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Returns from injury

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Mark Ella (57)
I don't see how. I think it will be faught out between him and Digby with the incumbant having the upper hand. With the kicking duties, JOC (James O'Connor) has a mortgage on the other wing.


John Solomon (38)
This was my main quandary when I started this thread - a fully fit mitchell, ioane and oconnor all command a place in the side. All offer more than AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or McCabe, albeit in different positions. So given that Mitchell is likely to be fit in time for the RWC surely now (or at least next game v a full strength SAF at home) is the time to try O'Connor at 12.


Peter Johnson (47)
Anyone seen this yet - re Drew mitchell -


Yep. It is what restarted this thread.
Drew Mitchell update.

Looks promising.

Has anyone seen the fallout from Drew's tweet?
Some guy named @KingBiyela responded with
@drew_mitchell We hope you miss the World Cup, you tit.

Well Drew responded with this
Well in this case, i hope your dreams DONT come true.

And well now people are having a go at KingBiyela for tweeting it. Even South Africans. It has been quite amusing.


Mark Ella (57)
This was my main quandary when I started this thread - a fully fit mitchell, ioane and oconnor all command a place in the side. All offer more than AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or McCabe, albeit in different positions. So given that Mitchell is likely to be fit in time for the RWC surely now (or at least next game v a full strength SAF at home) is the time to try O'Connor at 12.

I don't know about JOC (James O'Connor) at 12 as the direct, working style 12 is working well. These issues are good for the team but I sure am going to feel sorry for the poor bastard that misses out.


Greg Davis (50)
agree, if all fit the bench looks fantastic.
think alot will depend on how the bledisloe goes, especially with digby defending quades channel, the solution may be to bring berrick in so there is less shifting to cover.
but all in all, hopefully everyone gets fit soon, we dont have the depth to have anyone out of contention.


John Solomon (38)
I'd still rather have that dynamite on the field from the start. Timmy Horan is my gold standard 12 and he is more a JOC (James O'Connor) than a McCabe.


Mark Ella (57)
agree, if all fit the bench looks fantastic.
think alot will depend on how the bledisloe goes, especially with digby defending quades channel, the solution may be to bring berrick in so there is less shifting to cover.
but all in all, hopefully everyone gets fit soon, we dont have the depth to have anyone out of contention.

The Digby to 10 plan is to complicated for mine. Cooper drops out and they are shit in one sounds better. McCabe picks up the 10 channel, wares the brunt of the load and is replaced by Fainga'a who fills the same role.


Greg Davis (50)
swapping wing to centre is ridic for mine to. I have a feeling there is a bigger plan at work which is why i susspect Barnes is coming back in.


John Solomon (38)
swapping wing to centre is ridic for mine to. I have a feeling there is a bigger plan at work which is why i susspect Barnes is coming back in.

Nah I think he's just copying what worked so well for link at the reds. Except that moving beale to 10 in defence doesnt work like lucas or lance did. Wasted counter attacking ability and not as strong a defender. So hes trying the same thing with Ioane. Also Ioane cant be targeted for his lack of kicking ablity if he's defending at 10. Makes sense to me.


Mark Ella (57)
I don't believe I am supporting Deans for the second time today. I think Digby is a better defender in close. He has been exposed on the wing by faster wingers quite a few times with him getting beaten on the outside a few times and only just making the tackle a few more. Cooper has in fact improved his one on one defence and also his positional work when confronted with multiple attackers. So in this regard I think this fixes two potential issues.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Fatcat is going into surgery tomorrow. Just tweeted:

Heading in for surgery tomorrow !! Pushed real hard to make it but knee just isn't right !! Very disheartening !!


Darby Loudon (17)
I'm sort of glad that he's going for surgery. The bloke is young and we need him for the Lions series and the next world cup. I would have hated to have seen him go down with a career ending knee injury if he'd played this world cup.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I kind of agree bryce but I would be much, much happier if he was fighting fit and lining up to prop in every game this World Cup. I would be much happier with our propping depth too if that was the case.

Let's hope it goes well and he's back asap anyway.


with regards to JOC (James O'Connor) physical stature I sometimes wonder, and this is not disrespectful to the ability of Tim Horan who was brilliant - but Horan had size all round him in players like Tune, Roff, Herbert, Damien Smit, even Jason Little was a pretty big boy and big blokes at the back like Burke and Latham. This size outwide in Horan's day enabled the Wallabies to hit rucks after going wide and still have a 'physical presence' additionally the players above were more than capable of bending the defensive line and allowing Horan more time and space on the recycle with posession. Now again, I'm not being disrespectful to Horan but I wonder should JOC (James O'Connor) move into 12, would the relatively small outside backs make it difficult for the Wallabies to have someone who can crash it up when needed and bend the line. We all know you can't just go wide all day (Eden Park is prime example) and need directness at times. Is JOC (James O'Connor) ever going to be able to simply crash it up without being dominated or held off the ground for a period of time to allow the defence to get organised? It's not like Digby, Beale etc could move into 12 when we want to crash it. Of course Horan did crash the ball and was pretty darn good at it. But the game now is a bit different and defences are stronger, more physical and more organised. Horan would still be a freak in todays game.

Personally I think JOC (James O'Connor) is a winger/fullback and always will be. That doesn't mean however he can't move into the 12 channel when the move/play suits and go from there. But I don't think he's ready for the 80 minute defensive work required in tight nor do I think he could give Quade that settling influence like a McCabe or Fainga'a.
Yes he could come into 12 on attack at times, inject himself and do something brilliant and there in lies the answer - use him as and when but spare him the burden of 12 on his back and the requirements of the position for 80 minutes... you could always push McCabe, a pretty handy and experienced winger onto the wing when it suits bringing JOC (James O'Connor) into 12... which I think is where Deans is heading with it all.


Trevor Allan (34)
Skippy: IMO to be direct at 12 you don't have to be a big bosher type. Direct just means getting over the gain line and recycling for fast ball.

If JOC (James O'Connor) achieves this by running at pace, stepping and getting over the advantage line. Then what is the problem?

People get caught up in this whole size at 12 thing, but when Wales play Jamie Roberts (6ft4 and 100kgs) they are often targeted by teams who line him up and drop him. Their creativity goes out of the window and their outside backs are starved of the ball.

How often do you see Nonu do a straight crash? Rarely tbh, he usually puts on a bit of footwork beforehand and then hits the line.

On the weekend you saw the effectiveness of JOC (James O'Connor) at 12 outside Quade, it resulted in McCabe's try. Although I would like to see JOC (James O'Connor) move to 12 when Drew comes back I cant see it happening, I guess we will have to wait until next year for it to become a reality.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Let's not kid ourselves about our backline.
It is misfiring at best in attack right now. We have these amazing players who can by their own admission "tear anyone up" on their day, but it is just not happening.
Most of their enterprising play is coming in the form of counter attacks and kick returns.
I don't think McCabe is the answer at 12. I would like to see Fainga'a there against the Blacks in Brisbane to see how he goes.
But I suspect we do need JOC (James O'Connor), Barnes or Giteau at 12 to make the backline fire.
I would go with JOC (James O'Connor).


Trevor Allan (34)
Horan was listed at 6ft0 and 93kgs by the ARU

JOC (James O'Connor) was listed as 5f11 and 88kgs by the ARU

So take off 4 kgs on both due to exaggerations and they aren't too dissimilar.
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