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Queensland Junior Rugby

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Chris McKivat (8)
If you're that concerned about the quality of refereeing in U/14s you could put your money where your mouth is, sit the Level I, and join the QRRA. They're always happy to welcome new referees.

For a start it wasn't Under 14s and I have a Level 1 QRRA and am too busy Coaching to Referee. Maybe if you too paid more attention to detail you would "assume" so much. Also lighten up, maybe it was you?

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
The details of the team you coach or the brand of toothpaste you used this morning or whatever is irrelevant, it's shoddy form to moan about someone who gave up their morning/afternoon to referee your team. We're not talking about professionals or premier grade here.

And sadly, no, not me. Norman Park's a bit far for me to get to these days.

Rugby follower

Watty Friend (18)
Surely we are not going to use the Qld Junior Rugby thread as a bitch and moan about the referees from an East supporter, we get enough of that from Tiger Tales on the Qld Premier Grade thread. The ref's are not professional, they get paid a small amount for their duty on Sunday morning/afternoon. You can't expect quality, at the end of the day in junior rugby generally the better team will win. BTW it is kids footy and the kids forget about the result within 15 minutes however the parents will stew about it for days.


Ted Fahey (11)
Well it's one more round and rep is on, Looking forward to seeing how the 14's go.
Hearing chat today, parents of the Pink, Blue and Green teams all feel they are strong.
Any word on Orange?
Do we have any goers on which team to watch..?


Chris McKivat (8)
The details of the team you coach or the brand of toothpaste you used this morning or whatever is irrelevant, it's shoddy form to moan about someone who gave up their morning/afternoon to referee your team. We're not talking about professionals or premier grade here.

And sadly, no, not me. Norman Park's a bit far for me to get to these days.

Now your assuming that it occurred at Norman Park. Why do referees think that they can't be spoken about good or bad? Unfortunately we can't play the game without referees but we don't get change or improvement by pretending the status quo is good


Chris McKivat (8)
Surely we are not going to use the Qld Junior Rugby thread as a bitch and moan about the referees from an East supporter, we get enough of that from Tiger Tales on the Qld Premier Grade thread. The ref's are not professional, they get paid a small amount for their duty on Sunday morning/afternoon. You can't expect quality, at the end of the day in junior rugby generally the better team will win. BTW it is kids footy and the kids forget about the result within 15 minutes however the parents will stew about it for days.

Generally, generalisations are incorrect.

Chris Green

Frank Nicholson (4)
Well it's one more round and rep is on, Looking forward to seeing how the 14's go.
Hearing chat today, parents of the Pink, Blue and Green teams all feel they are strong.
Any word on Orange?
Do we have any goers on which team to watch..?
Pink team has quite a few boys returning from the Championship winning Blue team from last year. Should go well again this year

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
You really do get distracted with peripheral details, don't you?

This is junior rugby. Those referees are learning, they make mistakes. The players make mistakes. You make mistakes - for a start, your grammar is dreadful, Einstein.

They have no vested interest other than providing a game for the players. You know there are people you can talk to if you are concerned about performances. A public junior rugby forum is not the sort of place to air such grievances.


Chris McKivat (8)
You really do get distracted with peripheral details, don't you?

This is junior rugby. Those referees are learning, they make mistakes. The players make mistakes. You make mistakes - for a start, your grammar is dreadful, Einstein.

They have no vested interest other than providing a game for the players. You know there are people you can talk to if you are concerned about performances. A public junior rugby forum is not the sort of place to air such grievances.

You do love to assume, this guy was 55 plus and if he can't be bothered to know the laws get another hobby

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
How do you know he wasn't in his first or second season? I go back to my earlier point - there are appropriate mechanisms for raising concerns with referees, a public junior rugby forum is not one of those. I still suggest that you put your impeccable knowledge of the laws of the game and your 'Level 1 QRRA' to good use and pick up a whistle. There's schoolboy games on Saturday, a large number of referees are involved in both days of the weekend - if you are so bothered with the standard of refereeing, I'm sure you can match their commitment.


Chris McKivat (8)
How do you know he wasn't in his first or second season? I go back to my earlier point - there are appropriate mechanisms for raising concerns with referees, a public junior rugby forum is not one of those. I still suggest that you put your impeccable knowledge of the laws of the game and your 'Level 1 QRRA' to good use and pick up a whistle. There's schoolboy games on Saturday, a large number of referees are involved in both days of the weekend - if you are so bothered with the standard of refereeing, I'm sure you can match their commitment.
If you don't know the Laws you can't and shouldn't referee.
I still haven't heard your reasoning as to why you believe Referees aren't fair game.
If your so bitter and twisted maybe it's time you gave it away instead of confusing kids with terrible decisions and lack of knowledge. I think it might be you after all.

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
The points have already been made. If you lack the requisite literacy and insight to absorb them, it's no wonder the kids are confused.


Chris McKivat (8)
The points have already been made. If you lack the requisite literacy and insight to absorb them, it's no wonder the kids are confused.

Maybe your game management is as shoddy as your "one size fits all" excuse for an argument. You just keep telling yourself your doing a good job.

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
Protip: of you're going to pick holes in one's game management, it helps to know whether or not that person's even manages games. Also, if using the written word, to pick those holes, it helps to use correct grammar.

All ribbing aside, I'm not doubting that having to watch the match unfold on the sidelines can be frustrating, but bagging out a junior sport volunteer as you have done is bad form. They are not fair game. If you think a performance was particularly concerning, there are appropriate channels to go through. A junior rugby forum is not it. Referees are already too thin on the ground without this sort of thing.

Chris Green

Frank Nicholson (4)
Ok why does Sunnybank try and stay out of Division 1 and play in Divisions lower than their ability?
Ok I will be your huckleberry
All teams I have been involved with how been Division 1
Not sure what point you are trying to make with your comment but it is probably like me asking you why Easts always goes uncontested scrums at all divisions.


Chris McKivat (8)
No one has been identified in any shape or form. If referees are that sensitive then maybe they need to look in the mirror and resign.
To say that we can't discuss a referee is to say we can't discuss a player or a Coach. How about we discuss how we can up skill these Referees.
Any ideas?
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