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Wallabies 2023

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
What about Whitey?
It's a good point. I guess he's likely to be starting so it's what happens after that.

For me he's a bit like Beale as well with the long kicks. I have no idea of his accuracy on the 40m+ attempts but he has the leg but its a shot in the dark at times. Lonergan hits them sweet though. I reckon anywhere inside 45m you are giving him 3 points way more often then not.

Confucius Say

Arch Winning (36)
1991 World Cup

Team Members: D Campese, T Coker, D Crowley, S Cutler, A Daly, J Eales, R Egerton, N Farr-Jones (Captain), J Flett, A Herbert, T Horan, P Kearns, D Knox, C Lillicrap, J Little, M Lynagh, R McCall, E McKenzie, J Miller, B Nasser, D Nucifora, W Ofahengaue, S Poidevin, M Roebuck, P Slattery, R Tombs.

1999 World Cup

Team Members: Andrew Blades, Tom Bowman, Matt Burke, Matt Cockbain, Mark Connors, Dan Crowley, John Eales (captain), Owen Finegan, Michael Foley, David Giffin, George Gregan, Nathan Grey, Richard Harry, Daniel Herbert, Tim Horan, Rod Kafer, Phil Kearns, Toutai Kefu, Stephen Larkham, Chris Latham, Jason Little, Patricio Noriega, Jeremy Paul, Joe Roff, Scott Staniforth, Tiaan Strauss, Ben Tune, Chris Whitaker, Jim Williams, David Wilson.

2003 V NZ semi final

Matt Rogers, Wendell Sailor, Stirling Mortlock, Elton Flatley, Lote Tuqiri, Stephen Larkham, George Gregan (c), David Lyons, Phil Waugh, George Smith, Nathan Sharpe, Justin Harrison, Ben Darwin, Brendon Cannon, Bill Young.

Subs: Jeremy Paul, Al Baxter, David Giffin, Matt Cockbain, Chris Whitaker, Nathan Grey, Joe Roff.

The common threads in these teams are:

Good local coaching - Dwyer, Macqueen and Jones.

Tough and uncompromising forwards that were feared by the opposition. At least 1-2 in each squad probably classified as a bit ‘mad’ but most of them hated losing so they rarely did.

Brilliant world-class backs on both sides of the ball (ex-Campo) but he could tackle occasionally.

Many have gone on to successful business, rugby administration and/or coaching careers.

State Combinations for cohesion and familiarity

Eales and McCall
Horan/Little and Horan/Herbert
Ofehengaue and Poidevin

NSW fullbacks - Roebuck, Burke, Rogers

Based on these principles, what is your team to win RWC23?


Stirling Mortlock (74)
The other common denominator?

A smattering of legends of the game at their prime.

91 - Lynagh, NFJ, Campo
99 - Eales, Horan, Burke
03 - Smith, Gregan, Larkham.

We can’t match that.
At the time I would only consider Horan and Gregan a legend in 1999, Larkham (and Gregan again) in 2003.

There’s all the chance Bell, Tupou, Frost, Skelton*, Hooper(?), Quade, Kerevi, Ikitau, Korobiete could be considered legends yet - if they win it and a Bled or two.

*Just a FWIW, Stephen Jones albeit a shocking journalist put Skelton in his best ever team
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Phil Kearns (64)
The other common denominator?

A smattering of legends of the game at their prime.

91 - Lynagh, NFJ, Campo
99 - Eales, Horan, Burke
03 - Smith, Gregan, Larkham.

We can’t match that.

I'd add Willie O in 1991. Eales won the 1991 RWC, made an extraordinary try saving tackle, catching an English back (whose name escapes me) from behind.

The Marketing Pigeon

Herbert Moran (7)
Do we have any word on if the wallabies squad will be announced this Sunday? Media has been tight lipped about when we get our first real squad - saw QC (Quade Cooper) post on his instagram that he was joining the squad next week.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
At the time I would only consider Horan and Gregan a legend in 1999, Larkham (and Gregan again) in 2003.

