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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Larry Dwyer (12)
have faith it's quite likely they will fix the side before the Gps game
What do you mean 'fix' the side?.. sure ill concede that there are a few controversial decisions and good on you for shaping an opinion on them, but as far as I'm concerned there is nobody in the CAS 1s that doesn't deserve to be there. I think you'll find that very few changes will be made before CAS v GPS...

You haven't even seen the side play yet and you're claiming it needs to be fixed. Watch the chs game and then you can tell me with some credibility what you want to be adjusted


Larry Dwyer (12)
Hopefully a few training sessions should show that Ellwood-Hall has nothing much to offer and that Paek is the definate superior choice. He is stronger, faster, more able to break the line the only negative being that he hasn't played in the Barker back line, however as a winger it is hardly the most difficult position to slot into with a bunch of new team members.

On form alone - I think Williams (A) was lucky to make the I's - as with injury and mixed performance - I feel that his presence last year as well as sheer size has led to this selection.

Others have been talking about Goodearl (A) as well - this is a shame - but I think it will do him good playing in the II's for his own NSW hopes as he will definately stand out against a less formidable GPS backline.


Alex Ross (28)
Does anyone know who the mob are that are recording the games? They look like some sports science/ analysis group.

Benched '84

Allen Oxlade (6)
Hopefully a few training sessions should show that Ellwood-Hall has nothing much to offer and that Paek is the definate superior choice. He is stronger, faster, more able to break the line the only negative being that he hasn't played in the Barker back line, however as a winger it is hardly the most difficult position to slot into with a bunch of new team members.

Mate, a bit tough on a young bloke who just made his first senior school rep team!
After 5 rounds being watched by all the selectors I think I'll have to agree with them.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Five CAS games and numerous trials, and each time the summaries of the Barker games have been the same - "Barker backline dominates", and numerous other phrases highlighting the skill, power and ability of not one, not two, but generally all the Barker backline (including 15).
The selectors have done what they "had" to do. Pick the form players from the form team. Everyone else has been chasing the 15 Barker players (with 13 players making the CAS teams).
Every player from every school in and CAS I & CAS II has the chance to make the NSW teams, and if they are good enough they will do exactly that.
The "arm chair" selectors that adamantly state that one player is so much better than another (and deserves to be in a different team) are basing their choices on reputation and school (player) passion, far more than they are basing their view on having watched the other players over the past 3 months.
Well done to the Barker boys, and to everyone else, and good luck against the other "Schools".

Please note - from a Waverley Old Boy.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Hopefully a few training sessions should show that Ellwood-Hall has nothing much to offer and that Paek is the definate superior choice. He is stronger, faster, more able to break the line the only negative being that he hasn't played in the Barker back line

Why would you be hopeful of such a thing? You're showing an incredible disrespect not only for the player who has worked hard to be in that position but for the selectors that have attended more games than you possibly could have and spent a lot of time and thought in selecting this team. I don't think anyone other than paek should be 'hopeful' about such an occurrence, because Elwood-hall is undeniably talented and probably one of CAS's best finishers.

I would have thought paek would be the first choice myself but I must conclude that the selectors, who have seen and scrutinised far more rugby than I have, have seen something that I haven't... I suggest anyone 'hopeful' about a player being dropped would consider the same possibility

Wayne McLean

Peter Burge (5)
<body><p><p> <p><br><p>Probably wanted to keep the most dominant back 3 in the competition together. They already work well as a unit/know the each others style of play.

Agreed. Look ........when Paek was u/13-u/15 he was unstoppable.........problem is.........he has become injury prone and not grown or improved or got faster. His defence is not water-tight and skill level so so. But he is a match winner when 100% fit. A shame he was not by KGS and he has not managed himself physically particularly well in the last 2 years. It seems he has been following the the other Knox winger's program which is more aesthetics based and not strength or speed based. Ironically, the Barker 3 are better,faster, more skillful.............and better looking.........bench press, pec dec and supplements (BEACH WEIGHTS!!) have done these Knox boys no favours IMO! Eddie EH also is the Open CAS 400m champion and combines well with Jones and Davis. A no-brainer. They play at club and school level and have so for several years at club. Paek can't run more than 100m. I would have thought Paek be a chance at Aussie Schoolboys 3 years ago but he has been poorly been mismanaged. Not too to late to fix though! The choice is his and the Head of Athletic Development another close to 6 figure investment

Wayne McLean

Peter Burge (5)
Any match reports from knox v cranbrook?

