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CAS Rugby 2015

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Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
16As Knox v St Augs.
Score 14-24 to Saints.
Good game all around for both teams, good hit out.

16Bs Knox v St Augs.
About 2 tries to 4 to Saints. Came from behind to win.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Wasn't at the waverley game ... But will say that absence of mcgregor would have made big difference ... He is an awesome running 5/8 ....And last year he did play and he carved up waverley

So waverley should be careful taking too much from the score line

I do think waverley get a bit of a bad rap about being dirty

I do however think waverley tends to be a bit guilty of dissent , guilty of not knowing how far you can push the ref .... And generally discipline can be their worst enemy ... In a perfect world they might take a leaf out of joeys coaching manual ...

Cornish (waverley's coach) is a great bloke and very laid back .... But I hope he does read the riot act to them , if some of the above is true

This team does have great potential , however if they don't get their discipline right, think this team could struggle with themselves being their own worst enemies


Chris McKivat (8)
Result From This mornings Trial Game (Riverview v Waverley)
Riverview 17 beat Waverley 10.

Extremely dirty game with a total of 9 cards given out. 4 Red (2 to each team) and a combine 5 Yellow. Rumours going around the Referee was considering abandoning the game due to its extremely dirty nature, particularly from the Waverley side (whats new). Ref did not think twice when giving cards. Waverley really needs to get their act together, extremely unacceptable performance.

With Riverview missing 5 to 8 key players to injury and athletics (including their star Aussie schoolboys 5/8 Jack Mcgregor) they still outclassed a full strength Waverley team who at the best of times couldn't hold on to the ball. They had the chance one two occasions to level the game up but missed 2 penalties from right in front both times, a shocking kicking performance. The Waverley hooker couldn't through the ball in straight the whole game, which will be exploited by many teams this year. They struggled running the ball, with their #9 and #10 not delivering quick enough ball to the outside backs. However the Riverview defence was particularly strong even in a weakened side.

Overall with this performance against a extremely weakened Riverview side, Waverley will battle to contend for a top 6 placing in the competition.
Riverview game rating (8/10) considering extremely under strength team.
Waverley game rating (3/10) not a very pleasing performance at all.

Righto mate, back to the GPS forum. Stick to your year 8 grammar capabilities in the future and not look like your usual arrogant GPS supremacist.

Both teams played under their potential and if the ref had let the game flow, the scoreline would be a much bigger total. The sports master was disgusted and angry with the referee's and had a word with them and the MIC of rugby at Waverley went out on the field and spoke to the referee mid-game in the 2nds to tell him to keep the cards down and that so many people were off the field, that if you got carded, that player came off and he was replaced. So it was always still 15v15. As a spectator obviously it was not an enjoyable game to watch with these continuous stop-start gameplay. I saw head highs, punches and even a shoulder charge that were not called up, but when the slightest bit of niggle occurred, NOPE mate straight into the bin. But not here to talk about the refs.

Waves played well and their goal kicking was atrocious. 10 points went begging from kicks. Riverview were on the money in the ruck and were getting some good turnovers but the wet conditions made general ball handing satisfactory. Yes the Waverley crowds were handing it to Riverview students, but some View students even called out when Bailey/Jordan was kicking right in front to take the lead at 10-12 (which he missed). Personally, I heard one boy question why they were playing Waverley and laughing how it should be a pushover and I was disappointed by that. Overall, sloppy game, and that's what trials are for. Good luck to View in the future.


Bob McCowan (2)
Sorry i just had the Erge to reply to about the manner of the Waverley students. They embarrassed the school by yelling continuous abuse towards the Riverview boys, extremely uncalled. The amount of swearing i had to tolerate from the students was appalling, they should be ashamed of themselves

Perhaps you mean urge?

I was standing behind the Riverview bench watching. When the Waverley #8 was carded, the Riverview bench went up in unison heckling in response to the red card. One of the view coaching staff very quickly (and sternly) directed the boys to show respect.

Lets get serious, these are teenage boys playing a physical game and will get a bit hot at times - it usually takes both teams for a rumble to start.

Feel free to leave the soapbox on the sideline this season when commenting.


