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Sydney Colts - 2015

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Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
The big question is will Randwicks 35 scholarships be enough to beat Uni's 50 scholarships?
We done to Norths and Easts for being the top 2 rugby clubs in 1st colts and good luck to Uni and Randwick for the scholarship cup

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Well as expected the two teams that have perfected the art of recruiting/buying players with scholarships are the two best colt clubs. Unless the rules are level this will continue indefinitely and frankly nswrugby does not care ask Farr Jones. How the other clubs can live with this farce beats me.

They could take the same approach that Randwick and (I believe) Gordon did -- "if you can't beat em, join em".


Stan Wickham (3)
I was speaking to a father of the a Randwick player on Saturday and a Uni dad on the Sunday. Its not the Scholarships that concern me. What concerns me most is the "needling up" of these boys to play rugby.

It really concerns me when 18/19/20 year olds cant walk the next day as they have had needles and have done more damage to their injuries.

Arent we wanting these guys to be playing rugby up to the ripe old age , when did Kenny Williams retire, or is he still playing.

Are they saying to these young men their welfare is less important than winning the Comp. Maybe these 2 clubs need to have a good look at themselves.

Social Bill

Frank Row (1)
Funny that at this end of the season we all have to put up with people winging about where you have acquired Talented players from(I must be on wrong forum, Is this the GPS ?). Peoples memory's are quite short these days and from the point of Randy-Wicks. As a playing group they have recruited the CORRECT Team to run our COLTS program. There was and still in place the correct ATTITUDE regarding training and game play, this is the main for success. And success breeds success !
Look at what Gordon has achieved within this year. At the beginning of this season they were all over the place(mainly scrum time) but towards pointy end off season proved to put the wood on any and all. The Beasties have had vast improvement throughout this season. Southern games were Never taken lightly as they have the players and skill level to touch any team up .
Two Blues are another example but need to work on heaps of fitness.
All players /coaching staff/helpers/club management and most important the parents whom have transported and fixed players(when injured) have all put huge efforts to keep teams going with every Club out there.
What will be said Next season when talented youngsters WANT to play in a winning environment and not there own District Club which might have the attitude from 1960's.
If anyone thinks that Club success in Colts is by buying players in then you might need to attend training 3-4 times a week for a season and see the style and diverse types of training these boys are committed to(clubs which are on the up).
If still you are NOT happy then I'll get you a box of tissues and you can sit and admire NRL.



Allen Oxlade (6)
I heard on the grapevine that the U/18 Grand Final at Foreshaw on Saturday ended with a fight, yellow card, red card, reversal of a penalty (that saw SD kicking the ball out to win), and worst of all, a WH player man-handling the referee.
So what is true , exaggerated, or false??
Sad way to end if any or all is true.
BTW - well done to SD, they were the best team all year.

The Oracle

Stan Wickham (3)
My son played for Uni this year and recieved a training shirt and playing kit (socks and shorts) for the princely sum of 300 bucks I think? He also had to pay to join the gym . He played there because he studies there and it is close to home. Can somebody tell me how to get him on the scholarship gravy train?please....


Allen Oxlade (6)
So the season is over for players and parents of every club except Randwick and Uni, and there have been a few posts of late sounding a little green with envy (and logic).
Randwick and Uni deserve to be in the Grand Final. They played the best rugby in the semi-finals across all 3 grades.

My son doesn't play at Uni or Randwick but did compete in the semi finals over the past couple of weeks. He, and his mates know that they could have beaten Randwick or Uni (because they did so during the minor premiership rounds), and I’m sure that there are other club teams that have similar feelings about their chances.

Well, they didn’t, but they aren’t worrying about it. They are planning their Silly Sunday or next night out on the town and really don’t give a toss about Randwick, Uni or the result.

They will come back next year (to Grade or Colts) and do what they do best – enjoy themselves. Sure they want to win, but they play to have a good time, to build some mateships, catch up with old team mates and school mates, and enjoy the post-match activities.

