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COVID-19 Stuff Here


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
And why would they FP? The Liberals go to every election promising to cut spending, lower taxes (mostly for the well off) and to maintain a budget surplus. Time after time the voting population show their ignorance or selfishness and vote them in. Many aspects of our current crisis in the way the pandemic has been mismanaged can, imo, be linked back to the emasculation of the public sector by successive conservative governments.

They will be voted in again in the future on precisely the same ill-founded policies for the long term good of this once great country.

Calling the voters essentially dumb and selfish for making their choice is the crux of the issue with this "if only we were all smart enough and unselfish enough everyone would agree with me" - wtf?

But I am quite confident we hold diametrically different positions on the role of government, their general value and the ability to do anything useful

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Another 12 cases of community transmission today, seven yesterday, all of them within the Auckland L3 zone & all linked to what's now being called the Americool Cluster after the cool store where "patient zero" worked. Indications are that as long as any new cases are confined to Auckland and/ or trace back to the Cluster, current Levels will remain in place.

Some fucktard posted on Social Media that the first woman diagnosed got infected after breaking into an isolation facility. Health & other officials have wasted time & presumably money proving the story to be false, but of course it hasn't stopped numerous other fucktards from not only spreading but in some cases embellishing the story to the point I believe she's been accused of adultery, among other things. I'd have thought that qualifies as criminal nuisance if not libel but apparently the best we can hope for is that fucktard zero will be named, shamed & perhaps have their socmed account(s) frozen or taken down.


John Thornett (49)
Some fucktard posted on Social Media that the first woman diagnosed got infected after breaking into an isolation facility. Health & other officials have wasted time & presumably money proving the story to be false, but of course it hasn't stopped numerous other fucktards from not only spreading but in some cases embellishing the story to the point I believe she's been accused of adultery, among other things. I'd have thought that qualifies as criminal nuisance if not libel but apparently the best we can hope for is that fucktard zero will be named, shamed & perhaps have their socmed account(s) frozen or taken down.

Hipkins said they believe it to be an organised attack. These sort of bullshit strategies have been used in the US and UK so wouldn't be surprising if someone tried it on here. If it is organised and intentional, hopefully the fuzz and GCSB nab the bastards.

[Hipkins] said the rumour may have been orchestrated.

“There have always been and will always be rumours, but this one smacked of orchestration [and] of being a deliberate act of misinformation,” Hipkins said.

He did not know who in particular was pushing the rumour.

“This sort of information is deliberately deigned to create fear and confusion,” he said.

Hipkins said his warning applied to everyone including his Cabinet colleagues. This could be awkward for Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters who this week shared an unverified rumour about the latest cluster coming through a border breach.

“I think all ministers, all MPs, and all leaders in the community should lead by example and be cautious about the information that they choose to share,” Hipkins said.


Coincidentally, Peters was the one who gave it real legs by bringing in up in the media and he has hired those Brexit dipsticks to run his campaign.....

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ yeah, I saw Winnie talking to ABC & claiming without evidence it had gotten out of quarantine, didn't realise he went further & linked it to the family of "patient zero". That's low, even by his standards.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Hipkins said they believe it to be an organised attack. These sort of bullshit strategies have been used in the US and UK so wouldn't be surprising if someone tried it on here. If it is organised and intentional, hopefully the fuzz and GCSB nab the bastards.


Coincidentally, Peters was the one who gave it real legs by bringing in up in the media and he has hired those Brexit dipsticks to run his campaign...

Just to show how quickly shit on socmed mutates, the version of the story that turned up on wifey's news feed said it was the 50-yo who snuck into managed isolation, I'm now seeing that the original post said it was her daughter. Cnuts spreading either or any other version should be facing charges imo & Facebook etc taking the shit down.

Edit: I don't buy the argument that Facebook etc can't track & delete fake stuff & here's why: every day I google work-related stuff on my work pc e.g. a specialised building product & presto! I get ads for that product & others for the same supplier and/ or type of product on my personal devices. If they can do that they can sure as shit track the fake shit that's out there & take it down.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member


Greg Davis (50)
It's great they took the course they did.

With data outside of OECD nations being patchy, it will be incredibly helpful to have various examples of responses and impacts for informing future pandemic plans.

If there's a positive to take from this its that we'll be better prepared and informed, at least for the next few decades.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Yet the data show that the relative strictness of a country’s containment measures had little bearing on its membership in any of the three groups above. While Germany had milder restrictions than Italy, it has been much more successful in containing the virus.
The overall impression is that while restrictions on movement were seen as a necessary tool to halt the spread of the virus, when and how they were wielded was more important than their severity. Early preparation, and plentiful health-care resources, were enough for several countries to avoid draconian lockdowns. Germany, with better testing and contact tracing and more intensive care units than its neighbors, could afford to keep the economy a bit more open. Greece, by acting quickly and surely, appears to have avoided the worst, so far.
As one would expect, the countries with the most intense lockdowns look likely to suffer the most economically. What’s not clear yet is how much economic benefit countries with relatively lax curbs really stand to gain, given the integrated and trade-driven nature of the European economy. The export-led Swedish economy is set to shrink 7% this year, its government said on Tuesday. Germany, whose economy was shrinking before the pandemic, is already in recession. These countries may bounce back earlier than others next year, but this is a painful moment for all.



Greg Davis (50)
If you're going to share fringe youtube content do you think you could take half a minute to add some context about the clip, how it's relevant and perhaps include your thoughts on the topic?

People just hitting "share" is how mad idiot boomers have had their brains scrambled on facebook.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
If you're going to share fringe youtube content do you think you could take half a minute to add some context about the clip, how it's relevant and perhaps include your thoughts on the topic?

People just hitting "share" is how mad idiot boomers have had their brains scrambled on facebook.

I thought the context was quite self evident, we have the doctor from a Madrid hospital being asked about being overwhelmed with all those new infections and stating they aren't, so the interviewer keeps trying different tacks, which he keeps refuting


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
It appears the infection test is a tad overly sensitive, from that bastion of pro trump, covid deniers, the NY Times

On Thursday, the United States recorded 45,604 new coronavirus cases, according to a database maintained by The Times. If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,500 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.



John Solomon (38)


John Eales (66)
Thanks. In a world of endless links and videos and hot takes, it's useful to know what's being shared and why

I tend to be the same. I rarely go straight to a link without having a heads up of what I'm looking at. I find myself actively avoiding clickbait titles too!
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