstanding game of rugby at Northbridge one of the best i have seen for a while. It was very interesting to watch as someone who isn’t supporting either teams. Shore took the lead then view took it then Shore took it then View nearly did but Shore cam away with the win. The thing that got shore over the line was the crowd. They definitely had an advantage over riverview with it being compulsory for the whole school to go. There didn’t look to be a single empty seat in the stand. I could hear shore from the other side of the field and did not hear rivervuew once. Nice to see shore bounce back and get a win over one of the favourites of the GPS 2023. Shore 9 and Shore 12 were outstanding. I know the centres is a extremely contested position for the gps teams so i don’t see shore 12 getting on there but shore 9 has been very consistent throughout the whole season and i definitely think he should be front runner for 9 over hwi sharpies at the moment. I think it’s a given that shore 15 is in Gps ones. The riverview 10 was casual today with a few good moves and a few mistakes.
Would love to know your guys opinions on the GPS teams after the Thursday fixtures.


Ward Prentice (10)
Hi Dusk

If the AAGPS Headmasters and Sportsmasters agree that from now on, to have 10 rounds there needs to be a midweek game ( whatever day that may be), surely ( don't call me Surely!! HaHa showing my age ) they can allow away supporters to travel. Views was pathetic but they were not allowed. New, I believ and correct me if I'm wrong, had organised buses. On a long weekend when there a no junior games, you would think that the buses would be full. Game would finish by 5 and back home for dinner. Not hard and it was at BH not Parra. Very poor and it didn't look great on Clutch. May have made a difference towards the end. Live and learn.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Sounds like some Cluch in store tonight. While all debate about Shore v View ref what the hell is going on with Scots and New? Form book out the window. While a sky blue supporter glad the cerise and blue showed up. Great even comp this year.
Looks like it is off clutch already!


Ward Prentice (10)
And Ghost

Where in my post do I not support the Ref ? Every team thinks that a ref may give a bad call or two. That's normal, You play on and turn it around. And vice versa, if you can snag a call or two your way, happy days. That's the game. As I say, View were beaten by a better team. Not the Ref. Read and undestand my friend.


Cyril Towers (30)
Hi Dusk

If the AAGPS Headmasters and Sportsmasters agree that from now on, to have 10 rounds there needs to be a midweek game ( whatever day that may be), surely ( don't call me Surely!! HaHa showing my age ) they can allow away supporters to travel. Views was pathetic but they were not allowed. New, I believ and correct me if I'm wrong, had organised buses. On a long weekend when there a no junior games, you would think that the buses would be full. Game would finish by 5 and back home for dinner. Not hard and it was at BH not Parra. Very poor and it didn't look great on Clutch. May have made a difference towards the end. Live and learn.
100% it would make such a difference. Last year at BTND, new 2nds beat riverview 2nds in the last 5 mins to gain their first win for the comp. It's no secret that teams perform better with a larger crowd attendance. Round 10 Newington Vs Scots with BTND will show how much better Newington play as a team.


John Hipwell (52)
I am glad I don’t engage till tomorrow. Would be hard to stay focused while dodging so many toys being thrown from the cot.


Well done Shore. Joker is proud of you.

Meat Pie Bandit

Frank Row (1)
Outstanding game of rugby at Northbridge one of the best i have seen for a while. It was very interesting to watch as someone who isn’t supporting either teams. Shore took the lead then view took it then Shore took it then View nearly did but Shore cam away with the win. The thing that got shore over the line was the crowd. They definitely had an advantage over riverview with it being compulsory for the whole school to go. There didn’t look to be a single empty seat in the stand. I could hear shore from the other side of the field and did not hear rivervuew once. Nice to see shore bounce back and get a win over one of the favourites of the GPS 2023. Shore 9 and Shore 12 were outstanding. I know the centres is a extremely contested position for the gps teams so i don’t see shore 12 getting on there but shore 9 has been very consistent throughout the whole season and i definitely think he should be front runner for 9 over hwi sharpies at the moment. I think it’s a given that shore 15 is in Gps ones. The riverview 10 was casual today with a few good moves and a few mistakes.
Would love to know your guys opinions on the GPS teams after the Thursday fixtures.
My son in year 7 at Shore, told me that it was not compulsory for boys to attend, but older students put posters around the school saying it was, in which those boys received repercussions for insisting it was "compulsory", but it was not compulsory at all, hence why they received repercussions for doing so. I agree though, the Shore crowd did give the boys on the field an uplift, especially as their crowd was substantially larger in than the riverview crowd. All in all, it was a great game. Still dissapointed about no pies at northbridge, has taken me a while to stomach that one, hence my hiatus from this forum.