It appears that some parents get a bit too emotional about the lopsidedness of a club’s player roster, or the player points system (and how clubs use/abuse it), or how a club gets an unfair advantage by having ”all” the best players, and I can only imagine what those parents are like within their club with regards team selection and playing time for their “darling young ones”.

Well it doesn’t worry the boys as much as it worries some parents. So take a chill pill you emotional parents and don’t worry, be happy (at least for the next 7 months).

Remember that it is all over and done now (or in another year), and they’re playing Grade. Then it's a smaller fish in a bigger pond !!


Alfred Walker (16)
My son played for Uni this year and recieved a training shirt and playing kit (socks and shorts) for the princely sum of 300 bucks I think? He also had to pay to join the gym . He played there because he studies there and it is close to home. Can somebody tell me how to get him on the scholarship gravy train?please..
Same here, as stated many times before.
I also think that the sour grapes do not do credit to how well other teams played against Uni. Uni 1's were on the backfoot against Gordon and if Easts had not had so much trouble with their scrum in the 2nd half last week that could also have been a different result.

Social Bill

Frank Row (1)
Your son is @ The Corporation !
Must be on the Gravy Train !:D
Just like all at Randi-Wicks.
Did he get a free Pen and or free Strapping ?
Either way we are in the wrong (only to the people that don't have there kids play for these nasty, wealthy poaching Clubs).
I personally think that if a Club can rise funds and help Colts players to pay for Uni/Tafe or get then a JOB to help fit into their schedules in whatever study they are attempting then bring it on.
Club Rugby for some reason (marketing & 1960's mentality) have been left behind, the days of having a run maybe 2 times a week are out the window.
The amount of reviews, fitness, skill, team runs and dark arts for scrummaging through out the season is enormous.
I think the lads appreciate any help they can get.
Better than just giving $$$CASH$$$ per game as some Clubs do.
The year is 2015.

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Well as expected the two teams that have perfected the art of recruiting/buying players with scholarships are the two best colt clubs. Unless the rules are level this will continue indefinitely and frankly nswrugby does not care ask Farr Jones. How the other clubs can live with this farce beats me.
How do the other clubs deal with the unfettered access that your club has to NSW country schools Garza? Look within first

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
The big question is will Randwicks 35 scholarships be enough to beat Uni's 50 scholarships?
We done to Norths and Easts for being the top 2 rugby clubs in 1st colts and good luck to Uni and Randwick for the scholarship cup
Still bitter and twisted after all these years T&F? Is that why you left?

So the difference between what has occurred since you packed up and now is that that Gordon have put in place structures to continue, Easts are canvassing well too. Norths are in conversations with young men from far up the coast in your traditional picking ground, so is it just your complete lack of of knowledge as to what is happening now?
You bleat about misery whilst others work for success

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
Still bitter and twisted after all these years T&F? Is that why you left?

So the difference between what has occurred since you packed up and now is that that Gordon have put in place structures to continue, Easts are canvassing well too. Norths are in conversations with young men from far up the coast in your traditional picking ground, so is it just your complete lack of of knowledge as to what is happening now?
You bleat about misery whilst others work for success
I have no idea what you are going on about but if it makes you happy go with it


Frank Row (1)
Theres going to be NRC Development teams from each of the NRC teams. I would imagine this will be filled up with the top Colts players. Do we have any early team lists available?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ They had something similar last year, at least with Rays and Rams. One was called the Emerging <team>, the other was called <team> Development. I forget which was which. One was purely Colts players with the other a mix of colts and grizzled Grade veterans. They only played one game IIRC, but all good ideas have to start somewhere.

There has been some discussion about the concept of NRC development teams on the 2016 Under 20 thread.

The word I am hearing is that it will only be more formal this year but only for the NSW franchises. Travel expenses kill Fumes off an Oily Rag NRC Franchise budgets if there is any interstate travel for the Colts Development teams.
QLD are having a North vs South Colts curtain raiser for their local game Brisbane City vs Qld Country. This will sensibly feed into the selection process for the 2016 Qld U20 State team.

