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QLD Premier Rugby 2021

Dean Moriarty

Billy Sheehan (19)
Just to be clear , I’m not suggesting that being contracted to the Reds means you should get picked over someone who isn’t , it’s more that that’s the way it normally goes . Fringe Reds players get sent back to QPR with the idea of getting game time and would imagine those at the Reds would want to see them develop in certain positions and at least ask certain things of the clubs regards where they play . Up to the club then as to what happens next, I’m sure they don’t always get their way .

If you read my post again you will see that I mention that if Mason is the best candidate for the position he should get it , but he shouldn’t be sent back to Wests with the expectation from the Rebels of him playing Prems at someone else’s expense if the coaches at Wests believe they already have a better candidate.

Have no doubt Mason has a big future ahead of him and am basically agreeing with your sentiment of who gets selected should be on merit, not whether you have a contract. He’s still young and I did see his display against UQ in Colts last year as well. He played very well , but it was against Colts . Maybe that’s where he should start, with some time off the bench with the big boys ?

Think that would be less likely to cause disquiet amongst the player group.

Rest easy m’man I wasn’t applying it as your thought. Just an observation as to how things are in the over arching structure of Rugby where there is too much water poured out on the sand.

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Can anyone send me in the right direction to find details of the trials this weekend?
There’s no set draw for the trials as such , the details would be found through the individual clubs .

UQ play GPS this Sat at Albany Creek ( South Pine Sports Complex) across all grades .

Prems kicks off around 3pm and is a series of 20 min periods . UQ have split their squad into two fairly even teams rather than a defined 1st & 2nds .

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Rest easy m’man I wasn’t applying it as your thought. Just an observation as to how things are in the over arching structure of Rugby where there is too much water poured out on the sand.
All good , I was just answering the first bit of your post .


John Solomon (38)
I wouldnt assume that QPR clubs and the Reds are aligned.

Wests have a relationship with the Rebels through Elwee Prinsaloo. (An excellent coach who was dumped by the Reds) as did GPS when Elwee was there.

In regard to Mason. He should be playing at the level that is best for his development. He is straight out of school, it is a massive jump from 1stXV to Colts 1 let alone straight into Premier Grade.

I am sure Carl Marshall (Another excellent coach ignored by the Reds) will prioritise Masons development and ignore the expectations of others.

How many coaching positions do you think the Reds have available at any one time?

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
How many coaching positions do you think the Reds have available at any one time?
I’m going to be quite frank here, but as the same time keep it at a professional comment.
The Reds (Queensland Rugby organisation) need to develop (IMPROVE) their communication skills, when dealing with players, coaches, clubs, media, sponsors, and other franchises in Australia and beyond. Their attitude seems to be of self importance and dominance rather than one of ‘what is best for the rugby community’ now and its future. The transparency and trust shown in the past few years is having an impact on the greater rugby Community.


John Solomon (38)
I’m going to be quite frank here, but as the same time keep it at a professional comment.
The Reds (Queensland Rugby organisation) need to develop (IMPROVE) their communication skills, when dealing with players, coaches, clubs, media, sponsors, and other franchises in Australia and beyond. Their attitude seems to be of self importance and dominance rather than one of ‘what is best for the rugby community’ now and its future. The transparency and trust shown in the past few years is having an impact on the greater rugby Community.

That may very well be the case. I've got no idea on the political machinations. But there are only so many coaching positions in the professional set up regardless of the politics of the organisation. Some good coaches are going to have to move onto other areas if they want to further their careers. It's not a matter of ignoring them. 7 just doesn't fit into 5. It's the same in any sport.

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Can anyone send me in the right direction to find details of the trials this weekend?


Larry Dwyer (12)
The Bank v Brothers fairly even in Prems; probably 3 tries each. Good hit out for both teams.
There were 4 x 20 min halves. No real domination by either team; Brothers probably better
At the ruck n maul with cleaner ball; the bank better in broken play and individual running.
The normal expectation.think it was 19-15 to the bank; then second grade which was tight
For 20 mins, maybe 30, then Brothers ran away with it


Bill Watson (15)
Souths won the 1st grade trial against Wests 45-17. They were fairly impressive but still plenty to work on.
Not sure of the Women's result but Souths had a great day across the Club, with wins in every grade except Colts 2/3 game.
Colts 1 was a good win by a team that has received some criticism on this forum.

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
COVID bubble back unfortunately, Reds players got hooked from trials today over the PA Hospital case, call made this morning.

Just shows how quickly things could change this year .


Nev Cottrell (35)
With respect Lion what have these 3 (or Thorn, Stiles, Graham, Mooney for that mater) achieved to suggest that they would be successful coaches at Super level?

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)
With respect Lion what have these 3 (or Thorn, Stiles, Graham, Mooney for that mater) achieved to suggest that they would be successful coaches at Super level?
Is this a trick question? A coach’s success sometimes comes down to luck with the players they inherit, what players are on the horizon, and the status of the administration. Look at the mess the Waratahs are in. It’s the alignment of all factors. A good coach is one who doesn’t over promise success and clearly stipulates what is required before he takes on the role. You would definitely do your due diligence. It’s taken Thorn 4 years to be at this point, and that’s because he was clear in the timeline of events and who calls the shots. Any coach who promises making the finals within 2 years when they have been wooden spooners for past 2 years is dreaming. The big factor is money. The more money you have to throw around, the better your chances become in the coming years. The more money spend on development the better your chances of bringing through talent.

EDIT. All too often we see a quality coach depart only to see a mediocre coach come in a reap the rewards of what’s be developing for the past couple of years.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Exactly, this look at how well Rennie is travelling after Cheika set him up.



No disrespect to your opinion Phil but I believe that Cheika set the bar so low with the destruction of our national team that it doesn’t matter who replaced Cheika that we were always going to have a guy who could improve on MC.

Cancelled Account

Desmond Connor (43)


No disrespect to your opinion Phil but I believe that Cheika set the bar so low with the destruction of our national team that it doesn’t matter who replaced Cheika that we were always going to have a guy who could improve on MC.
With you being a West’s man SouthernX, we can use Mooney as the example. Two years after he left the Reds the team won the Super comp. Mooney had established that team bloody well.


Tony Shaw (54)


No disrespect to your opinion Phil but I believe that Cheika set the bar so low with the destruction of our national team that it doesn’t matter who replaced Cheika that we were always going to have a guy who could improve on MC.

It is difficult to portray sarcasm on these threads. Sorry that went over your head.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Is Aust Club Championship game between Easts & Gordon (2:00 kick off, this Saturday at David Wilson) being televised on Stan/Kayo?

Will be interesting to see the respective merit of both teams, but given Easts 6/6 premierships in 2020, I would like to see them get up and put the cherry on that very large premiership cake.

I always find myself supporting the QPR team in this encounter.