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CAS 2018

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Nev Cottrell (35)
By my count cas got 8 selected , versus Aagps got 10

So while you could argue whether that is fair or unfair

Feels cas has strong year

And Certainly feels cas is rising to gps standard

And shore sliding versus cas heavyweights rising

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)

Congratulations to Barker College,

4 in the schoolboys squad is outstanding, no surprises they all played really well throughout the tournament.
Will make the coaching team very happy, and school, not to mention the RED supporters, parents and of course the boys.
Yes. It’s a great result for Barker. Probably their best ever... I think a few of the CS boys were unlucky. That strong No3 was undefeated all tournament while Bryden May still get a chance...


Nev Cottrell (35)
Tecjek in my estimation was best 9... and all of barkers selections are red hot

If Waverley could beat this team would be quite an upset

Altgh I live in hope

rod skellet

Bob Davidson (42)
Tecjek in my estimation was best 9. and all of barkers selections are red hot

If Waverley could beat this team would be quite an upset

Altgh I live in hope
Barker never ever underestimated Waverly. Whether it’s at Death Valley or Hornsby. Whiteman, Hutch Waters, Moretti and Malliy are all class.. it will be a huge game.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Waverley never underestimated... but always misspelt

rod, barker's 9 has the best pass... both wings. Mark my words he is destined for higher honours

And pollards acceleration.... for a hooker ...I would hate to get in his path to the tuckshop

....in all seriousness barker surely cannot be beaten in 2018

Best news don't know of any injuries from the series

Altgh no doubt there would be some niggles and the physios will have a busy end to the season


Arch Winning (36)
Any games being played this weekend?

I gather Waverley had a friendly last weekend. not sure why they don't advise earlier


Don't panic, they had a game v a Welsh touring side who were pretty good.
The Welsh side won 19-10, the Waves side had about 5 normal 1s starters and a dozen 2nds and 16as.

It was really good for these other young boys to pull on the double V.

Our water boy bench was impressive! and no injuries for us.

It was advertised on our Waverley school TEAM RUGBY MOBILE PHONE APP.
Going forward you might like to:

Ask someone at a QP home game, ie a school official/someone you know, how to get this phone App.
It informs you of everything you would like to know: eg teams lists each week for every team by age, where they are playing and times, the current 1st XV ladder and during the day each Sat the scores of every game, as they finish, these come up automatically on your mobile for you to read.

If you would like any help here, just let me know.

keen to see if others have this facility, it is basic,easy to use, and AWESOME!

For all the right reasons,if you don't already have this, I hope this sends the cats among the pigeons for all you school followers!


Bob Loudon (25)
The standard is now set. Time for a collective Barker Whinge until we get one too. Cant have the easterners lead the pack...


Arch Winning (36)
The standard is now set. Time for a collective Barker Whinge until we get one too. Cant have the easterners lead the pack.

Ha Hasbeen,

The reason I articulated this was so it may spread, if it hasn't already, it is a fantastic communicating piece as outlined.
Suggest you guys ask around at your school/s.


Herbert Moran (7)
Saw over on the GPS thread something about Knox playing a game against St Pats today. Any truth to that as I hadn't heard anything about it as well as there being no news on the Knox website?


Nev Cottrell (35)
SteveJane, not good mail ... this poor old age group has taken a beating over the years

And their courage has been commendable

Given they have had a respectable pre-season and have had cas scalps, in
Beating aloys in a trial and Knox in a comp game

I had hoped they would at least showed their fighting spirit....and Tilley has always been their most courageous

But not to be .... hopefully Waverley wins with humility... as not a fan of carrying on like pork chops

There are challenges for winners in cricket score games... so hopefully Waverley coaches ensure that boys are good winners

Anyway hope brook puts up a battle and hope Waverley wins with a respectful humility

Anyway match of round be barker v aloys ... how have barker come thru nationals? Unscathed?


Syd Malcolm (24)
With May back he will more than likely fill the gap those two leave behind.

Any calls of blowout scores are a bit premature SoDW!


Nev Cottrell (35)
William88, Yes you are probably right ... good that May is back from injury. Never seen him play ... seems to have been perpetually injured since leaving Shore ... at least that is what I have been told.

I gather his father was an Aussie Schoolboy .. so must be reasonable

WLF, thanks for the info on App ... although I prefer a Joeys style twitter update .

Are there any age group A teams for Brook that have a chance against Waverley?

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
Hello CAS community

Can anyone tell me from when to when your season runs and how it’s structured ?

IE : Do you only play ISA teams and GPS teams in trials ?

Are there bye rounds in what comprises your competition rounds

Would be grateful for explanations



Nev Cottrell (35)
Not, I'm afraid, the most gripping round this week. Waverley should be too strong for Cranbrook and Barker will have too much juice for St Aloysius (although I don't think either game will be a blow-out).

That leaves Knox and Trinity, which as things stand is the clash to get off the bottom of the table. On paper, Trinity (with its five NSW representatives) looks stronger, but home ground advantage to Knox makes this a very tight one.

carl spackler

Sydney Middleton (9)
Hello CAS community

Can anyone tell me from when to when your season runs and how it’s structured ?

IE : Do you only play ISA teams and GPS teams in trials ?

Are there bye rounds in what comprises your competition rounds

Would be grateful for explanations


The CAS comp is played over 5 rounds, therefore each school plays each other just once. The first round was 16 June, with subsequent matches on 23/6, 28/7, 4/8 and final round on 11/8.
There are no bye rounds.
Three points are allocated for a win, zero for a loss, and I'm not sure for a draw (think it might be 2). No bonus points apply.
The winner of the Henry Plume Shield is the team(s) with highest number of points, with joint premierships certainly a possibility.
There were five rounds of inter-association 'trials' held before the official comp commenced. These were played against GPS and ISA schools, however, there was one exception where Cranbrook and Aloys played each other - both CAS schools who are regarded as evenly matched.
Hope this helps.
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