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Super TT final

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waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Highlanders making sure they get to Eden Park nice & early....

"Reports of a tornado in Papatoetoe, south Auckland"


(Either that or Akira got lost on his way home from KFC again :)).

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
"T-minus 8 hours until ignition sequence start on Operation Day Of A Thousand Blue and Black Destinies"

Boosters, stable.

Valves, stable.

Weather's looking real nice up here Houston, all systems are a go.


Houston: "Checking command modules".
Cyclo: "Wait on, 'Day of a thousand BLUE destinies'? Don't the Landers also wear blue? Come to think of it, the Tahs do t
Z.Er0: "Go".
Dismal: "Go".
KiwiMurph: "Go".
T.Each: "I smell jaffas".
Dismal: "Guidance is internal".
W.Oldboy: "Stupid contractual obligation fi
B.Ullrush: "Go"
Dismal: "Godspeed the vortex".


Frank Row (1)
Does anyone think the Blues or Highlanders winning could potentially overshadow the Crusaders taking out Super Aotearoa. Has their form in TT taken them ahead of the Saders?

That's a fair question. We've never previously had two Super Rugby titles awarded in one season and so this is a new scenario. I think neither title will mean as much as it would have if the other one hadn't been played. Another twist is that Super Rugby. Aotearoa is likely to never be played again, and the TT comp will likely be very different in the future. The pandemic really has changed pro Rugby in the Southern Hemisphere forever, and I guess we should probably just be happy that we have some Rugby to watch?


John Thornett (49)
I've contracted a mathematics post-doc to crunch the numbers and the results are in:

Champion of two countries > champion of one country

Can't argue with the math. Further, if we take this inalienable result and follow it to it's logical conclusion, by virtue of each being in the TT final:

Blues & Highlanders > Crusaders

The numbers and shit have spoken, innit.


John Thornett (49)
Really hoping we get as few punishing NZ officials for this match as possible. Berry would have to be the best option for referee.

Well. Shit.

Referee: Mike Fraser

Assistants: Ben O'Keeffe & Paul Williams

TMO: Brendon Pickerill

Fraser is probably the best of a bad bunch, but still.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
The numbers and shit have spoken, innit.

The one about lies, damned lies & numbers & shit comes to mind. Can't recall who said it but he was right.
Well. Shit.

Referee: Mike Fraser

Assistants: Ben O'Keeffe & Paul Williams

TMO: Brendon Pickerill

Fraser is probably the best of a bad bunch, but still.

Wait til you see who's in the comm box & on the sideline.....

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Aha, just realised that with Himeno playing, the Pitcairns will activate their cadre of local comms. They are present for every Landers match he plays in. Ergo, no TJ for me. Sorry Zer0/KW/BR etc. You will have to bear the brunt of TJ's hateful sneer and bilious and bileful rancour without me.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
It's Dixon's 100th & possibly last tonight so the post-presentation haka should be something special regardless but holy shit if they win the Resident's or Neighbour's Association (I can never remember which is the No Fun Allowed one) will be having conniptions.......

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Fuck that noise. I'm off to Eden Park. Later virgins.

"An Auckland Blues fan who would only identify himself as "zer0" says it was not wanting to listen to tv commentary of the match that directly lead to his unruly behaviour that saw him ejected from Eden Park mere minutes into last nights' Final. He was heard shouting "It's all that cnut Tony Johnson's fault, I tells ya!" as he was escorted away. Bail was posted by an as-yet unidentified Pitcairn resident."


Tim Horan (67)
Shit they telling people may have to find alternative transport as train are out in a few places in Auckland.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Coupla strange options by Clan, taking the three when a 5m lineout & maul was on & moreso taking that scrum when THP had just spent ages getting several km of tape applied to his knee. Could well cost them points here.

Yep, too easy really. No-one marking up any wider than the far post & not far enough from goal line to get across, Talea virtually unmarked.
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