Knox scored in the last minute. I'm wondering if Knox are becoming the "Scotland" of CAS Rugby??? The next 5 rounds will be a true reflection of the investment in their Director of Rugby. CAS champions as an age group in the 13s,14s and 15s......close losses in the 16s(less than 5 points) in most instances and missing key players really suggests that they should have been close to front runners as per pre-season forecasts! Their 2nds(2nd to Barker due to a last minute try but convincing winners in all other matches and the 3rds who field a team capable of matching any 2nds team and winning with a few that could be playing in 1sts but did not buy in to the program indicates that selling the program and getting the right players is also an important ingredient to success and this has been a big failure on the part of KGS!

Wayne McLean

Peter Burge (5)
Hopefully a few training sessions should show that Ellwood-Hall has nothing much to offer and that Paek is the definate superior choice. He is stronger, faster, more able to break the line the only negative being that he hasn't played in the Barker back line, however as a winger it is hardly the most difficult position to slot into with a bunch of new team members.

On form alone - I think Williams (A) was lucky to make the I's - as with injury and mixed performance - I feel that his presence last year as well as sheer size has led to this selection.

Others have been talking about Goodearl (A) as well - this is a shame - but I think it will do him good playing in the II's for his own NSW hopes as he will definately stand out against a less formidable GPS backline.

See remarks in previous post.


Bob McCowan (2)
Anyone know who are Year 11's in the CAS 1's? Correct that Smerdon and Burkett were U16 last year so maybe Year 11? Pierce and Watson also Year 11.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Why would you be hopeful of such a thing? You're showing an incredible disrespect not only for the player who has worked hard to be in that position but for the selectors that have attended more games than you possibly could have and spent a lot of time and thought in selecting this team. I don't think anyone other than paek should be 'hopeful' about such an occurrence, because Elwood-hall is undeniably talented and probably one of CAS's best finishers.

I would have thought paek would be the first choice myself but I must conclude that the selectors, who have seen and scrutinised far more rugby than I have, have seen something that I haven't. I suggest anyone 'hopeful' about a player being dropped would consider the same possibility

1. It's not disrespectful to have a preference for one player over another - if I was to enter into a Wallabies forum and suggest one player over another its nothing to do with them personally (unless they have substance abuse issues e.t.c)
2. The Elwood-hall vs Paek debate has been brought up several times therefore the point has merit
3. You yourself state that "I would have thought paek would be the first choice myself" so you too were indeed in synergy with my views prior to selections
4. The idea of this forum is to provide our views and not simply agree with selectors - as the conclusions from our debate lead to a better outcome for CAS against GPS - if we conceded that they selectors know more than us then there would be no point posting on here
5. I have attended 3 barker games - and two featuring Knox - also have followed both guys for the last couple of years

Therefore I stick with my decision but wish both of them the best of luck - but know that if Paek digs deep we can expect to see alot from him


Larry Dwyer (12)
I only think they put vevers at 12 because there is no other spot for him in the team I might be wrong but I can't think of anything otherwise.

Thought this was interesting - physically it will be interesting to see what kind of player the 12 is from GPS - Vevers is known more for his running game so I thought he 13/15 or at worse 11/14 (which he played last year on occasion) might have suited the team better. If the GPS 12 is one of those physically present - break the line - type of 12s it could be a severe tactical error


Larry Dwyer (12)
Agreed. Look ....when Paek was u/13-u/15 he was unstoppable...problem is...he has become injury prone and not grown or improved or got faster. His defence is not water-tight and skill level so so. But he is a match winner when 100% fit. A shame he was not by KGS and he has not managed himself physically particularly well in the last 2 years. It seems he has been following the the other Knox winger's program which is more aesthetics based and not strength or speed based. Ironically, the Barker 3 are better,faster, more skillful.....and better looking...bench press, pec dec and supplements (BEACH WEIGHTS!!) have done these Knox boys no favours IMO! Eddie EH also is the Open CAS 400m champion and combines well with Jones and Davis. A no-brainer. They play at club and school level and have so for several years at club. Paek can't run more than 100m. I would have thought Paek be a chance at Aussie Schoolboys 3 years ago but he has been poorly been mismanaged. Not too to late to fix though! The choice is his and the Head of Athletic Development another close to 6 figure man at KGS. Money well-spent.....results say otherwise.

His play suggests alot of strength which is different to the running based game of Elwood-Hall as you have suggested. He has definitely put on more size though since last year - beach weights, supplements, puberty or something else -- what ever it is I'd love to know how he did it and would sincerely hope all training measures were above board
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