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AIC Rugby 2022


Frank Row (1)
They had contested scrums in the Firsts. Was only when their prop got yellow carded did they have 10 minutes of uncontested scrums.
The ref called uncontested as Eddie’s tried to put a prop on to stay contested during the yellow card. In total, 2 scrums uncontested
The ref called uncontested as Eddie’s tried to put a prop on to stay contested during the yellow card. In total, 2 scrums uncontested
Same situation happened at SLC vs PAD, front rower was sent which forced uncontested scrums. In my mind it should have stayed uncontested because I must have counted 3-4 scrum resets each time it occurred.

Confucius Say

Arch Winning (36)
Another Marist College golden era over. Time for other school to shine which is good for the AIC First XV rugby competition.


Allen Oxlade (6)
The marist seconds are dominant and the 10as are very strong. Always going to be a crap year for Marist. Eddies almost rolled the year 10A MCA side at home last year. Not such a big surprise. A lot of year 11 boys will be in the team next year should be stronger. 2024 they will be one of the favorites.
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Reds Brad

Peter Burge (5)
I think that is a bit harsh MCA’s captain and vice captain both went off in the first half injured and didn’t return although I do agree they have no respect for the opposition by not taking the points when they are offered of penalties but instead going for 7 which was costly. Not sure what is happening at MCA maybe they need to try bring back D Miles he would have these boys ready before the season to win the comp not sure what’s happening there now not looking good for MCA rugby with the current year 11s a weak grade aswell. Credit to Eddie’s for grinding out a win to go 2-0
100% D Miles on another level. When you create premierships at St Eddie's - ASH is easy street. You are all only seeing this now.

Credentialled head coach and attack coach clearly on struggle street to have the best resourced program 0-2.

Barry T

Frank Row (1)
Thoughts on SLC and how a team could potentially knock them off.

- They pick and drive all day long however they seal and kill the contest majority of the time so therefore should be penalised a lot however the ref chose to treat them like the all blacks who could not possibly do anything illegal.

- They also scored 2 tries by crawling on the ground multiple metres. Padua who were doing quite well hitting them back into the ruck found themselves in the impossible position of trying to defend pre-latching pick and go (also illegal) and an instant seal/killing the contest + army crawls through pilfer attempts.

Let's be honest Lauries play a boring winning style of rugby and would have won anyway (as Padua dropped too much ball) ultimately that's the goal so who really cares how you get it done however teams will have literally no chance if the attacking ruck laws aren't enforced.
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The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
100% D Miles on another level. When you create premierships at St Eddie's - ASH is easy street. You are all only seeing this now.

Credentialled head coach and attack coach clearly on struggle street to have the best resourced program 0-2.
Happy Mother’s Day Dave …..


Stan Wickham (3)
Thoughts on SLC and how a team could potentially knock them off.

- They pick and drive all day long however they seal and kill the contest majority of the time so therefore should be penalised a lot however the ref chose to treat them like the all blacks who could not possibly do anything illegal.

- They also scored 2 tries by crawling on the ground multiple metres. Padua who were doing quite well hitting them back into the ruck found themselves in the impossible position of trying to defend pre-latching pick and go (also illegal) and an instant seal/killing the contest + army crawls through pilfer attempts.

Let's be honest Lauries play a boring winning style of rugby and would have won anyway (as Padua dropped too much ball) ultimately that's the goal so who really cares how you get it done however teams will have literally no chance if the attacking ruck laws aren't enforced.
Yeah agree on that Barry. The game at Runcorn turned out to be very boring as a spectacle, not sure if it was the weather or not but Padua blew their chance in the first 5 min, could of put a try on and created heaps of pressure on Lauries. Instead they continued to drop the ball all game, Lauries just held on to it and got over multiple times. Tensions started to rise amongst the players and at one stage I thought there was going to be an all in. This was not helped by the over the top lines man who must of thought he was an official at a six nations game. This lines man just happened to be the ref in the 2nds game earlier and absolutely blew the crap out of the whistle. "Nobody got time for that". Full credit to Laurie's on taking all their opportunities presented to them by a very lack luster Padua performance. Anyway its now a two horse race to the final with Eddies and Lauries the only two teams undefeated. I can only assume this week round will be unfortunately washed out due to the rain event that is proposed by the media.

Rugby tragic101

Bob McCowan (2)
Gents news out of Ashgrove is that they have also lost their two starting probs Harry Gould and Charlie Gribble for the season, and also star fullback Pat Tierney. Gonna be a long uphill battle for Marist this year, and with a weakish year 11 cohort, the struggle could possibly roll into next year as well.


