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QLD Premier Rugby 2019

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Tony Shaw (54)
GPS have really made a habit of developing/nurturing good front rowers over the last decade or so.

Smith brothers, Phil Kite, Fred Burke, Jack Straker to name a few who have done really well after time at the club.


Jim Clark (26)
GPS have really made a habit of developing/nurturing good front rowers over the last decade or so.

Smith brothers, Phil Kite, Fred Burke, Jack Straker to name a few who have done really well after time at the club.

developing/nurturing the Smith brothers.........That's a bit rich mate even for a GPS supporter.


Tony Shaw (54)
developing/nurturing the Smith brothers...That's a bit rich mate even for a GPS supporter.

I don't think it's that rich... the boys played rugby at the club in 2011 and 2012 before making any Super Rugby debuts and have since returned since signing with the Reds last year. They've played a heap more games of club footy than half the blokes other clubs pay good money for ;)


Credit to GPS on the win. can’t help but wonder as a doggy supporter what that score line would of been had it not been for the double yellow card incident around the 60th minute mark.

Clearly GPS were showing their dominance at scrum time and early in the game I was worried the west’s scrum might lead to a yellow card.

But when the GPS 12 went to the bin along with the West’s 8 it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see what was about to happen.

Hate to say it but That GPS penalty try scrum was a thing of beauty. 22m out and they pushed their way to the tryline. Congrats to the Yoku rd faithful on winning the Bunter Bowl.

SIDE NOTE: I spotted Peter Ryan in the crowd. as he is Reds defensive coach can’t help but think how impressed he would of been with Carter Gordon tackling who GPS looked to be targeting. Think there’s going to be some people at Ballymore banging the table for Carter Gordon sooner rather then later.

I was pretty impressed with the Bulldogs. They have a big pack and just need a bit more time together. The Jeeps scrum has been looking shaky up until yesterday and even without the smith twins it is still the best front row in Brisbane, so Wests shouldn't get too worried about the push over tries. There are not many teams in the comp who could have resisted. Wests No 13 played very well, the hit and spin running style was particularly effective. I predict a top 4 finish for the Bulldogs.


developing/nurturing the Smith brothers...That's a bit rich mate even for a GPS supporter.

Why? The Smith brothers played together at Jeeps in 2011 and 12 and I think they even played in the GF that we lost to Easts in 2013 - but I might be wrong. That was the year the Toolis brothers left before the last round to play in Scotland and "Souths" player Sami Kerevi ripped the competition apart. Out of interest does anybody know how many games Kerevi has actually played for Souths?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Watched the GPS Wests game on the stream, probably the highest quality game of the season thus far...2nd game I have seen of Wests this season(Uni) and for 55/60mins there was absolutely nothing in it. The scrums were relatively even(2 tight heads to Wests at start of 2nd half, 2 pens to GPS first half) but when the big tight head went off and the card for the 8 was given it was all one way traffic. Agreed above Jeepstragic they came up against a strong GPS team on the day and GPS will be there at the end of the season. Pasami is outstanding at 13 for the dogs. They will make the 4 agreed. Great crowd there also.


Jim Clark (26)
I don't think it's that rich. the boys played rugby at the club in 2011 and 2012 before making any Super Rugby debuts and have since returned since signing with the Reds last year. They've played a heap more games of club footy than half the blokes other clubs pay good money for ;)

Not arguing the point that they played a heap of club footy for Jeeps. It's really good to see them playing as much as they do compared to others. My point was more the fact they would be developing/nurturing the GPS coaches on the dark arts of scrum play, probably the Reds coaches too.


Chris McKivat (8)
Credit to GPS on the win. can’t help but wonder as a doggy supporter what that score line would of been had it not been for the double yellow card incident around the 60th minute mark.

Clearly GPS were showing their dominance at scrum time and early in the game I was worried the west’s scrum might lead to a yellow card.

But when the GPS 12 went to the bin along with the West’s 8 it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see what was about to happen.

Hate to say it but That GPS penalty try scrum was a thing of beauty. 22m out and they pushed their way to the tryline. Congrats to the Yoku rd faithful on winning the Bunter Bowl.

SIDE NOTE: I spotted Peter Ryan in the crowd. as he is Reds defensive coach can’t help but think how impressed he would of been with Carter Gordon tackling who GPS looked to be targeting. Think there’s going to be some people at Ballymore banging the table for Carter Gordon sooner rather then later.

