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Sydney Subbies 2014

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Nathan Sharpe (72)
Actually you could get around that by having appropriate prize money involved, and a corresponding uplift in fees.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
Huge turnaround at the HH club based on results versus Newport (who were leading club championship until Sat)
1sts 15-10 after losing 0-61 in round 2
2nds 20-19 after losing 0-45 in round 2
Colts 38-12 after winning 17-7 in round 2 (no real change)
3rds 27-0 after losing 3-17 in round 2
4ths 7-5 after drawing 3-3 (probably same old hard heads running around)

Well i'd say HH will be gunning for BOBs place as the final top 4 contender.

Blue mountains away this week will be a good test to see if they will keep this up!

If Bobs dont win it, id like to see Newport get up!


Arch Winning (36)
Hate to disappoint but HH will win the Barraclough CUp with the team they have assembled. Naufanu, Leaateo and Rokobaro have over 50 test caps between them and having that size across the board will be difficult for BOBs to stop.

Tommy Tudehope

Ted Fahey (11)
Hate to disappoint but HH will win the Barraclough CUp with the team they have assembled. Naufanu, Leaateo and Rokobaro have over 50 test caps between them and having that size across the board will be difficult for BOBs to stop.

That is pretty pathetic. Pretty hollow victory to construct something that way.

Tommy Tudehope

Ted Fahey (11)
Hate to disappoint but HH will win the Barraclough CUp with the team they have assembled. Naufanu, Leaateo and Rokobaro have over 50 test caps between them and having that size across the board will be difficult for BOBs to stop.

That is pretty pathetic. Pretty hollow victory to construct something that way.

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
Could be on any number of threads but here's as good as any.

What about Balmain and St Pats moving to the Canberra Competition. They could get access to Brumbies squad members under their rules, Sydney players could play in Sydney and the big money is removed from Subbies.

With Easts (ACT) likely to fold soon, those 2 teams would bring it to an 8 team competition. It creates a greater pool for player development that NSWRU couldn't give a crap about (admittedly for the ACT) and would save the headache of trying to reign these guys in.

Just a thought?

P.S. ACT disposable income for travel is higher than anywhere else so Warren could have a great market for his Fanatics business.

Cactus Jack

Bob McCowan (2)
Hahaha I think some of you fellas need to spend a bit of time at some of these clubs. The majority of the "subbies superstars" that are running around have pretty good reasons for choosing subbies over the more prestigious club competitions. Injuries, failing bodies, family situations (wife, kids, etc), and work commitments all hold pretty significant sway when a lot of these fellas choose to play where they do, not just the money that some of these richer Subbies throw about.

The majority of SS clubs operate in a semi professional way and expect their players to commit themselves to sometimes 3-4 training sessions a week. Pure and simply, a lot of very decent players cannot commit to this.

Some players come to the difficult decision of choosing between retirement and dropping down to Subbies. The reduced trainings and less commitment allows them to juggle rugby life and non rugby life and allows them to keep playing the game. Who are we to tell a player he's not welcome in Subbies because he's only 25 and might still be good enough to make a SS 1st or 2nd XV?

Your idea of sending the richer and more successful clubs to Canberra will do nothing to solve your perceived problem. The players rolling around for these clubs will simply find other subbies clubs. The vast majority of them do not want to play at a higher level.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Absolutely right - Brothers identified a few Gordon blokes to approach and it had worked well for them.

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
Your idea of sending the richer and more successful clubs to Canberra will do nothing to solve your perceived problem. The players rolling around for these clubs will simply find other subbies clubs. The vast majority of them do not want to play at a higher level.

You're absolutely right about players wnating to play without making the kinds of commitment required from SS Clubs. The question is why is Balmian getting involved in the NRC and moving to Leichhardt Oval if they don't have ambition. It's seems and expensive waste of time to be the coolest teenager in year 4.

I was simply suggesting a way to fulfill that ambition given the Shute Shield sheltered workshop won't allow them to step up. Separately, if players just want to run around to play, why shop around for who can pay. I'm aware this refers to only a small minority of players. Unfortunately, there's enough of them to make it uncompetitive for many other clubs.

Please don't misunderstand me. I have absolutely nothing against players being paid. The problem is the money involved in Subbies is making it so unbalanced that it is simply taking the fun out of it. Knowing that your Club is going to be smashed accross the board because the kid from last years school 3rd XV will be going up against a former international is a major deterant to participation.

Keep the payments, I don't really care; but change the competition structure to reflect what is happening. Otherwise the falling number of people playing rugby will just get smaller.


Arch Winning (36)
Some players come to the difficult decision of choosing between retirement and dropping down to Subbies. The reduced trainings and less commitment allows them to juggle rugby life and non rugby life and allows them to keep playing the game. Who are we to tell a player he's not welcome in Subbies because he's only 25 and might still be good enough to make a SS 1st or 2nd XV?