Herbert Moran (7)
Gents news out of Ashgrove is that they have also lost their two starting probs Harry Gould and Charlie Gribble for the season, and also star fullback Pat Tierney. Gonna be a long uphill battle for Marist this year, and with a weakish year 11 cohort, the struggle could possibly roll into next year as well.
You would think most of this year’s 10As will be lining up in the Firsts next year. But even that cohort has been weakened with 3 of last year’s 9As expelled. Already got Tom Howard in the Firsts and Leo Henry who would of been a walk up starter at No. 10 is out injured this year.

Andrew Johns

Bob McCowan (2)
Thoughts on SLC and how a team could potentially knock them off.

- They pick and drive all day long however they seal and kill the contest majority of the time so therefore should be penalised a lot however the ref chose to treat them like the all blacks who could not possibly do anything illegal.

- They also scored 2 tries by crawling on the ground multiple metres. Padua who were doing quite well hitting them back into the ruck found themselves in the impossible position of trying to defend pre-latching pick and go (also illegal) and an instant seal/killing the contest + army crawls through pilfer attempts.

Let's be honest Lauries play a boring winning style of rugby and would have won anyway (as Padua dropped too much ball) ultimately that's the goal so who really cares how you get it done however teams will have literally no chance if the attacking ruck laws aren't enforced.
Just on that, the refs were quite questionable with hearing that in the 2nds there was 3 yellow cards to the brown and gold sadly and another in the 1sts, couple questionable calls to say the least Although Padua did play sloppy through the game and couldn't hold the pill often. Very boring game to say the least!
Just on that, the refs were quite questionable with hearing that in the 2nds there was 3 yellow cards to the brown and gold sadly and another in the 1sts, couple questionable calls to say the least Although Padua did play sloppy through the game and couldn't hold the pill often. Very boring game to say the least!
You have to give it to the lauries players. Really got under the skin of the Padua pack. I still believe it was ridiculous that 1 scrum took 10 minutes.

Andrew Johns

Bob McCowan (2)
You have to give it to the lauries players. Really got under the skin of the Padua pack. I still believe it was ridiculous that 1 scrum took 10 minutes.
They sure did, the Padua boys weren't fans of it when they got under there skin through not just style of game but also little moves too.
Eat a bag Nomad. He's got way more class than to go on here and talk himself up. He's got fans, face it. Plenty of posters saying the same thing.
Excatly right he has well and truely earned his respect in the rugby community one of the great coaches the aic has ever seen. As soon as he leaves Eddie’s there success stops excatly same at Marist there’s a trend im seeing


Frank Row (1)
Gents news out of Ashgrove is that they have also lost their two starting probs Harry Gould and Charlie Gribble for the season, and also star fullback Pat Tierney. Gonna be a long uphill battle for Marist this year, and with a weakish year 11 cohort, the struggle could possibly roll into next year as well.
Would say Charlie Gribble would be out for 3-4 games given a concussion, unsure on Harry Gould as it didn't look to serious however would be a serious loss to ASH if this news is true. Be interesting to see how they fair this weekend against the Villa, the trial game was close, poor performances on both behalf's, and judging by the wildcat's current form I wouldn't say this weekend would be any sort of pushover for ASH. 0-3 would be, well, an embarrassment to the program and history.

In saying this, I wouldn't say ASH lacks any talent as some have previously inferred, in fact there's plenty of it. Being a school renowned for it's depth, on paper ASH would be one of if not the strongest in the comp. The 2nd XV is slick, there front row, flankers and centers all 1st XV caliber players in my opinion so they really wouldn't have been cut for choice (in fact I thought we were done for when I saw the score line in 2nd's). Couple the well-resourced program with 2 accredited coaches and you'd usually get, well, a premiership? Call me biased (blue and white through and through), but what I saw on Saturday was just a culmination of poor decision making, simple errors and a lack of teamwork. As someone mentioned before, it was almost as if everyone was playing for a clip in the highlights reel. For the Ashgrovians sake, I hope they make quick work of tightening these error points up, something that is usually done before the season begins.

But back to my roots, I hope eddies get up this year. After years of being pushovers, this year might be a well-needed change and with a strong age group in 2023, it might be the boys from Ippy's turn for a stint in the limelight. Saturday was a true testament to how much they wanted it, unwavering grit and persistence for all 70 mins. SLC v SEC will be one to watch and may the best team win. Cheerio.