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Wallaby 31 players for 2015 RWC

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David Codey (61)
White and Beale are the only ones who can kick 40+ - big assets.
Going on Goal kicking Form, I thought White should be kicking them all. one piece of shit coaching at the Brumbies was letting Lilo kick crap and never benching him. Pretty sure white kicks around 80 percent.. and from half way.


Tom Lawton (22)
I'd pick Lilo but it requires dropping Cooper which I doubt they'll do.

Douglas adds a strong lineout option, which has been weak, but picking him would mean Mumm is essentially seen as cover for Fardy because we don't need 5 locks.

Alternatively if Douglas isn't picked, Mumm is purely a lock, and Higgers might be preferred to Palu because he also covers Fardy.

That's why I'm backing one of the two will be picked as the smokey.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
So , we are looking at Simmons (injured ) , Douglas coming back from major injury and still underdone , Carter ditto , Skelton. ..needs a better platform with options either side for his offload (otherwise wasted) , Mumm worry about constant work rate , Horwill having something of a renaissance after a shocker of a season , Arnold and Colman seemed to lose momentum over the S15 and still seem a year or so out of the frame . I think the real Achilles heal of the side is in the locks ....it will be up to Cheika to lift seemingly average performances in the locks from 5 or 6 out of 10 perfomances to a 7 or 8 out of 10 ....then we will be a show.


John Eales (66)
So , we are looking at Simmons (injured ) , Douglas coming back from major injury and still underdone , Carter ditto , Skelton. ..needs a better platform with options either side for his offload (otherwise wasted) , Mumm worry about constant work rate , Horwill having something of a renaissance after a shocker of a season , Arnold and Colman seemed to lose momentum over the S15 and still seem a year or so out of the frame . I think the real Achilles heal of the side is in the locks ..it will be up to Cheika to lift seemingly average performances in the locks from 5 or 6 out of 10 perfomances to a 7 or 8 out of 10 ..then we will be a show.

Actually, compared to last year when about 80% of the post test match threads were dedicated to the shithouse performances of our locks, I reckon this year's versions aren't faring too badly. Simmons will be fine, Mumm seems up to it, and Horwill has lifted. Skelton's mixed his form a bit but I don't really think any of the others you mention will be on the plane, except possibly Douglas as per Benaud's post above.

The real Achilles heel is the 9-10-12. Or at least working out who to put there.

Train Without a Station

I'd pick Lilo but it requires dropping Cooper which I doubt they'll do.

Douglas adds a strong lineout option, which has been weak, but picking him would mean Mumm is essentially seen as cover for Fardy because we don't need 5 locks.

Alternatively if Douglas isn't picked, Mumm is purely a lock, and Higgers might be preferred to Palu because he also covers Fardy.

That's why I'm backing one of the two will be picked as the smokey.
Is Douglas a "strong" line out option? My perception is for a lock he is weak.


David Codey (61)
Harsh call on White, having a bad game at Eden Park isn't really that big a deal lots of teams and players do it. What he has shown is that he has alot more in the tank then Genia ATM and with his boot would sort the NH.

But Im not the coach and there seems to be some train of thought from the coach that Genia hasn't been rubbish since his knee injury..

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
But Douglas and Higgers don't add to what we already have. if we are having a smokey its Lilo.. He hasn't had his chance but none of the guys who have set the world on fire..
Mumm can be considered an out and out lock

I think Higgers and McMahon can both go. This means that White(or 3rd half back) and Palu miss out and we go with an 18-13 split, which is likely with Cheika.
McMahon is the 3rd 7 to give the Pooper a break and Higgers backs up Fardy and is an option at 8 to strengthen the lineout.

I would take Douglas in place of Skelton but doubt that Cheika will after so much being invested in the latter this year.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
My concern with the backline is that it will consist of too many versatile utility players (rather like many cricket selections looking for the all-rounder who hasn't been able to earn a spot for either his batting or his bowling). Starting a game with AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Horne and Giteau and then Beale on the bench is leaving the side a bit short on for specialists in a few positions imo. Not sure exactly how it should be managed but I think two utility players starting should be the maximum and one on the bench should be fine.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I think at this stage the sources would be correct, all the players would've been told by now whether they've made it or not so they can catch a flight to Sydney in the morning.


Trevor Allan (34)
The Wallabies (as they often do) have put me in a week long state of agonizingly lonely and obsessively analytical contemplation. No matter which way I look at it from I seem to arrive at the following as our best 15.

1. Sio
2. Moore (c)
3. Kepu
4. Simmons
5. Horwill
6. Fardy
7. Hooper
8. Pocock
9. Phipps
10. A cyborg combining the best traits of QC (Quade Cooper), Foley and Gits (failing that, QC (Quade Cooper))
11. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
12. To'omua
13. TK
14. Speight
15. Folau

and this as our best 23
16. TPN
17. Slipper
18. Holmes
19. Skelton
20. Higgers but with McCalmans love of hard yards (failing that, McCalman)
21. Genia
22. Giteau
23. Beale

24. Hanson
25. Faulkner (I can't believe this guy is Aus's 5th best prop but it seems that way)
26. Mumm
27. Higgers
28. Palu
29. Foley
30. Horne
31. Tomane or Douglas (whichever are you want to prop up depth wise... Personally Douglas has done nothing to justify a spot so Tomane goes)


Greg Davis (50)
I'm resigned to accepting the selection of Giteau, although I still have misgivings. Ditto for Mitchell with the rider we seem to have a lot of so-so wingers, none with lightning speed. However, Drew's left boot should prove invaluable in the NH. But, if Leali'ifano doesn't get a guernsey it'll be to this team's detriment.

I'd like it noted none of these players are from the Tahs, I'm not for one moment going to consider state loyalties.

Forwards sorta pick themselves. A fifth prop must be taken for insurance, Faulkner has the drop on Smith here as he's skilled at THP. Douglas? Dunno. I can see TGC looked at Kane as cover for Simmons after deciding not to proceed with Arnold. I'd opine Skelton isn't physically mature enough to match it with the NH biggies on soft grounds, big Willie's a risk of staying home in my book.

I dunno. Tomane is damned fast.

I'd play Tomane and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), on form, every day of the week. Speight at his best in place of Tomane.


John Hipwell (52)
Surprised 3 halfbacks won't be going. Not surprised it is White missing out. He has played 15 good minutes of test rugby and in the back half of the Super Rugby season i remember reading lots of posts in this thread saying he would need a massive improvement to make the squad.

mouth guard

Bob McCowan (2)
How can Cheika justify picking Genia over White? Genia has been poor for the last 2-3 years now. White has been consistently good at the Brumbies and even though his game at Eden Park was average, he showed in Bledisloe 1 that he was a game changer. He also offers a massive boot from hand and from tee which no one else in the squad can offer.
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