Those sort of players should be encouraged to play subbies.
The issue is then once they have arrived at that decision it then becomes which subbies club they choose to play for. We had a player recently contact us saying he wanted to play footy as he moved back to Sydney and lived locally. On contacting the player we were asked for $400 per game. Needless to say it was a short conversation. We had to laugh when we recently came across him at another club on the other side of Sydney.


Bob McCowan (2)
Hello Grassroots Rugby Fans

I would like to introduce a new Club to the Grassroots level of Rugby.

Barbarian Park Rugby Club is here to provide opportunities for grassroots rugby players and coaches to be involved in a representative environment without losing sight of social aspects that make rugby union what it is. The goal of the Club is to bring together all players regardless of geographical, social or economic diversity.

The name of the Club is representative of a number of ideas. Firstly, Barbarian rugby is synonymous with quality, fun and attacking rugby. Park Rugby is the game played by the members. Not for money, not for fame. But simply for the love of Rugby and the mateship it brings.

The aim of the Club is that it has minimum effect on player’s commitments to their chosen Club and competition. The game is played for the enjoyment of rugby and mates. The BPRC is an extension of this, not replacement. As such, as much as possible, there will be no matches or commitments conflicting with a player’s formal club.

In 2013 a concept become reality when a side comprised of Division 2 Suburban Rugby players ran onto Griffith Oval in Canberra to take on the Monaro Representative side. The teams played attacking, entertaining and uncompromising rugby that was enjoyed by players and spectators alike. It was fitting 38 all draw.

See next install ment for 2014;)


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Welcome BPRC. A great idea- knew one of the blokes who played and he raved about it. Should be more of it, as Subbies has become a bit too competitive lately IMO!

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
So has anyone got the gospel. Confirmed "rumour" Beecroft and Campbelltown to skip Div 2 and go straight to Div 3. Based on Current positions that put UNSW and Brothers up. Saving (currently) St Ives and Oatley. That will bring the Div 2 to the desired 8 but what happens to promotion and relegation down the chain? With a 10 from 10 bonus point wins (and assuming that form continues, how do you deny them a promotion?

Looks like fun times a head at Subbies


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Div 3 won't be too happy about having Campbelltown and Beecroft, regardless of their current state.

And I'm not sure if St Ives wouldn't be happier going down themselves, they have been narrowly avoiding the axe for years now and that can't be too much fun.

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
Div 3 won't be too happy about having Campbelltown and Beecroft, regardless of their current state.

And I'm not sure if St Ives wouldn't be happier going down themselves, they have been narrowly avoiding the axe for years now and that can't be too much fun.

In the respect of regrouping it might be good for St Ives but on the flip side it means a huge amount of travel added into the calendar. Not sure that would go down well with a number of the players

Rugby Central

Charlie Fox (21)
Looking at the Div 2 table, from Lindfield down it's a crap shoot for relegation.

Yes St Ives are travelling poorly but have allegedly "recruited" like HH so tail end of the season could be a good run.

Oatley's always 1 home game away from a clean sweep, regardless of the opposition. Likewise Blue Mountains have a home advantage through the grades. But travel is the kicker.

Forest are the dark horse. Really could go either way. Either they stablise and go back to last year's form or lose it completely.

Lindfield don't "recruit" and come the tail end of the season injuries mount and interest falls. Their Colts will probably keep them up.

So back to my original statment - crap shoot - then complicated by whatever happens in Div 1.

Ozzie Bob

Charlie Fox (21)
Looking at the Div 2 table, from Lindfield down it's a crap shoot for relegation.

Yes St Ives are travelling poorly but have allegedly "recruited" like HH so tail end of the season could be a good run.

Oatley's always 1 home game away from a clean sweep, regardless of the opposition. Likewise Blue Mountains have a home advantage through the grades. But travel is the kicker.

Forest are the dark horse. Really could go either way. Either they stablise and go back to last year's form or lose it completely.

Lindfield don't "recruit" and come the tail end of the season injuries mount and interest falls. Their Colts will probably keep them up.

So back to my original statment - crap shoot - then complicated by whatever happens in Div 1.

I am sure that St Ives would want to stay in Div 2. When you look at the comp they have so many games within throwing distance (Barker, Lindfield, Brothers, Forest and at a stretch Newport)

I think it is quite sad that Campbelltown and Beecroft want to drop 2 divisions.

Does that mean Hornsby and Briars will move down from div 3 to 4? Big fall from Div 2 for both those clubs!


Colin Windon (37)
i hear that the travel has caused most of the Harlequins wanting to go back to the Illawarra comp.
Is this new Barbarians Subbies club in Sydney?


Bob McCowan (2)
i hear that the travel has caused most of the Harlequins wanting to go back to the Illawarra comp.
Is this new Barbarians Subbies club in Sydney?

G'day Crashy, I'm in Sydney so for now, it's in Sydney. The goal is to bring players together from all over. However, baby steps.

After the regular season there will be a match of Subbies Div 2 versus Div 3. Some of the details are being ironed out but should have teams selected within a few weeks.

Kind of hoping I can get a separate thread with the other clubs so it doesn't clog up, or get lost in, the interesting stuff that gets put on this thread.
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