Nev Cottrell (35)
24 all draw. Knox v augs.

IMHO augs blew it ... Have some big hitters across the park 6, 13 and lough who doesn't wear a number ... Looks like a prop but plays like a demon

Augs front row dominant ... Popping scrum all second half ... Isn't that a penalty?

Either way Knox has some kinks but a big courageous pack, good back row ...

But beatable in the backs and number 9 ... Looked like a baby , played fine but avoided contact ... Altgh did make one excellent tackle.

Knox firm favourites but beatable ... With a few backs pretty average ... Won't single them out

Augs red hot, but too firey for their own good imho

Mr Goyu Goodthing

Frank Nicholson (4)
Knox Vs Augies game a real thriller. I think either team could have won. Knox managed to contain the two Augies centres reasonably well. However they looked dangerous the whole game and were a handful. Knox brilliant in open and broken play and did well to force the draw given their scrum was under a lot of pressure. Winger for Knox, Stenning had a blinder and was close to man of the match. Augies front row and outside centre, Hopoate? We're very strong. Knox managed to contain Luke Lough quite well. The Augies front row were impressive in set piece but possibly not as physical as Knox at the breakdown IMHO. Young Fly-half for Knox got the job done and looked composed in his first game. Knox back row are very strong and physical. All-in-all a terrific pre-season battle and credit to both teams.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Wasn't at the waverley game . But will say that absence of mcgregor would have made big difference . He is an awesome running 5/8 ..And last year he did play and he carved up waverley

So waverley should be careful taking too much from the score line

I do think waverley get a bit of a bad rap about being dirty

I do however think waverley tends to be a bit guilty of dissent , guilty of not knowing how far you can push the ref .. And generally discipline can be their worst enemy . In a perfect world they might take a leaf out of joeys coaching manual .

Cornish (waverley's coach) is a great bloke and very laid back .. But I hope he does read the riot act to them , if some of the above is true

This team does have great potential , however if they don't get their discipline right, think this team could struggle with themselves being their own worst enemies

I would add that View scored on the bell at the end and Waverley missed two penalties from in front so even 17-10 did flatter. And given View only won 2nds 5-0 it points to better depth at Waverley than in the last few years. Today both teams were guilty of niggling each other which got the hoped-for reaction from the other team. It was hard for the referee to control but in all honesty he could have handled many of the situations better than he did. It was a trial after all and, given that those sent off could be replaced, there was a constant shuffle of card replacements, carded players returning and normal trial substitutions that it made it confusing at times. So not too much to take away.

I would agree with you about the bad rap and the dissent issue. Not to excuse anything, but I think the 'haves vs have nots' character of the CAS wrt scholarships etc plays some part in the mindset of the boys. Well handled it provides an excellent motivation over and above what players normally have in representing their school. Not handled well, it can lead to ill-discipline at times. Personally I love the 'rough diamond, everyman' nature of the school - it's a bit more reflective of general society, which also has its faults.

Anyway, I came away from the game thinking that this Waverley team looks fitter and better drilled than the last few years. Set pieces and the breakdown were two areas that need a lot of work before the CAS season proper starts, and they lack size in the forwards, but for the first trial it was a lot more positive than in the recent past.

M squad 2015

The Waverley 2s and 1st teams have set a very high standard for their first hit out of the year with team chemistry looking strong.

Waverley 2's defences was a brick wall keeping the score line 0-0 by half time. Couragous 2nd half efforts from both sides were undone due to poor reffing and the continual stop start play. A lot to take away from this game for both Waverley and View

Waverley 1's have raised the bar substantially compared to last season. The clear fitness and preseason has paid off with strong defence prevailing however it was undone again due to discipline (to an extent).

There must be a clear sense of cohesion between both 1st and 2nd XV squads with members from the 2nd XV slotting into the side with comfort when a card was produce by the reff.

A positive season is on the table if both squads continue to train hard and maintain fitness.


Allen Oxlade (6)
24 all draw. Knox v augs.