Larry Dwyer (12)
View were certainly not their best but the referee was certainly not either. If someone could explain to me how this mid air spear tackle at 66:21 was not a yellow and Riverview's send off at 61:10 was?? Does not make sense to me to call one but not the other. View attachment 16404
Was actually watching this and thinking the same, although after rewatching on clutch again, I believe that the ref made the most correct decision, as the Shore 6 (I think) puts him down slowly, therefore not shoving his head into the ground causing a carding. Well done to Shore although, great performance.
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John Hipwell (52)
jStill dissapointed about no pies at northbridge, has taken me a while to stomach that one, hence my hiatus from this forum.


Bandit. You won’t be disappointed by the Joeys version. I turned down the BBQ for one of their tasty treats. Was again impressed.

A big shout out to Rudderless who joined me for the game. The duck liver pate and coronation chicken sandwiches were outstanding. A great rugby fan who enjoys a good chat. Looking forward to your car boot picnic at the bottom paddock.


Stan Wickham (3)
Joeys v kings 2nds
Good win by the joe boys. Especially with young jonty Fowler going off early grabbing his shoulder I believe. Thought the 12 had a very strong game. 1sts on the other hand were appalling. Hwi Sharples continues to struggle this season


Trevor Allan (34)
Did not see Joeys play today. Glad they "turned up" - never doubted that they wouldn't. But we are exactly where I suggested we would be after 5 rounds with Joeys with 0 wins from 5 games. Could realistically win 0/10.


Dave Cowper (27)
Kings will be looking forward to playing joeys at home in the last round after that mistake ridden performance. Joeys scrum is good and are a solid team but they just lack of a bit of try scoring ability.
Joeys will be a stronger team come the visit to White Oval. When you consider the backline is without the best strike weapon, they played the 4th player at 10 in 5 games, the centres haven’t had the same combo 2 weeks in a row and today they had 3 seconds players in the backline by full time it is amazing they could hold on to loose by 7 only. With some luck Joeys will give the second half of the season a shake.

I thought Pat Young was best on ground today, outstanding in a beaten team.

Hwi Sharples is a fighter, probably trying too hard to create momentum but he won’t ever die wondering.

The Kings back row is next level at pilfering. They turned over a lot of ball, in part due to a slight of hand from the side trick the ref didn’t seem to cotton on to, clever play, Sir Ritchie must have been at training this week. For all the chat about the Kings tight 5, I didn’t think they were much of a threat. The outside backs on the other hand, weapons everywhere.


Dave Cowper (27)
Did not see Joeys play today. Glad they "turned up" - never doubted that they wouldn't. But we are exactly where I suggested we would be after 5 rounds with Joeys with 0 wins from 5 games. Could realistically win 0/10.
I’ll take the other side of that, Joeys are a good probability of going undefeated in the second half of the season. Particularly once they get a number of players back next term and god willing no more injuries. To be 0-5 and have a deficit of only -14 tells you how close it has been for a heavily depleted side.

The Ticklish Tackler

Stan Wickham (3)
Wow. What a controversial day out.

Shore came out firing in front of an impressive home crowd. Seemed to skin view early on. As expected, riverview came back out, led brilliantly by no. 8 Liam Sullivan, the halves combo as well as no. 13 Liam grover. I thought the ref was keeping shore in the game towards the end, especially with the yellow card call and some advantages that seemed to go missing? Whilst I have a little soft spot for view, I like to see myself as a neutral supporter, and I thought Riverview were very hard done by. View also seem to be hit by injuries, maybe a injured GPS first XV is a good idea ? Anyways, I ripped into a beauty of a pie which tickled my tummy. Happy long weekend everyone


Darby Loudon (17)
Kings 9 wasn’t class today either
Wouldn’t be calling that with Hwi Sharples being the GPS ones and Gen blue u18s last year and Hugo Orpin from Shore who has been by far Shores best player all Season and is in excellent form.

the shore 9 was the best 9 to play today across all 6 teams, but the kings 9 for the other 4 games has been better and better by a long margin.

If teams are based of form and not reputation the kings 9 should be guaranteed a spot in Gps 1s.

joeys and shore 9 should be fighting for a spot in the Gps 2s based of form but due to the joeys 9 rep teams last year I think he’d get the nudge.

lucky enough, kings vs shore next week we get to see the matchup of two great 9s.
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