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Returns from injury

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David Codey (61)
With those types if players in the bench I expect to see a noticeable rise in performance. Also with a 5-2 bench split I don't see any reason Palu couldn't be on the bench. I'd live to see the impact either he or samo could have with 20 to go.


John Thornett (49)
Drew Mitchell has said he is targeting the Aus Barbarians vs Canada game as his return.
Possibly this game will see some other players returning from injury.

When's the WC squad have to be announced by?


Greg Davis (50)
I would argue the only good thing in the Tahs attack was Mitchell and BURGRESS! He hardly limits the attack - I see burgess as an attacking halfback more then a defensive one. IMO Phipps is an okay halfback, he has a great pass and does everything else good but not outstanding. Burgess has a few flaws but he has outstanding attributes that phipps does not have; his defence is world-class, He offloads well, breaks the line, snipes well, running game is very good, clears rucks very quickly (maybe not as clean as genia and phibbs but he gets the ball quick when he wants too), He has the X-Factor that phipps does not have. If Burgess' had a cleaner pass he would be pushing Genia pretty closely for a starting spot!

This is obviously right. Burgess is an electric attacking halfback with a wayward pass. I can't see how anyone can't see this obvious fact.


John Eales (66)
Agreed. Burgess still has a poor pass, but he's also still the best backup for Genia. He brings other things to the table, like the ability to run from the ruck base and he's a great defender.

On balance, he is who I would have on the bench for the RWC. I rate Phipps too, but it's probably a year early for him.


John Thornett (49)
Yep, the capability to turn a game.

I was watching the HK Bled again today and Burgess made a critical difference. It's not that he was better than Genia per se, but he came on with fresh legs and a bloody-minded attacking intent. Not sure we would have won that game without his threatening the line from the back of the ruck.


Peter Sullivan (51)
We need to be selecting our bench with these players. Samo over Hodgson, Burgo over everyone, Giteau over Fainga'a.

We need to pick our bench with the intention of putting the final nail in the coffin or stealing away a win, not one to cover injury or coast home.


John Thornett (49)
We need to be selecting our bench with these players. Samo over Hodgson, Burgo over everyone, Giteau over Fainga'a.

We need to pick our bench with the intention of putting the final nail in the coffin or stealing away a win, not one to cover injury or coast home.

This. TPN will add a huge amount when he comes back.


Greg Davis (50)
We need to be selecting our bench with these players. Samo over Hodgson, Burgo over everyone, Giteau over Fainga'a.

We need to pick our bench with the intention of putting the final nail in the coffin or stealing away a win, not one to cover injury or coast home.

Yes. Good attitude DPK. Go for the throat, like the damned ABs would! And do.


John Eales (66)
Yep, the whole idea of having and using a bench is guys who can be influential in relatively short bursts. Obviously you have to cover injury scenarios too, but they are relatively rare by comparison with needing someone to take the attack to the opposition or in some cases shut the game down.

I don't look at the bench that we had on the weekend and necessarily have that feeling. All good solid players, but they aren't blokes who would take the game away from the opposition. I will acknowledge that injuries to key players have been largely the cause of this, however.


John Thornett (49)
Yes, and off the bench. Nau is wrong to start. He just destroy himself. Let him destroy himself at the end, and take some people with him.

I think TPN is slightly better than Moore, but I agree with you. Moore is an 80 minute type of player and TPN is a human missile of destruction. Play Moore 60 minutes and give TPN 20 minutes to seek and destroy.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Yeah, I agree, start him. Why do impact players always have to have the impact late in the game? wouldn't the impact from someone like TPN be better at the start?

It's not like his throwing is suspect any more. Besides, with a player like Moore to bring on, what is the real risk?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
There's nothing more I hate than people thinking players are destined for the bench because they're impact players. What a joke.

TPN gives us more in the scrum, if he's fit he should start.


Peter Johnson (47)
Is giteau really a better choice for the bench than Finger, keeping in mind JOC (James O'Connor) played a good chunk of the super rugby season at 10.

My first choice for the bench play-maker would be barnes, but only if fit.


John Eales (66)
I can think of an argument for not starting "impact" players: the opposition are fresh too and the necessary mismatches wouldn't be created. It's also fair to say that against quality opposition like NZ, Boks, England, France or Ireland that their players in key positions are pretty handy too. TPN is a fantastic player, but not one who goes for 80. Hell, some weeks he doesn't even go 40. Best to have him go hell for leather in a set time, I think.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Is giteau really a better choice for the bench than Finger

Faster, more agile, kicks from the hand better. More experienced, as good in defence. More versatile from the bench, some leadership value.

In short, yeah.
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