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Western Force 2012

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Peter Fenwicke (45)
Yeah the force are hanging in there. But they're spending long periods without the ball and 5 guys going for SBW for the Nanai-Williams try was a joke.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
deep in the Chiefs 22, Force dither over what to do for an age. Chiefs counter ruck, turn over ball, kick way down the field, chance lost. Force need to step it up if there're going to get anything more than a losing bonus point here.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
70 minutes gone Force 12 Chiefs 20. The Chiefs have looked very poor and they're there for the taking. But very few of the force are performing, Sharpe is really up for it and looking for work everywhere to drag his team back into it. Mafi has looked good in patches, Sheehan has been utterly dire.

Normally you'd say the better team won, but with these 2 trying to outdo each other in how bad they can be, it's more a case of the least bad team will win.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
On a side note, how annoying are those mini player profiles they show when there's a stopage. I don't mind the fact they show them but please time them right so they're not still playing while live play is resumed. On one of them tonight not only had play restarted during one but the Force had taken the ball up and lost it by the time they went back to live.


Dave Cowper (27)
Chiefs defence was the only thing they can be proud of tonight. And Masaga had a few very good runs. But they've turned over so many possessions it wasn't funny.


Steve Williams (59)
We needed you guys in the Shoutbox.

RG has to get his guys using the ball faster from the rucks. Way too slow all night.

Force put up a good fight but the Chiefs had their measure, despite frequent poor handling when in possession.


Dave Cowper (27)
Huge penalty count against the chiefs but no card, the ref has missed a few blatant penalties and the amount of interference at the breakdown and off the ball is amazing

Given the amount of pens he blew against the Chiefs, he proabably should have issued a YC at some time, but then again, Force weren't angels around the breakdowns either, he might just have missed more on their side ;)


Frank Nicholson (4)
Given the amount of pens he blew against the Chiefs, he proabably should have issued a YC at some time, but then again, Force weren't angels around the breakdowns either, he might just have missed more on their side ;)
I do agree the breakdown Was very messy, not sure the ref had total control, must say I am impressed with Glen Jackson as a ref?


Simon Poidevin (60)
I think the Ref was poor. He wouldn't allow anyone to steal the ball. he hardly reffed the breakdown at all. so many times players had rights to the ball and the tackled player wouldn't release and he just looked at the breakdown like a stunned mullet.

I'm proud of the force but as most people have mentioned, the slow ball at the ruck was bad stuff. Opportunities gone begging there.

On another note the ref in the in the hurricanes sharks game was great.


Slow ball killed the Force. There were some opportunities to be taken out wide but they took too long and allowed the Chiefs defence to reorganise. I thought I saw a lit camp fire and the boys toasting marshmellows at the back of the ruck at one stage. Looked to be too many passes going to guys flat footed with no where to go. Mafi looks good, he's to some moves but didn't get enough looks. Cummins good again. Key game coming up against the Tahs. Need to stay in touch on the ladder. The Oz conference is looking the weakest of the bunch with on real stand outs.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Slow ball killed the Force. There were some opportunities to be taken out wide but they took too long and allowed the Chiefs defence to reorganise. I thought I saw a lit camp fire and the boys toasting marshmellows at the back of the ruck at one stage. Looked to be too many passes going to guys flat footed with no where to go. Mafi looks good, he's to some moves but didn't get enough looks. Cummins good again. Key game coming up against the Tahs. Need to stay in touch on the ladder. The Oz conference is looking the weakest of the bunch with on real stand outs.

Far out your teams wingers are explosive & elusive - if only they got more ball! Agree re Cummings, he was taking the ball up & making good ground along with Mafi. Breakdown was def too slow & distribution wide was also slow aside from a couple of occasions. Pocock did some timely steals & Sharpe did a large amount of work. Kicking to the Chiefs back 3, given their backline was never going to work. I can understand if your buried in your own 22 but elsewhere they should have just run it which they did try to do at times.

Your not wrong about the Oz conference either.


Far out your teams wingers are explosive & elusive - if only they got more ball!
Welcome to the world of the Force supporter! As I mentioned in the Force v Reds thread, they are an absolute Jekyll and Hyde team. Can look fantastic one week and then go into their shell the next. For whatever reason they can't seem to build on the lessons learnt. Mafi looks dangerous, shame he went to ground when making that final cut back. Haven't seen anything from Nalaga at this stage, he needs to fire on his return.


Peter Sullivan (51)
That was a great break from Mafi. I was excited to see how Nalaga would go for the Force given what I saw of him playing internationally but the first games he played he just didnt get any ball to be able to do anything for the Force.

I'm hoping for the Force he makes a good return.


Mark Loane (55)
I said to the wife at about the 30min mark that the old Force were back. Flat footed runners, slow ball and not really threatening the line at all.

To be fair, the Force's backline is a cobbled together pack of also rans and the Reds defence last week made us look better than we are.

So I think I might post a classified add in the Australian. Wanted to swap, One Wallaby Backrower, (Ben McCalman or Richard Brown) for a #10/12. Cash your way if required.......

Oh, and Dave Harvey is the find of the season.


Vay Wilson (31)
Cummins played well at centre again,but on at least two occasions he didn't pass when there was an overlap,but chose to have a go instead.No doubt he will learn & improve in that department


John Eales (66)
My old man and I were discussing this at the end of the game last night and we both think that the Force are about two decent backs away from being a good team. What we are missing, as others have alluded to, is a distributor/stepper at 12 and a playmaker at 10. I'm not sure young Ben Seymour is the answer to either question at the moment, but he's giving 100% out there and I can't fault that. I wouldn't mind see Dave Harvey come up into first receiver a bit more, as 10 is his natural position.

Cummins, Mafi and Wara all look good in their positions and I think we should keep them there. All of them are young enough that we could reasonably expect them to be in the squad for a good while yet. They will continue to get better.


My old man and I were discussing this at the end of the game last night and we both think that the Force are about two decent backs away from being a good team. What we are missing, as others have alluded to, is a distributor/stepper at 12 and a playmaker at 10. I'm not sure young Ben Seymour is the answer to either question at the moment, but he's giving 100% out there and I can't fault that. I wouldn't mind see Dave Harvey come up into first receiver a bit more, as 10 is his natural position.

Cummins, Mafi and Wara all look good in their positions and I think we should keep them there. All of them are young enough that we could reasonably expect them to be in the squad for a good while yet. They will continue to get better.

.......no...no.....are you telling me we have to wait another year and then hope Rugby WA and RG put together the right squad. I want progress right now! We've waited long enough, someone go on a spending spree and bring some more top talent to Perth. The Force need a couple of players who have arrogance to take the team by the scruff of the neck and say follow me, who inspire confidence by their very prescence on the field and lift the players around them. Gotta be a couple of them just floating around somewhere ;)
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