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CAS 2018

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Sydney Middleton (9)
Its a broad sweeping statement to say its harder for Combined States players to make Aussie Schoolboy teams.
It depends how the team performs during the Nationals.
It depends how any team gels and performs.
I'm not sure what happened last year but from 2016 the following players made the Aussie Baa Baas from CS:
Bo Abra
Tom Serhon
Jordan Petaia
Matt Orpen
Dylan Valeni

I cant remember if any made the Aussie Schoolboys team but from 2016:
there were 8 @ NSW2 players and 3 @ NSW1s players who made the Baa Baas team.

There are a lot of IFS and BUTS but definitely all is not lost for a player being selected for the Combined States team.

Only one player from CS last year 2017 made selection into one of the Aussie Schoolboy Teams.

Jack Winchester (CS reserve)
Aussie Baa Baa’s

Many felt there were a few players from CS who deserved to make higher honours in particular
Nsw #7 Harry Turner
Nsw #15 Micheal Pavlakis
Both having had stellar performances throughout the National championship.

It was very disappointing that only one player was selected from the team, considering Combined States played impressively well winning 3 games out of 4

Queensland II - Won
NSW I - Lost
Victoria - Won
NSW II - Won

Here’s hoping this years CS boys
‘ fair ‘ a lot better when it comes to selection time!

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Combined States came second in their Pool in 2016 as well, so they've performed well 2 years in a row.

Pavlakis was arguably the player of the tournament last year but missed out on higher rep honours amidst the controversial policy of selectors going for players with size.
Turner was another unlucky player.

We'll see what happens this year but all in all its a great experience for all the players to participate in the Nationals.

Regardless of whether the players make either one of the Aussie Schoolboy teams or not, they're on the main stage to be noticed by talent scouts. They have an opportunity to build networks for themselves regarding their post-school footy; they make new mates and hopefully end up better players due to the experience.

Making one of the Schoolboy teams is a bonus.

Rugby Season

Stan Wickham (3)
Weaponry on the wings looks good

Yes they are a formidable couple but they will be up against some very classy players also don't worry about that (I'm sure QLD etc will have some very talented wingers too). If you look at the amount of tries and number of tackles some of the others have done over the season, it's going to be a fascinating contest.


Bob Loudon (25)
It would cause some bemusement and a kind of odd satisfaction to see CS open up the odd can of whoop - ass.

Rugby Season

Stan Wickham (3)
It would cause some bemusement and a kind of odd satisfaction to see CS open up the odd can of whoop - ass.

You obviously have some selection issues and should take your goggles off a bit. If they (CS) happen to play well good and get selected for further honours good on them I say - the negative cry poor theme is becoming very boring to be quite frank. Everyone has a hard luck story somewhere - about time you moved on.


Nev Cottrell (35)
And as I said in an earlier post before 1331, the selectors do the best they can and it is a tough job. As spectators we have no real idea as to the various pressures at play. If a lad is a good player and has been misplaced, he will hopefully rise. But he may not. And that is life.

When I was in Year 11 at school, there were two guys in the CAS competition who would go on to play for NSW. Neither played CAS (and there were three teams back then). Peter Fitzsimmons was, I think, on exchange in the US and so was unavailable, while Dene Glasson was in a poor Trinity team and didn't get picked at all. I know times have changed and I tend to dwell on history, but the point remains: schoolboy selection is not always a guide to what happens later in life.


Bob McCowan (2)
Congratulations and good luck to all the CAS boys picked in the NSW and CS teams. A few of these boys IMO will progress through into the Australian Schoolboys set up (yes I know it’s early and they must perform at the Championships). I think Moretti and Pollard without injury will be Part of the Australian schoolboys set up. Other contenders IMO if they play to their ability next week are Reimer and Edmed.

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Arch Winning (36)
Has been never was is just full of wind. Old WLF actually knows what he is talkin’ about!!!!

Ha, quite the opposite, but can cause some intentional bear pit discussion.
Anyway, hope many of us will be at View this week.
The weather is looking good.

Go the CAS boys, and all the boys!

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Ha, quite the opposite, but can cause some intentional bear pit discussion.
Anyway, hope many of us will be at View this week.
The weather is looking good.

Go the CAS boys, and all the boys!

I will be there tomorrow. possibly Thursday. missing the other 2 days unfortunately


Arch Winning (36)
I will be there tomorrow. possibly Thursday. missing the other 2 days unfortunately


Congratulations to Barker College,

4 in the schoolboys squad is outstanding, no surprises they all played really well throughout the tournament.
Will make the coaching team very happy, and school, not to mention the RED supporters, parents and of course the boys.
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