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Bledisloe #2 - AUS v NZL, Eden Park, Auckland, August 15th

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Michael Lynagh (62)
My only real hope is that many on here like me wil judge Cheika over what he does over a period of time and not when slam him when things go wrong on one game...when it doesn't work out

So far he has got it right...and more interested in overall win/loss percentages and track record over time....

Hope he has got it right for this weekend.....but got trust in what is trying to do as worked so far....

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Well, if the following is your idea of fun then break out the motherfucking bunting, the best crystal, the best crockery and start ramming the whole lot up my bumcrack


Are you have a whoooshka moment DP? My original post was a lighthearted comment that had a smiley icon after it.

On the Wallabies halfback situation, Manu Samoa named their 31 man squad today and only had 2 halfbacks. There are 3 1st 5 options and they would be relying on one of them should a warm up injury hit.

So it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that Gits goes as 3rd string halfback


Michael Lynagh (62)
If they were equal, yes.

White was excellent in his bench performance. Genia was poor in his starting performance.

Watching replay of last weeks bledisloe white yes made a few telling impacts with his 15 minutes on the field..

But it was 15 mins - not 80 mins....so does a 15 min solid cameo make him a dead cert...

I suggest jury still out as to whether White can be the messiah at 9....worth a closer look..... but still needs to convince with longer spell on the field...as gees memory of last years performances still not a distant memory to be wiped out by good couple of plays with 15 min spell from the bench


John Solomon (38)
If they were equal, yes.

White was excellent in his bench performance. Genia was poor in his starting performance.

Phipps was pretty poor in his last start to, back to his early career form of spraying passes everywhere but the man. Who knows what Chieka is thinking, he likes to keep the teams cryptic at this point in time. I like it!


BAM....called it. Cooper to start....love it. Check is the man. He don't care about media sway and fanboy rubbish. If they can play....they can play. Coopers possably the most dangerous 10 in the world if the forwards front up. And that's checks main focus every game.....physical domination.

Go cooper :)


Ward Prentice (10)
Isn't this great? If we win, we've won the Bledisloe and onto reclaim Bill! If we lose, well it's Eden Park and stuff that hoodoo nonsense, lets reclaim Bill!


Syd Malcolm (24)
If white is passing back from a 22 ruck he has Cooper or To'omua as options. I'd suggest that Cooper's kicking from hand, much like the rest of his game this year has been erratic. To'omua is reliable. Folau and Speight are not options. 22 exit strategy.

The kick return issue is a different thing. So if White drops back to return a kick with a kick, then I would suggest that Folau, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or Speight will have to be the chasers, preferable Folau and Speight allowing the two kickers to hang back and be in position to receive a second return kick. Likely in a wet game and from the team that kicks the most in international rugby and that effectively removes/ reduces the risk to the opposition in the option of the running kick return.
I hear you mate, but im still not conserned about exiting and atleast we can agree that both To'omua and White have big enough boots to exit our own half.


Alfred Walker (16)
I was just thinking that playing the big pack is a good practise for playing the poms. We should be able to see if the big pack is better than the pooper pack at coping with the darkness in the scrums.
I was amazed how often we caught them behind the advantage line last week, they haven't been caught out that badly for a long time, they didn't really cope with it.
Also us getting those 2 or so steals in the early minutes of the game meant they had to change the numbers they piled into the rucks. Its good to be able to make them change their game plan.


Jim Lenehan (48)
My only real concern for the game is Nick White. If I was going to choose a halfback to play 80 minutes it would probably be Phipps. White hasn't played much footy lately and he'll be expected to play 80 minutes at lightening pace. Also, the wallabies really benefited from the impact of their reserve half in both the Bok game and the NZ game last week. risky call, because I cant imagine that Giteau will actually play at halfback (barring injury)


Ken Catchpole (46)
Is Speight left or right wing? According Ultimate Rugby he will play at 11 and two daddies at 14 but the ARU website says two daddies at 11 and Speight at 14. I'm confused now :confused:


Bill Watson (15)
I'm wondering how NZ will respond to the success of our rush defense. More chips? A lengthy discussion with the ref pre-match on the integrity of the offside line?

