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Reds 2016

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Lance Free

Arch Winning (36)
I was interested to see NRL player Lagi Setu turning out for Queensland Country recently. He was an outstanding flanker at Ippy Grammar in the day. Not sure if he'd be up to Super Rugby standard in rugby but he was a very physical player at schoolboy level. It's not as though the Reds are short on loosies though.


Dave Cowper (27)
i didn't get the opportunity to see Mack Mason, but could he be our answer at 10? nothing against Mcintyre who performed well last year and Greene who has been phenomenal so far this NRC, but i'm not sure either are gonna be much more then solid at Super Level .


Jim Clark (26)
i didn't get the opportunity to see Mack Mason, but could he be our answer at 10? nothing against Mcintyre who performed well last year and Greene who has been phenomenal so far this NRC, but i'm not sure either are gonna be much more then solid at Super Level .

Mason's younger and more inexperienced than both, so in short no. but definitely a viable option for 2-4 years down the track


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Ed Quirk to the Japanese Super Rugby team according to Payto & Panda article:

There have been genuine fears about the ability of Japan to field and sustain a competitive outfit, and SANZAR officials privately discussed holding the 2016 tournament without them.

But in the last few days organisers of the Japanese Super side have submitted plans and a roster of players – including Queensland Reds flanker Ed Quirk and around 10 players involved in Japan’s famous World Cup win over South Africa – to appease fears.



Good on him, after 2 injury prone seasons i think playing in Japan might just be the invigoration he needs


Bob Loudon (25)
I think it's good for the Japanese Super Rugby team to get a few Australian players involved, and Quirk will be good for them - really nice guy and keen player, he needs an opportunity after his injuries to get back on track.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
It could work out well if guyes like Quirk, Ed O'Donaghue, Beau Robinson etc get a gig over. Still playing Super Rugby (and eligible for Australia if form dictates) on somebody else's coin.

And why not the young guys like Harley Fox, James Dalgleish, Mitch Short a go too? Could work in our favour you reckon?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Would playing for the Japanese Super Rugby team also count towards them getting residency or whatever it is that allows players to play for a country after living their for a set amount of years? Japan could end up with quite a strong national side if some of these younger guys who still want to play Super Rugby end up playing for the Japanese side and then go on to play for the country.


Bob Loudon (25)
It could work out well if guyes like Quirk, Ed O'Donaghue, Beau Robinson etc get a gig over. Still playing Super Rugby (and eligible for Australia if form dictates) on somebody else's coin.

And why not the young guys like Harley Fox, James Dalgleish, Mitch Short a go too? Could work in our favour you reckon?

Agree Reg, some of those young guys who end up going to Europe and are then lost to Australian rugby could be well used in the Japanese Super Rugby team, and especially the younger guys it could be a very good development opportunity for them. It also allows rugby to retain some of the young guys that we aree losing to league.


Bob Loudon (25)
But if they're playing for a Japanese Super Rugby team they're not eligible for Australia

Correct, but if they're playing for the Japanese team they're being seen and tested playing against other Australian and NZ/SA players, so their capability against these players is seen, and they could then be a target for an Oz Super Rugby team, which would then make them eligible, whereas if they're playing in Europe we don't know how they really compare due to different conditions/opposition etc.

Down the track the ARU might decide to extend eligibility for selection to any Australian playing in the Super Rugby competition, as there are a lot of arguments for the benefit of players experiencing different coaches in NZ etc.


John Hipwell (52)
If they have 60 caps and 7 years service. None of the guys mentioned come close. Give it a few years and it may be useful if they can throw big money at a few Wallabies and have them aligned with the same season and easier to get an assessment of form.
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