IMHO augs blew it . Have some big hitters across the park 6, 13 and lough who doesn't wear a number . Looks like a prop but plays like a demon

Augs front row dominant . Popping scrum all second half . Isn't that a penalty?

Either way Knox has some kinks but a big courageous pack, good back row .

But beatable in the backs and number 9 . Looked like a baby , played fine but avoided contact . Altgh did make one excellent tackle.

Knox firm favourites but beatable . With a few backs pretty average . Won't single them out

Augs red hot, but too firey for their own good imho

Auggies definately deserved to win by a fair few. Not sure how Knox got the draw. it is what it is . Lots of kinks to iron out for Knox to be contenders

CB Set

Peter Burge (5)
Knox and St Augustines game was an interesting one from my point of view.
Both sides seemed as though they were sent into battle, with the way they came out ripping and tearing.
The Knox crowd boosting the spirits of their first XV with powerful cheers and loud chants.

Seems as though each team needed what the others had, Augustines having fantastic forwards and Knox with the backs.
Knox backs looked so well composed playing smart rugby and not the old style of “bash it up” as the Augustines backs where doing.
On the other hand the forwards for Augustines where the ones playing smart rugby with skills and a great amount of mobility.

All in all the game was a magnificent opener for both sides, which will lead on towards a stunning season.
Players of the day (from my point of view)

Knox- fullback(15), outside centre(13) and Open-side flanker(7)

St Augustines- Left wing(14), outside centre(13) and hooker(2)


Stan Wickham (3)
A slow and scrappy game out at Cranbrook today, with Cranbrook 1s and 2s both getting up.
1stXV Final Score:Cranbrook 30-St Pius 3
Brook were very slow to begin the match, But after making a few subs they never really looked like losing the match. My standouts would have to be 10 from Brook and 16 when he came on. From St Pius 15 was everywhere today, even when it seemed like his side had given up he still put in a couple of gutsy efforts.
2ndXV Final Score: Cranbrook 56- St Pius 0
Some very nice free flowing rugby from Brook, Should make a few easy changes for next week.


Stan Wickham (3)
Barker played Stannies today in trial at home. Stannies beat Barker 41-5.

Not a good day for the the boys at Barker losing in the 16A's, 16B's, 2ndXV & 1stXV.

!6B's - tried hard and didn't give up but fitness and discipline cost them the match.

16A's - led for most of the game 21 to 12, despite the best efforts of the forwards to give the game away then fell apart in the last 20min. The back 3 did a great job of putting on the points but the forwards were lacking in fitness and basic skills. Their scrummaging was poor, front row had no idea how to counter or compete in the scrum, what is Barker teaching these kids?
Not a great deal of fitness as most of the forward pack were walking around the paddock while the backs were running. Barker were lucky to get an intercept which was converted, so score line could have been 26-14, not 26-21.

2nd's - 0-0 for most of the game and a close contest with the Barker boys never giving up, but the Stannies boys eventually linked a few plays together to edge ahead and win, well done. i think fitness was a key issue here.

1st's - I'm conflicted here. Want so much to praise and encourage these boys but when I see a school play a Yr9 boy @ scrumhalf I am thinking to myself that there is something very wrong here, the incumbent is sick and the next best we have is a kid in Yr9. What does this say about the other boys who have committed to playing rugby for the school. While the No9 played OK, got to the breakdown, passed the ball etc...... he got hammered by the big boys who seemed to target him. When replaced by the 2nd's scrumhalf we finally got some quick ball and started to go forward eventually scoring and showing he had a greater understanding of what was needed to get across the line, experience v youth, wins every time. The coaching staff have a lot to answer for on this one in my opinion. There are a few U16 boys playing up in this side and I think it would be better to leave them in the 16's and work on building a strong team over the next 2 yrs than raping & pillaging in the vain hope of winning a few games this yr.


Frank Row (1)
Barker played Stannies today in trial at home. Stannies beat Barker 41-5.

Yes indeed not a good day for barker
Forwards had it very tough against a huge front five of stannies. I was a little perplexed with the selection of the year 9 halfback but in his defense he stood up and took it to the older boys. Not many good points from the barker side but Thompson played well and led from the front. The number 7 Coghill also had a reasonably good game but apart from these two, much to improve on for the team. On a side note the number 12 Saar limped off with what seemed like an ankle injury which is not a good sight for the team. Does anyone have any information on that?