Rush defense isn't difficult to counter, if that is indeed what the wobs will employ in Bleds2.. any combination of playing deeper, wider, flat, blind (including short, and flat punt kicks n chips) will do it effectively. In fact, tip-ons (short pass immediately after receiving ball often by forwards) worked well most of the nite despite Poey's exploits. They have to mix it up, and against the darkness, that extra card (or deck) up the sleeve is needed.

Apologies as I haven't been thru the thread if this has already been discussed, but to my mind, the reserves will be crucial only if the game is tight.

For that to happen, with QC (Quade Cooper) at the helm, the piggies must dominate not only set piece (obvious) but open play - And offensively, despite Sydney, that didnt happen. And may rationalize Palu sudden promotion (and not McCalman).

I expect To'omua to play major hand in proceedings given his combo with White. Only Genia can temper the enigma that is QC (Quade Cooper), and if piggies dont dominate, it provides QC (Quade Cooper) the impetus to single handedly win the game, which is yet to happen. But nonetheless an excellent decision by Cheika to go in all guns blazing -

Two factors now implicitly correlate the darkness with loss, (1) implosion, which is uncharacteristic but since Sydney, quadrennially. And (2) one Wayne Barnes haha
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Tom Lawton (22)
Most of the team didn't surprise - Speight and Palu are obviously part of the world cup squad plans so had to get decent game time. Gits being used as cover for 9,10,12 is something we've all pondered to allow a 6-2 bench and an 18-13 squad split, so he's giving that a crack.

Everyone including me has said Palu and Skelton can't both start because the lineout will be ruined like the Tahs. He's testing that theory as well. It looks very weak on paper with just the 2 jumpers engaged. If the lineout doesn't succeed, we won't see them both starting again.

To'omua starting had to happen and he'll get a chance to cement that spot permanently. Given Foley's shocker last week, we're back to Cooper at fly half - still looking for someone to own that role.

It's a team designed to best prepare the squad for the world cup, not necessarily the best team available to win the game.

Douglas is the left field selection but a necessary one. We need a second capable lineout operator if Simmons goes down. So far Horwill and Mumm haven't stepped up and we've had to rely on Fardy. Douglas looks to be the hope in that regard. A successful cameo could easily see him leapfrog the others and become first choice starter alongside Simmons, to allow 2 7s or Palu to start in the back row without compromising the lineout.

Good experimental 23. Will hopefully answer a few remaining burning questions around our world cup squad.


That's the thing. He is without question the best field kicker in our squad. Foley was kicking directly down the AIGs throats last week. Its and To'omua were better. If we are going to play a little 10 man stuff then Quade is your man.
If Quade cooper played like foley or even carter last week.....he'd be on the never play again list of so many. He does far more good then bad.....but one of the key aspects of him being in the team......they are ALWAYS scared of what he'll pull off this time. He draws so much attention that if the 9 is quick and the forwards are over the ADv line.....his outside players have SO many more options and space. But it all depends on the piggies up front. I think cheiks knows this....that's why he rates cooper. He demands a physical team....hence Quade works.
Let's hope the plan works......or at least a good performance by the team......


Peter Fenwicke (45)
The inclusions of Skelton and Palu together, while formidable, has me a little concerned, especially Palu who has only played SS rugby recently.

I can't help but look at the inclusion of the mobile Vito and hark back to the corresponding 2014 fixture where we were blown away in the first half due to the ABs desire to keep it in play via offloads and avoid breakdowns.

I hope our bulked-up pack are not rendered ineffective.

With that being said, I hope the team withstand the wrath of an ABs side whose pride was wounded last week - especially Cooper.

That Cooper-To'omua inside back combo was really humming in 2013 so hope they can recover that magic.

With White inside him providing quick ball and taking pressure off him with his ability to kick, Cooper should make a good fist of it.

Again, it all comes back to the front five really aiming up like the week previous.

Go the Wallabies!
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