More on the Doggys Scrum. I believe their regular starting tight head "Ozzy" was missing last week due to being overseas, he'll be back this weekend. He has been key to their early Scrum dominance against (lesser) scrum competition. But yes, the GPS forward pack are very strong.
However with Ozzy back and Bronson Fotuali'i back (who started on the weekend), hopefully that can help with their prop depth as the season rolls on. Unfortunately the young prop who came on at TH in the second half got dominated. But thats the best way to learn I guess!


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
gees, just watched the highlights on the weekend and there was some dodgy stuff going on in that Wests v GPS game.

THe GPS 12 (Horomia?) threw a punch and then took a dive and the wests 8 (Mailko?) ran from half a field away to put in a cheap shot blindside shoulder charge into a wests winger.

Both got yellows. Both shouldve got reds.


Chris McKivat (8)
gees, just watched the highlights on the weekend and there was some dodgy stuff going on in that Wests v GPS game.

THe GPS 12 (Horomia?) threw a punch and then took a dive and the wests 8 (Mailko?) ran from half a field away to put in a cheap shot blindside shoulder charge into a wests winger.

Both got yellows. Both shouldve got reds.

Yeah, if you watch the full game and listen to the ref.... he explains that GPS 12 (Horomia) "throws a punch and connects", therefore warranting a yellow card..... ?? Is that not a red card offence, as he so simply explains? lol..
And then he goes on to say a yellow for the Wests 8 for his part... the penalty then going to Wests as the punch from GPS 12 is a "higher offence" or something of the like. For mine its a definite red to GPS 12 (the flop alone would warrant time on the sidelines).
Yellow to Wests 8 would be enough for me but I understand the Red card debate too, given he ran in from Sylvan Rd to deliver the shoulder on an unsuspecting player.


Ted Fahey (11)
Just watched that highlights package. Looked like a high quality game. Like what I see from the young Wests 10.

What are the rules on binding pre contact ? It happens in every game of Super rugby. At the 72.41 min mark the GPS 14 has a full bind on the 2 before he receives the ball and before any contact and they both crash over. The 2 would have scored regardless but is that legal and if so what stops having more players pre bound.


Jim Clark (26)
By my take Wests played 3 fly-halfs against Jeeps, Gordon, Henry, Mosley.....you could almost throw in Whiteside into the mix as well. I think the coaches are going to have to make a few calls shortly.

Rugby follower

Watty Friend (18)
Looking at all the highlights isn’t it great to see what a difference the reds players make, look at at the Smith brothers at GPS absolutely destroying West’s scrum and Duncan at North’s showing his skills that very few centres have. Pity Duncan doesn’t suit Thornball, I reckon he could have been the 2011 version of Quade however now lost to France, not sure this competition will suit him however he is one highly skilled back, best of luck to him when he goes, I just wish he could play for North’s more, he is fantastic to watch.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Friday night home game.

More reds expected back in club footy? I’d say 16-23 will be locks this weekend


Cyril Towers (30)
Looking at all the highlights isn’t it great to see what a difference the reds players make, look at at the Smith brothers at GPS absolutely destroying West’s scrum and Duncan at North’s showing his skills that very few centres have. Pity Duncan doesn’t suit Thornball, I reckon he could have been the 2011 version of Quade however now lost to France, not sure this competition will suit him however he is one highly skilled back, best of luck to him when he goes, I just wish he could play for North’s more, he is fantastic to watch.

Agree Duncan is a great player with fantastic skills, speed and ability to read play, he is an even better rugby ambassador- he will be a great loss to QLD and Australian Rugby via his impressive NRC record as a player and captain over the last few years.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Note to the Tigers - we will never forget the 1999 grand final and more particularly the events after the game when the bulldog that was left under the stand at Ballymore was kidnapped and you demanded a ransom be paid for the return of the bulldog.

The bulldog is now safely secured on top of the scoreboard at Scifleet.

Looking back now it is one of the more memorable off field stunts pulled in Brisbane club rugby but it was anything but at the time for those at Sylvan Road.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Looking at Rugbyxplorer app and the team lists

Duncan P will be turning out for the eagles as he has been named on the bench. Have not spied any other reds yet playing club footy on Saturday whom are playing tonight.
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