Stan Wickham (3)
Yes indeed not a good day for barker
Forwards had it very tough against a huge front five of stannies. I was a little perplexed with the selection of the year 9 halfback but in his defense he stood up and took it to the older boys. Not many good points from the barker side but Thompson played well and led from the front. The number 7 Coghill also had a reasonably good game but apart from these two, much to improve on for the team. On a side note the number 12 Saar limped off with what seemed like an ankle injury which is not a good sight for the team. Does anyone have any information on that?

Agree, the Stannies forwards were big, however Coghill spent the first half moonlighting as a 10. Second half he did get more involved in the play, but as a yr10 boy he was clearly out of his comfort zone at this level. To my earlier point, while are Barker trying to play some boys out of their age group?


Watty Friend (18)
Yes indeed not a good day for barker
Forwards had it very tough against a huge front five of stannies. I was a little perplexed with the selection of the year 9 halfback but in his defense he stood up and took it to the older boys. Not many good points from the barker side but Thompson played well and led from the front. The number 7 Coghill also had a reasonably good game but apart from these two, much to improve on for the team. On a side note the number 12 Saar limped off with what seemed like an ankle injury which is not a good sight for the team. Does anyone have any information on that?
Happy to be corrected, but my understanding is you can only play up 2 yrs, not the 3 yrs needed for a yr 9 boy. Even at 2 yrs up I believe forms have to be signed and submitted to the ARU to ensure it is within the 2 yr age dispensation window. Of course the boy may be over age for yr 9 which could explain it?


Nev Cottrell (35)
I can agree with much said about the Auggies V Knox match. I suspect that Knox had some desire to stop the Auggies backs with the 5,6,and 7 lining up in defence in the centres.
Certainly Auggies pack dominated and the Knox winger was excellent but I wouldn't swap the Auggies centres for the Knox ones.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Not a good day for the the boys at Barker losing in the 16A's, 16B's, 2ndXV & 1stXV.

!6B's - tried hard and didn't give up but fitness and discipline cost them the match.

16A's - led for most of the game 21 to 12, despite the best efforts of the forwards to give the game away then fell apart in the last 20min. The back 3 did a great job of putting on the points but the forwards were lacking in fitness and basic skills. Their scrummaging was poor, front row had no idea how to counter or compete in the scrum, what is Barker teaching these kids?
Not a great deal of fitness as most of the forward pack were walking around the paddock while the backs were running. Barker were lucky to get an intercept which was converted, so score line could have been 26-14, not 26-21.

2nd's - 0-0 for most of the game and a close contest with the Barker boys never giving up, but the Stannies boys eventually linked a few plays together to edge ahead and win, well done. i think fitness was a key issue here.

1st's - I'm conflicted here. Want so much to praise and encourage these boys but when I see a school play a Yr9 boy @ scrumhalf I am thinking to myself that there is something very wrong here, the incumbent is sick and the next best we have is a kid in Yr9. What does this say about the other boys who have committed to playing rugby for the school. While the No9 played OK, got to the breakdown, passed the ball etc.. he got hammered by the big boys who seemed to target him. When replaced by the 2nd's scrumhalf we finally got some quick ball and started to go forward eventually scoring and showing he had a greater understanding of what was needed to get across the line, experience v youth, wins every time. The coaching staff have a lot to answer for on this one in my opinion. There are a few U16 boys playing up in this side and I think it would be better to leave them in the 16's and work on building a strong team over the next 2 yrs than raping & pillaging in the vain hope of winning a few games this yr.

[Edited by Mods; Content deleted]
I am still amazed at how many boys do not wear headgear. The games are getting more and more physical and so many issues around concussion - would love to see a school take an initiative and make in mandatory


Frank Row (1)
Knox 16' played a very competitive game against auggies this weekend, stand out players:
number 1 prop
number 8
half back

overall good game, enjoyable to watch, a lot of aggression going into the forwards but auggies came out on top.
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