Travel expenses may kill off the idea of too many games for The ACT, VIC and WA franchise development/emerging/Colts teams.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Team Lists For 2015 Grand Finals (All fixtures at Forshaw Rugby Park)

Colts 1
Sunday 16 Aug 15 3:00PM Randwick v Sydney University
1. Campbell Shearer, 2. Nick Koutsoukis, 3. Vuni Fifita, 4. Nick Kellaway, 5. Ryan Powter, 6. Daniel Hughes, 7. Olly Kamp, 8. Jack Hayson/Jum Woodhill, 9. Sam Horwitz, 10. Nic Andrews, 11. Matt Crafts, 12. Ben Starkey, 13. Devan Stoltz, 14. Tom Molloy, 15. Ben O'Donnell
Sydney University:
1. Jack Bliss, 2. Folau Fainga'a, 3. Will Ridley, 4. Joshua Schwager, 5. Harrison Williams, 6. Declan Moore, 7. Jack McCalman, 8. Hamish Dunbar, 9. Nick Duffy, 10. Connor O'Shea, 11. Christian Kagiassis, 12. Will Davies, 13. Jack Redden, 14. Christian Yassmin, 15. Guy Porter

Colts 2
Sunday 16 Aug 15 1:00PM Sydney University v Randwick
1. Ezra Malolo, 2. Matt Serhon, 3. Kieran Bonin, 4. Lemeke Taumoepeau, 5. Pat Kava, 6. Tim Lee, 7. Sam Connor, 8. Sam Ellerton, 9. Tom Wong, 10. Lachie Anderson, 11. Ronald Streeter Mason, 12. Liam Longbottom, 13. Moa Meliepo, 14. Charlie McKay, 15. Kieran Knight
Sydney University:
1. Conor O'Doherty, 2. Jay Spencer, 3. Jorden Mose, 4. Nick Crespigny, 5. Jack Blair, 6. Peter Fenwicke, 7. Hugh Summerhayes, 8. Lachlan Argiris, 9. Alexander Jackman, 10. Charlie Friend, 11. Dylan Oldfield, 12. Banjo Travers, 13. Toby Cooke, 14. Daniel Calavassy, 15. James Kane

Sunday 16 Aug 15 11:15AM Randwick v Sydney University
1. Sam Matenga, 2. Michael Midson, 3. Sam Hunt, 4. Andrew Walsh, 5. Brendan Neville, 6. Alec Corcoran, 7. Jordan Iremia, 8. Chase Paea, 9. Mitch Jowett, 10. Patrick Pelligrini, 11. Harrison Gould, 12. Lachlan Kenneally, 13. Hamish Gordon, 14. Kingston Day, 15. Tau Penitani
Sydney University:
1. Alex Hutchinson, 2. James Margan, 3. Austin Black, 4. Sean O'Byrne, 5. Oliver Maxwell, 6. George Lehmann, 7. Stuart Mill, 8. Aidan Brown, 9. Sean Cross, 10. Alex Messara, 11. Sam Nery, 12. Justin Fish, 13. Tom McFadyen, 14. Patrick Muller, 15. Jaydon Fa'avae-Eli

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
We get match reports on the blog front page from Schoolboy games.

Many of those turning out on Sunday have been written about extensively on the Schoolboy threads.

How about a match report or preview for the Colts GRAND FINAL?

Anyone going to Forshaw that can take some photos, and/or write a match report?


Bob Loudon (25)
I've lost the ability to include a quote! Sign of things to come?

Anyway - I hope this post relates!

There will be some good lads from the schools system on display tomorrow! As fellow contributors will know my interests lie with Newington and there will be plenty of those young men out there on both teams! But also many other GPS men on the field - can't wait!

Good luck and go well everyone! Looking forward to the GF!

Cheers for now! Wreckless :)
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