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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Tigers Tale

Lads thanks for taking the bait - I look forward to hearing how the appeal goes?

Sometimes clubs just have years where nothing goes to plan.

Good luck to your prem colts in the prelim.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Hey now!! Let's everybody just breathe a little...

With regards to the GPS 3rd Grade situation...

  • GPS fielded a team with a majority of players who had been playing in 1st and 2nd Grade throughout the year - FACT
  • Why they were playing in 1st or 2nd Grade is irrelevant for the purposes of dispensation as detailed in the QRU rulebook.
  • GPS fielded a team with a number of players who had played mostly for Reserve Grade and included Premier Grade experience - FACT
  • Those said players had never played for 3rd Grade - FACT
  • The competition rules are on the Reds Website - FACT
  • How or why those rule were misinterpreted is irrelevant.
  • GPS are appealing being disqualified from the 3rd Grade Competition, which costs $$. - FACT
  • Why are they appealing?; very good question. They feel they have grounds to appeal. Were they misled? Maybe. An administrative error is doubtful.

Calling a spade, a spade; there are really only two conclusions that can logically be made:

1. GPS knowingly flouted
2. they were misled by a person or persons that should have been relied upon to have known the rules and the interpretation of the rules, hence why they feel they have grounds to appeal.

What is the end result?

If GPS appeal is upheld, then will they be allowed to run out a team that should be clearly ineligible to play 3rd Grade? With players who have not played for 3rd Grade and have not played lower than 1st Grade all year?

I don't think that is the right result either.

Personally, I see that all Clubs and their supporters are truly passionate about their clubs and the game at large. It is obvious to me that the rulebook needs tidying up; especially if you need to engage a lawyer to interpret them.

Tigers Tale

Stallion - taking all the emotion out of this - all every other club who fielded a team in the 3rd grade comp is that each club plays be the rules.

That's all I want to see out of this - if you play players in finals who are not eligible then your club or any club for that matter is disqualified.

I am not the antagonist in this I am only voicing the opinion of a neutral in this.


Jim Clark (26)
Stallion just out of interest... what are the other circumstances you speak of? I'm not trying to catch you out or anything like that. We've had a number of appeals in recent years which have fallen on deaf ears. They've been based on compassionate grounds, proof of players returning from injury/rep/Premier grade/teams above etc etc and were all shut down, even with evidence shown. Will be interesting to see if the QRU have changed their tune.


Frank Row (1)
TT, your understanding of English words is almost as good as your understanding of the GPS drama...

Thought I'd help you out (once again..)

To be neutral is to be a way as if neither for her or against her. To be nuetral, not to be like others, be a nuetral party.

That TT is something you are clearly not.

On a side note, I have now provided you with a definition of neutral and a promise of some free oranges to dry your tears. Have the QRU closed the applications for community awards yet?
Yours in rugby, SammyKnortonKnight.


Herbert Moran (7)
runsonrum whilst I appreciate your measured approach that others on this forum clearly lack. For arguments sake, the most important FACT you needed on your list (i.e. the reason) is not provided and your "logic" does not include a multitude of other possible other reasons for what transpired.

If the GPS club clearly and knowingly routed rules, than applying the same simple logic would suggest the club would be absolutely stupid for lodging an appeal. Despite what many say about the "bogan boys" at Yoku (lol - yes we can joke about ourselves) I would say even we, are not that dumb.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Stallion, when did the "Finsbury Girls" get all macho'd up to be the "bogan boys"?!?!?

You will always be the "Finsbury girls with their hair in curls" to me!!


Allen Oxlade (6)
And my final post on this matter (I hope); I just do not see any other possible reason that players who had not played 3rd Grade, who had been playing Premier Grade, Reserve Grade and 1st Grade in the week prior to Semi Finals, could or would possibly be given dispensation to play for 3rd Grade.

Riddle me that, batman.

Tigers Tale

Again you guys miss the principle in this by disregarding the QRU directive you disrespected the QRU and by hanging around in the shed which had been allocated to Easts at that time they were disrespecting (& disrupting) another rugby team's right to prepare for an important game.

It was simply a case of GPS doing what suits themselves and stuff everyone else.

Disrespecting the authority and then getting shitty when they get pulled into line - does that sound familiar?


Frank Row (1)
Mate easts played at 7.10, that was almost 2 hours after full time in premier colts game, I think you are making a scene out of nothing. On the plus side - imagine how many oranges they could have eaten in that time!


Nev Cottrell (35)
Its a real shame you're taking satisfaction out of this situation TT as due to some misinformation, which may never be known to the wider public and I don't wish to share on this forum, there are 23 players who have done nothing wrong and may not get to finish their season.

Regardless of the outcome of tonight's appeal by GPS I think there needs to be some serious consideration put into how the game is being run by QRU and whether the choices they are making are really benefiting grassroots rugby. I say that as a rugby fan, not a GPS supporter.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I can't wait for Tigers Tale's Round 1 "Tigers vs Gallopers" match preview in 2016 when he has all these recent posts bookmarked for arguments sake.


Nev Cottrell (35)
And my final post on this matter (I hope); I just do not see any other possible reason that players who had not played 3rd Grade, who had been playing Premier Grade, Reserve Grade and 1st Grade in the week prior to Semi Finals, could or would possibly be given dispensation to play for 3rd Grade.

Riddle me that, batman.

Did you take into consideration the fact that GPS 3rd Grade finished the season with a forfeit (by Sunnybank) and 2 byes? So there were three weeks of no games leading into the finals.

Train Without a Station

Has anybody pointing fingers at Easts and making accusations actually looked at rugbylink to see if the players qualified before making bold statements?
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