• Welcome to the forums of Green & Gold Rugby.
    We have recently made some changes to the amount of discussions boards on the forum.
    Over the coming months we will continue to make more changes to make the forum more user friendly for all to use.
    Thanks, Admin.



Chilla Wilson (44)
With the Forum closing/whinding down in the very near future.
I joined late to this forum in 2010 and its been fun.

Thanks to Matt Rowley who gave us a platform to talk Rugby.
His last words on the Podcast spoke very true in the rugby community.

All the best to you all on the site.

Having a Rum for you all.. ;)

And Matt before the forum shuts down... Can you please Fucken change the Lions Tour 2013 link.
Happy for the link to be the best of Ned Hanigan it been up that long

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
With the Forum closing/whinding down in the very near future.


Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Thanks Matt and all for keeping up the site. I first subscribed a long time ago when living in the Bahamas. There were few opportunities to talk of or get news about Australian rugby. This site has been a godsend. Sad to see you go but what you have done over time is more appreciated than you can imagine. Best of luck in your future endeavours.
Hope the Stan quip/rumour is actually going to happen!

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Biffed up a panicky prefab freebie forus just in case it all suddenly goes black here but hope it doesnt come to that ffs https://gagr.boards.net/

Cyclo will be along shortly to fix everything and assuage our fears.

"My name is Cyclo and I have the full support of the GAGR board.....


John Solomon (38)
As far as I can tell the guys won't be doing a podcast any longer. Nothing else has been mentioned, perhaps Biggsy just has some wires crossed?


John Eales (66)
As far as I can tell the guys won't be doing a podcast any longer. Nothing else has been mentioned, perhaps Biggsy just has some wires crossed?

He said at the end of the podcast something like 'the website will be winding down too in the coming months, so if anyone wants to buy a rugby website".....

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
so if anyone wants to buy a rugby website"...

Time to activate The High Powered Business Consortium Takeover Team.
  • Cyclo ($$)
  • B.Ravesheart (Moderating Influence)
  • Rugby Reginald (Moderating Influence)
  • Sully (Moderating Influence)
  • Bumbreeze Runner (Impartial Observer)
  • Pfitzy (has a computer)
  • Waipu Cove Oldboy (on GAGR 24/7, knows every nook and cranny of this website. In preparation for data transferral to new site he assures me has already started transcribing, by hand, all 971 pages of the "Where to for Super Rugby?" thread)


Tim Horan (67)
He said at the end of the podcast something like 'the website will be winding down too in the coming months, so if anyone wants to buy a rugby website"...

I interpreted that to mean they won't be doing articles across the summer etc. I'd be devastated if the forum went away. I know it takes time & money but I feel like if the forum goes then that's the last supporters gone for Australian rugby.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
FFS,WFT, I now have 450 billion gygabytes of pointless photo essays I have to U-Haul the fuck OUT of here before Gagger cruelly evicts us out into the cold and lonely foriisphere, probably on fucken Xmas Eve.


The options;

The Silver Frown: lol sorry I'm not a myopic anti-life Maga wingnut. Plus I would be banned within fucking femtoseconds. I'm like Charles fucking Manson to their brady bunch clutch of officious little old lady librarian moderators.
Planet Rugby: mean-spirited poms are not my idea of rock and roll fun.
Not Planet Rugby: ffs Very Planet Rugby more like.
my shitty proboards prefab: not really a long-term option as its probably un-fucking-googleable
a new GAGR forum: built by some GAGR computer genius, replete with all the bespoke chrome-plated appointments to which I have grown accustomed.

As for the shipping fees for my 666 gyga-terabytes of horseshit photo essays, charges will be reflected in Gagger's monthly statements.

And you KNOW who I am using for fucking shipping.


Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I know I threatened to ignore the many posters here who mistake or misrepresent my views and opinions but to close the whole shebang down is just taking it a little too far, don't you think? :(

Dismal. I think an observer role would suit me down to the ground. Nice to see someone appreciates my unbiassed and balanced inputs.


Vay Wilson (31)
my old mate Chiselhead would be pleased about this:he didn't take being banned(on multiple occasions,under multiple aliases,)kindly.LOL