There’s all the chance Bell, Tupou, Frost, Skelton*, Hooper(?), Quade, Kerevi, Ikitau, Korobiete could be considered legends yet - if they win it and a Bled or two.

*Just a FWIW, Stephen Jones albeit a shocking journalist put Skelton in his best ever team

my point is that they were at their respective prime at the time. Burke is a legend now, was rarely better than 98 /99.

Hooper will go down as a great, but he isn't in his prime. Skelton may be. Bell and Tupou won't be. Quade's prime was 2011 - if he can be better than that then we will win the RWC


Allen Oxlade (6)
T Hooper

Holloway / Rodda

Our hookers are two small but at least they are technically accurate. I'd love a huge body like Uelese but just too high risk.
If Bell and Tupou come back quickly I could easily elevate them to the starting side.
Liam Wright was my smoky but he's injured so I've chucked T Hooper in at 6. We need a young tyke who's not accustomed to losing, who just wants to rip in and damage. Swinton could take that role but discipline is rubbish.
Eddie has mentioned the last few places on the tour go to team guys who are there for spirit. Harry Wilson is a shoe in on that front. I love the guy but I acknowledge he just doesn't bend the line enough no matter how hard he tries. Would be a great tour man, and if injury struck he wouldn't let us down. On that basis I'd take Lonergan as third halfback (Jake Gordon strikes me as bitchy) Noah as third 5/8, Marky Mark (Nawaqanitawase) and Toole as outside backs. In the forwards Matt Gibbon Sam Talakai and Cadern Neville get in on those criteria


John Solomon (38)
T Hooper

Holloway / Rodda

Our hookers are two small but at least they are technically accurate. I'd love a huge body like Uelese but just too high risk.
If Bell and Tupou come back quickly I could easily elevate them to the starting side.
Liam Wright was my smoky but he's injured so I've chucked T Hooper in at 6. We need a young tyke who's not accustomed to losing, who just wants to rip in and damage. Swinton could take that role but discipline is rubbish.
Eddie has mentioned the last few places on the tour go to team guys who are there for spirit. Harry Wilson is a shoe in on that front. I love the guy but I acknowledge he just doesn't bend the line enough no matter how hard he tries. Would be a great tour man, and if injury struck he wouldn't let us down. On that basis I'd take Lonergan as third halfback (Jake Gordon strikes me as bitchy) Noah as third 5/8, Marky Mark (Nawaqanitawase) (Nawaqanitawase) and Toole as outside backs. In the forwards Matt Gibbon Sam Talakai and Cadern Neville get in on those criteria
White will definitely start, don't see Tom Hooper or McReight starting


Andrew Slack (58)
my point is that they were at their respective prime at the time. Burke is a legend now, was rarely better than 98 /99.

Hooper will go down as a great, but he isn't in his prime. Skelton may be. Bell and Tupou won't be. Quade's prime was 2011 - if he can be better than that then we will win the RWC
Unfortunately Cooper’s prime in 2011 didn’t carry over the the World Cup. In part due to a game plan that didn’t suit him at all but also because some of the shortcomings of his game were laid bare.

In terms of viewing pleasure, Campo in 91 is possibly the only individual player that comes close to Cooper in Super Rugby 2011 for me - but his WC wasn’t at that level.

Im thrilled that he is getting a second chance though and really hope his fitness and form stays together. In a lot of ways now I think he could be a better international 10 then he was then (gee I’d love him to still have his speed though) and I think Jones will harness his talent a lot better than Deans did.

Actualy Horan in 99 was pretty special too.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Wasn't sure where to stick this, but this is well worth following, some interesting insights into the coaching philosophy of Mr Jones


The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
I like your team but I'm not sure you want your 2 props sharing captaincy duties
I don't have a problem with it the more I think about it. At least one of them is most likely going to start most games. If here is a game a WC v a minnow there is no problem with a new Captain for that match.

Didn't Whittaker Captain the Wallabies v Romania in 2003? Squad could have a Captain and 2 VCs?